wayoda / LedControl

An Arduino library for MAX7219 and MAX7221 Led display drivers
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setColumn function seems to use Arduino pin 2? #40

Open enauman opened 4 years ago

enauman commented 4 years ago

I am using a Teensy LC, connecting 2 5X8 LED matrixes with 2 daisy chained MAX 2719s, using pins 10,11,12 for the chips, but also have a 7-seg display connected to free pins including 0-9, and 18,19. All is good until I call lc.setColumn() and it seems to set pin 2 LOW, turning off that segment on the 7-seg display. Note the 7-seg is not using a MAX 2719, just all pins directly to Teensy pins. Is setColumn somehow using pin 2?

enauman commented 4 years ago

Ah I see it in the setLed function, I will see how to work around this: if(column == 8) { digitalWrite(2,HIGH); } else { digitalWrite(2,LOW); }

enauman commented 4 years ago

Don't see the purpose of that code, just commented out and it's fine.