wazuh / wazuh-agent

Wazuh agent, the Wazuh agent for endpoints.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
2 stars 1 forks source link

New `Agent comms API` endpoint client #1

Closed TomasTurina closed 1 week ago

TomasTurina commented 1 month ago


As detailed in https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh/issues/22677, Wazuh's current communication setup is complex and needs to be refactored.

We want to replace the current wazuh-agentd service in charge of communicating with the server with a new agent. Additionally, the agent-auth tool will also be replaced by this agent.

The new agent must be able to perform the following tasks:

Additionally, these are the API endpoints that the agent will use to communicate with the server:

The focus of this issue will be on the following tasks:

Implementation restrictions


POC working branch: https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-agent/tree/1-spike-new-agent-comms-api-endpoint-client

jr0me commented 1 month ago

Initial libraries investigation

There are several C++ libraries that support our requirements. The ones described in this small list are widely used in the industry and tested. Note that no single library covers all needs: those that support high-level protocols like HTTP and HTTP/2 often lack native support for UDP, while libraries handling low-level protocols may not provide comprehensive support for higher-level abstractions.

According to https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh/issues/23395 the server team is also considering a number of libraries, we should encourage sharing the same technology across both Agent and Server.

Libraries for Network Connections:

ZeroMQ (ØMQ): ZeroMQ (ØMQ) is a high-performance asynchronous messaging library designed for distributed and concurrent applications. It supports various messaging patterns like publish/subscribe, request/reply, and client/server over multiple transports, including TCP, UDP, in-process, inter-process, multicast, and WebSocket (does not natively support HTTP/HTTP2). Highly suitable for building scalable and resilient distributed systems. The libzmq library is licensed under the Mozilla Public License 2.0.


gRPC: gRPC is a high-performance open-source RPC framework that facilitates seamless communication between client and server applications, making it ideal for distributed systems. It uses HTTP/2 and Protocol Buffers for efficient serialization (does not support raw TCP/UDP). gRPC supports multiple languages, allowing interoperability between different systems. It is designed for low-latency and scalable communication, with features like load balancing, tracing, and authentication. It can also be extended to support various data formats like JSON, Protobuf, and others. It's license is Apache 2.


Boost.Asio / Boost.Beast: Boost.Asio provides a comprehensive suite for asynchronous network programming, supporting TCP, UDP, and serial communication. Boost.Beast extends Boost.Asio with HTTP and WebSocket capabilities. These libraries are highly performant and integrate well with other Boost libraries, offering extensive functionality for complex networking tasks.

https://www.boost.org/users/license.html https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_84_0/doc/html/boost_asio.html https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_85_0/libs/beast/doc/html/index.html

ASIO (Standalone): The standalone ASIO library offers asynchronous I/O capabilities without the Boost dependency. It supports TCP, UDP, and serial port communications, and is suitable for applications requiring high performance (requires additional libraries for HTTP/HTTP2). ASIO is lightweight and provides efficient network communication primitives.

https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt https://think-async.com/Asio/

CURL and http-request:

CURL supports many protocols like HTTP and HTTPS, with built-in SSL/TLS for secure communication. Given that we already have a CURL wrapper http-request, continuing to use CURL with it allows leveraging existing infrastructure and avoiding new dependencies, simplifying maintenance.

While it lacks native WebSocket support, CURL's wide support makes it suitable for HTTP-based event sending and command endpoints. Compared to other options, aside from the increased complexity of adding new dependencies ZeroMQ offers high-performance messaging but limited protocol support; gRPC supports HTTP/2 and real-time communication but is more complex given the need for proto buffer definitions. Continuing with CURL leverages existing code and avoids new dependencies.

Note that wazuh/wazuh-http-request repository requires files from wazuh/wazuh. Currently, it doesn't work as a standalone project and some minor changes need to be made for it to be used as a library.

https://curl.se/libcurl/ https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-http-request

Libraries for JWTs:

jwt-cpp: jwt-cpp is a lightweight library for creating and verifying JSON Web Tokens (JWT). It supports various algorithms for signing and verifying tokens, making it suitable for implementing token-based authentication in C++ applications. jwt-cpp is easy to integrate and provides a straightforward API for handling JWTs. Licensed under MIT.


