waymondo / frog-jump-buffer

The fastest buffer-jumping Emacs lisp package around
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Centered menu #8

Closed miwinning closed 5 years ago

miwinning commented 5 years ago

Being able to have the menu always centred in frame would be nice. Jumping around as it does is a little distracting.

jerrypnz commented 5 years ago

This bothered me as well and I looked into the source code and found that you can customize various display options infrog-menu (which applies to frog-jump-buffer as well), e.g. I have this in my config which makes the menu centered in current window and it also adds internal border to it:

    (setf (alist-get 'avy-posframe frog-menu-display-option-alist)
    (setq frog-menu-posframe-parameters
          '((internal-border-width . 10)
            (border-width . 2)))
miwinning commented 5 years ago

Thanks! Thats much better.

waymondo commented 5 years ago

Added options for overriding frog-jump-buffer-posframe-parameters and frog-jump-buffer-posframe-handler specifically for frog-jump-buffer, in case you want different options for frog-menu.