wayneclub / Subtitle-Downloader

Auto download subtitles from streaming services, such as Apple TV+, CatchPlay, Crunchyroll, Disney+, FridayVideo, HBO GO Asia, iQIYI, iTunes, KKTV, LINE TV, meWATCH, MyVideo, NowE, NowPlayer, Viki, Viu, WeTV, YouTube, and etc.
MIT License
331 stars 70 forks source link

DisneyPlus - idp.error.identity.bad-credentials / blocked #99

Open Manujito opened 3 months ago

Manujito commented 3 months ago

Hi, I love the software and started using it a couple days ago.

Today Disney+ started throwing login errors:

Error: [{'code': 'idp.error.identity.bad-credentials', 'description': '**** has been blocked'}]

And when I try to login from a browser it now sends me a one-time access code to my email. Which it didn't prior to these errors.

Any way to fix it? Thanks.

Manujito commented 3 months ago

Ok, if anyone stumbles upon this, just change your password. It now works again.