waymondo / turboboost

Enhanced AJAX handling for Rails apps
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turboboostComplete callback doesn't get invoked, leaving form disabled #7

Closed dimroc closed 9 years ago

dimroc commented 9 years ago

The ajax:complete callback never invokes turboboostComplete. 99% this doesn't matter because you just go to the next page via Turbolinks.visit. But before navigating to the new page, turboboost disables the form, so if a user clicks the back button, the form will remain disabled. This doesn't happen 100% of the time though...

Perhaps it's an issue with ajax:complete and rails.

  .on("ajax:beforeSend", turboboostable, turboboostBeforeSend)
  .on("ajax:complete", turboboostable, turboboostComplete) # turboboostComplete is never invoked
  .on("turboboost:error", "form#{turboboostable}", turboboostFormError)
waymondo commented 9 years ago

Thanks for pointing this out, I will investigate and get back to you today or tomorrow.

waymondo commented 9 years ago

I spent some time looking into this and here's what I found.

Both GET and POST forms though were disabling the submit button and when you clicked the browser back-button, the button was still disabled. This was a bug in my eyes. I just improved this behavior and allowed it to be disabled.

Hopefully that solves your issue. If you are still having an issue with events getting called, give me your example and I'll look into it further.

dimroc commented 9 years ago

You're right, the turboboostComplete does get invoked on a fresh page for me.

I'm under the impression that the turboboostComplete callback should re-enable to form before navigating to the new page here: https://github.com/waymondo/turboboost/blob/530f0c5313c347f484ab070186625c1f92aa6829/app/assets/javascripts/turboboost.js.coffee#L55

thus making the back button work. Either way, the Turboboost.handleFormDisabling will definitely unblock me, thanks a lot.

Here is my form if you still need it:

= simple_form_for(@gift, url: redemption_path(@gift.raw_redemption_token), turboboost: true) do |f|
  = f.hidden_field :selected_product_id, value: product.id
  %h4.title= product.name
  .summary= product.summary
  .view= link_to "View Details", "", data: {toggle:"modal", target:"#product-model-#{product.id}"}
  = f.submit "Receive This Gift »", class: 'receive'
waymondo commented 9 years ago

The reason the form isn't re-enabled in that link is because the redirect URL is returned as a header and then Turbolinks needs to fetch the page. If the submit button was re-enabled at that moment, before the Turbolinks.visit finishes for the redirect URL, the user could re-submit the form which is unideal. Clicking on the back-button from the new page will re-enable the submit tag now though. It sounds like the update should get you where you need to be then.