TomasTurina commented 1 month ago

New agent

New repository

jr0me commented 1 month ago


New repo structure

Initial draft considerations:

Additionally, we should aim to identify functionalities that could be replaced by an external library to offload the maintenance of these components. Furthermore, we need to establish a strategy for common code shared between the agent and server to avoid duplication.

├── CMakeLists.txt
├── vcpkg.json
├── dependencies/ -> may not be necessary
├── modules/
│   ├── agent/
│   │   ├── CMakeLists.txt
│   │   ├── include/
│   │   │   └── [header files...] (include error_messages)
│   │   ├── src/
│   │   │   └── [source files...]
│   │   └── tests/
│   │       ├── CMakeLists.txt
│   │       └── [test files...]
│   ├── active_response/ (former os_execd + active_response)
│   ├── agent_upgrade/
│   ├── aws/
│   ├── azure/
│   ├── docker/
│   ├── gcp/
│   ├── github/
│   ├── ms_graph/
│   ├── office365/
│   ├── logcollector/
│   ├── rootcheck/
│   ├── fim/ (former syscheck)
│   ├── inventory/ (former syscollector)
│   ├── sca/
│   └── [additional modules...]
├── common/
│   ├── data_provider/
│   ├── dbsync/
│   ├── rsync/ -> may not be necessary
│   ├── os_crypto/ -> may not be necessary
│   ├── os_net/ -> may not be necessary
│   ├── os_regex/ -> may not be necessary
│   ├── os_xml/ -> may not be necessary
│   ├── os_zlib/ -> may not be necessary
│   ├── shared/ (include headers)
│   ├── utils/ (from shared_modules)
│   ├── commonDefs.h (from shared_modules/common)
│   └── [additional modules...]
└── build/
    └── [build output...]

For folders that is not code related to the Agent:

├── ci/
├── etc/
│   ├── config/
│   ├── selinux/
│   └── ruleset/
│       ├── sca/
│       └── rootcheck/
├── packages/
├── tools/
└── installers/
    ├── unix/ (former init folder, including upgrade.sh and install.sh)
    └── win32/

Missing from this initial draft are other files such as .gitignore, .clang-format, .clang-tidy, etc.

Complete structure:

Opción 1:

├── CMakeLists.txt
├── vcpkg.json
├── ci/
├── common/
├── dependencies/ -> may not be necessary
├── etc/
├── installers/
├── modules/
├── packages/
└── tools/

Opción 2:

├── ci/
├── etc/
├── installers/
├── packages/
├── src/
│   ├── CMakeLists.txt
│   ├── vcpkg.json
│   ├── common/
│   ├── dependencies/ -> may not be necessary
│   └── modules/
└── tools/
sdvendramini commented 1 month ago

