wayveai / fiery

PyTorch code for the paper "FIERY: Future Instance Segmentation in Bird's-Eye view from Surround Monocular Cameras"
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Question on deleting unused layers and self.downsample #23

Closed benhgm closed 2 years ago

benhgm commented 2 years ago

Hi, I couldn't understand how the self.downsample parameter was set (why 8 and 16 and how it affects upsampling_in_channels) and why delete_unused_layers is required in the encoder model. I tried to search the efficientnet-pytorch implementation and couldn't find any reference for this operation. Could you explain briefly why this is required? Thank you!

anthonyhu commented 2 years ago

Hi Benjamin,

The encoder is efficient-net and was trained for image classification. As such the whole model contains convolutions to downsample up to a factor of 32 (I think), as well as a flattening layer and a fully-connected layer to predict the 1,000 class probabilities.

The parameter self.downsample in the encoder allows you to control how much you want to downsample your feature spatial size. Then we use the delete_ununsed_layers to get rid of the efficient-net layers that were not used in the process of feature extraction.

I hope that answers your question :)