Communications server -> agent

/commands endpoint

[!Note] This is a work in progress

Update: 03/06/2024

Update: 04/06/2024

Update: 05/06/2024

Update: 06/06/2024

Update: 07/06/2024

Update: 10/06/2024

Update: 11/06/2024

Update: 13/06/2024

TomasTurina commented 1 month ago
Current wazuh-agentd UML diagram
PlantUML code
``` @startuml == Initialization == module -> module : init module execd -> execd : init execd agentd -> agentd : init agentd loop agent disconnected agentd -> remoted : connect agent remoted -> agentd : end agentd -> remoted : agent startup note left agent connected end note agentd -> agentd : update state note right sent count end note remoted -> agentd : ack agentd -> remoted : startup event note left agent started event end note agentd -> agentd : update state note right sent count end note agentd -> agentd : update state note right connection status end note agentd -> remoted: keep-alive note left first keep-alive end note agentd -> agentd : update state note right sent and keep-alives count end note loop forever == Keep alives == alt server unavailable/force reconnect agentd -> agentd : update state note right connection status end note loop agent disconnected agentd -> remoted : connect agent remoted -> agentd : end agentd -> remoted : agent startup note left agent connected end note agentd -> agentd : update state note right sent count end note remoted -> agentd : ack agentd -> agentd : update state note right connection status end note end alt notify_time seconds agentd -> remoted: keep-alive note left keep-alive end note agentd -> agentd : update state note right sent and keep-alives count end note end == Receive messages == remoted -> remoted : action request remoted -> agentd : send message note right AR/request/ack/merged.mg/... end note agentd -> agentd : update state note right ack count end note alt execd header agentd -> execd : active response else module header (syscheck/syscollector/sca/...) agentd -> module : message else force reconnect agentd -> agentd : update state note right connection status end note loop agent disconnected agentd -> remoted : connect agent remoted -> agentd : end agentd -> remoted : agent startup note left agent connected end note agentd -> agentd : update state note right sent count end note remoted -> agentd : ack agentd -> agentd : update state note right connection status end note else request header agentd -> agentd : queue request note right requests queue end note alt error/udp ack agentd -> remoted: error/udp ack event agentd -> agentd : update state note right sent count end note end else ack agentd -> agentd : read ack note right keep-alives ack end note else file header (merged.mg) alt open/write agentd -> agentd : open/write file else close agentd -> agentd : close file/verify config alt error agentd -> remoted: error event agentd -> agentd : update state note right sent count end note else auto restart agentd -> execd : restart agent execd -> agentd : response agentd -> agentd : restart note right exit end note end end end == Send events == module -> module : collect event module -> agentd : event agentd -> agentd : update state note right messages count end note alt buffer enabled agentd -> agentd : queue event note right buffer queue end note else buffer disabled agentd -> remoted : send event note left logcollector/syscheck/... end note agentd -> agentd : update state note right sent count end note end end == Client buffer (thread) == alt buffer enabled loop every event alt buffer level change agentd -> remoted: agent buffer event agentd -> agentd : update state note right sent count end note end agentd -> agentd : get event note right buffer queue end note agentd -> remoted : send event note left logcollector/syscheck/... end note agentd -> agentd : update state note right sent count end note end end == Process requests (thread) == loop every request agentd -> agentd : get request note right requests queue end note alt agent request agentd -> agentd : getconfig/getstate else execd request agentd -> execd : request execd -> agentd : response else module request (logcollector/syscheck/wmodules/upgrade/...) agentd -> module : request module -> agentd : response end agentd -> remoted : send response note left request result end note agentd -> agentd : update state note right sent count end note end == Log rotation (thread) == alt rotate log enabled loop every second alt condition met agentd -> agentd : rotate logs note right ossec.log/ossec.json end note end end end == State main (thread) == loop every interval agentd -> agentd : write state file note right wazuh-agent.state end note end == Exit == module -> module : exit module execd -> execd : exit execd agentd -> remoted : shutdown event note left agent disconnected end note agentd -> agentd : update state note right sent count end note agentd -> agentd : exit agentd @enduml ```
TomasTurina commented 1 month ago

New agent registration mechanism


PlantUML code
``` @startuml actor User as user participant Agent as agent database AgentDB as agent_database participant ServerAPI as server_management_API == Register agent == user -> agent++ : register {user, password} agent -> server_management_API : POST /authenticate {user, password} server_management_API -> agent : api token agent -> server_management_API : POST /agents {token, uuid} server_management_API -> agent : agent credentials agent -> agent_database : store credentials agent_database -> agent : ok agent -> user-- : result @enduml ```
TomasTurina commented 1 month ago

New agent communication mechanism


PlantUML code
``` @startuml !pragma teoz true actor User as user participant Module as module participant AR as active_response participant Upgrade as upgrade participant Agent as agent database AgentDB as agent_database database EventsDB as events_database database CommandsDB as commands_database participant AgentAPI as agent_comms_API == Start agent == user -> agent++ : start agent agent -> agent_database : read credentials note right Cache credentials end note agent_database -> agent : credentials agent -> agent_database : read token note right Cache token end note agent_database -> agent : token alt token is invalid agent -> agent_comms_API : POST /login {credentials, uuid} agent_comms_API -> agent : api token agent -> agent_database : store token note right Update cache end note agent_database -> agent : ok end agent -> events_database : read and update events status note right Cache events end note events_database -> agent : ok agent -> commands_database : read and update commands status note right Cache commands end note commands_database -> agent : ok agent -> agent++-- : launch threads agent -> module++ : start module module -> agent : ready agent -> active_response++ : start module active_response -> agent : ready agent -> upgrade++ : start module upgrade -> agent : ready loop agent -> agent : keep threads running end == Token expire (thread) == loop alt token is invalid agent -> agent_comms_API : POST /login {credentials, uuid} agent_comms_API -> agent : api token agent -> agent_database : store token note right Update cache end note agent_database -> agent : ok end end == Process events (threads) == loop module -> module : collect event module -> agent : send event end loop agent -> agent : read event alt event available agent -> agent : set event timestamp alt fim/inventory/sca agent -> events_database : store stateful event note right Cache event end note events_database -> agent : ok else agent -> events_database : store stateless event note right Cache event end note events_database -> agent : ok end end end == Send events (threads) == loop loop bulk not ready agent -> events_database : get {stateful|stateless} event and update status note right Read/update cache end note events_database -> agent : event agent -> agent : add event to {stateful|stateless} bulk end agent -> agent_database : read token note right Read cache end note agent_database -> agent : token agent -> agent_comms_API : POST /events/{stateful|stateless} {token, uuid, stateful bulk} agent_comms_API -> agent : response alt response ok agent -> events_database : delete {stateful|stateless} events note right Update cache end note events_database -> agent : ok else agent -> events_database : update {stateful|stateless} events status note right Update cache end note events_database -> agent : ok end end == Receive commands (thread) == loop agent_comms_API -> agent_comms_API : collect commands end loop agent -> agent_database : read token note right Read cache end note agent_database -> agent : token agent -> agent_comms_API : GET /commands {token, uuid} agent_comms_API -> agent : response alt commands available loop every command agent -> commands_database : store command note right Cache command end note commands_database -> agent : ok end end end == Process commands (threads) == loop agent -> commands_database : get command and update status note right Read/update cache end note commands_database -> agent : command alt module agent -> module : command module -> agent : result else active response agent -> active_response : active response active_response -> agent : result else upgrade agent -> agent : parse parameters agent -> agent_database : read token note right Read cache end note agent_database -> agent : token agent -> agent_comms_API : GET /upgrade {token, uuid, parameters} agent_comms_API -> agent : wpk file agent -> upgrade : upgrade upgrade -> agent : result else configuration agent -> agent : parse parameters agent -> agent_database : read token note right Read cache end note agent_database -> agent : token agent -> agent_comms_API : GET /configuration {token, uuid, parameters} agent_comms_API -> agent : configuration file agent -> agent : apply configuration else agent agent -> agent : command end alt result ok agent -> commands_database : delete command note right Update cache end note commands_database -> agent : ok else agent -> commands_database : update command status note right Update cache end note commands_database -> agent : ok end end == Stop agent == user -> agent : stop agent agent -> module!! : exit module agent -> active_response!! : exit module agent -> upgrade!! : exit module agent -> agent++-- : stop threads agent -> agent!! : exit agent @enduml ```
sdvendramini commented 3 weeks ago

PoC Summary

After an initial period of research, during which various library variants were evaluated for the Proof of Concept (PoC) implementation (see comment), it was determined that the initial approach for integrating the new agent with the Agent Communications API would use the wazuh-http-request repository as a cURL wrapper.

The PoC aims to address the fundamental aspects of communication and design, based on the component diagrams detailed in this issue. This PoC specifically targets the client module and the submodules that interact with the commander and the queue of that design.

The following requests specified in the description of this issue were successfully implemented:

The POST /stateful request was not implemented, as it is assumed to be analogous to the stateless request.

For data persistence, two basic storage models were developed: one using SQLite and the other using RocksDB. These were implemented with a wrapper to abstract the design from the specific database chosen in the future. Currently, command storage utilizes RocksDB, while event storage employs SQLite.

A server was developed to mock responses, using the Boost library and JWT to provide the client with a token via the /login request.

Regarding events, their structure is defined as follows:

The status of requests can be set to: pending, processing, or dispatched. By default, they are inserted into the database with a pending status.

Events are generated automatically through a Python script. The event_queue_monitor submodule extracts these events from the database, updates their status to "processing," and then accumulates them for a time T or until a count N is reached. Subsequently, it automatically sends a /stateless request with these events to the server. This submodule verifies the success of the request, marking the events as dispatched in the database or resetting their status to pending.

This submodule features a thread that continuously searches for events in the database. For each batch of events, a new thread is launched to handle dispatch.

Regarding commands, their structure is defined as follows:

The status can be set to either pending or dispatched.

The command_dispatcher submodule is responsible for making continuous GET requests to the server within a thread. When no commands are available, a Timeout error is returned. If commands are available, they are received and stored in the database. Another thread then retrieves commands with a pending status from the database, marks them as dispatched, and simulates sending them to the commander.

Finally, for both submodules, a message format already used by wazuh in the upgrade module was selected (see issue). Particularly for these cases an example of an event would be as follows:

event_data = {
    "origin": {
        "module": "fim"
    "command": "create_event",
    "parameters": {
    "data": "event # xxx"

and a command would be:

command = {
    "origin": {
        "module": "upgrade_module"
    "command": "upgrade_update_status",
    "parameters": {
        "agents": [20],
        "error": 0,
        "data": "Upgrade Successful",
        "status": "Done"

The following diagram was made by @TomasTurina for a better understanding:


PlantUML code ``` @startuml !pragma teoz true actor User as user box Modules box Executors #lightblue participant Executor as executor end box box Collectors #lightblue participant Collector as collector end box end box box Agent box Commander #lightblue database CommandsDB as commandsdb participant Commander as commander end box box Queue #lightblue database EventsDB as eventsdb participant Queue as queue end box box Client #lightblue database ClientDB as clientdb participant Client as client end box end box box Manager box AgentCommsAPI #lightblue participant AgentCommsAPI as agentapi end box end box == Start agent == user -> client++ #pink : start agent client -> clientdb : read credentials note left Cache credentials end note clientdb -> client : credentials client -> clientdb : read token note left Cache token end note clientdb -> client : token alt token is invalid client -> agentapi : POST /login {credentials, uuid} agentapi -> client : api token client -> clientdb : store token note left Update cache end note clientdb -> client : ok end client -> queue++ #pink : start module queue -> client : ready queue -> eventsdb : read and update events status note left Cache events end note eventsdb -> queue : ok client -> commander++ #pink : start module commander -> client : ready commander -> commandsdb : read and update commands status note left Cache commands end note commandsdb -> commander : ok client -> client ++-- : launch threads client -> collector++ #pink : start module collector -> client : ready client -> executor++ #pink : start module executor -> client : ready loop client -> client : keep threads running end == Token expire (thread) == loop alt token is invalid client -> agentapi : POST /login {credentials, uuid} agentapi -> client : api token client -> clientdb : store token note left Update cache end note clientdb -> client : ok end end == Process events (threads) == loop collector -> collector : collect event collector -> queue : send event end loop queue -> queue : read event alt event available queue -> queue : set event timestamp alt fim/inventory/sca queue -> eventsdb : store stateful event note left Cache event end note eventsdb -> queue : ok else queue -> eventsdb : store stateless event note left Cache event end note eventsdb -> queue : ok end end end == Send events (threads) == loop loop bulk not ready client -> eventsdb : get {stateful|stateless} event and update status note left Read/update cache end note eventsdb -> client : event client -> client : add event to {stateful|stateless} bulk end client -> clientdb : read token note left Read cache end note clientdb -> client : token client -> agentapi : POST /events/{stateful|stateless} {token, uuid, stateful bulk} agentapi -> client : response alt response ok client -> eventsdb : delete {stateful|stateless} events note left Update cache end note eventsdb -> client : ok else client -> eventsdb : update {stateful|stateless} events status note left Update cache end note eventsdb -> client : ok end end == Receive commands (thread) == loop agentapi -> agentapi : collect commands end loop client -> clientdb : read token note left Read cache end note clientdb -> client : token client -> agentapi : GET /commands {token, uuid} agentapi -> client : response alt commands available loop every command client -> commandsdb : store command note left Cache command end note commandsdb -> client : ok end end end == Process commands (threads) == loop commander -> commandsdb : get command and update status note left Read/update cache end note commandsdb -> commander : command alt agent commander -> commander : command result else collector commander -> collector : command collector -> commander : result else executor commander -> commander : parse parameters alt download commander -> clientdb : read token note right Read cache end note clientdb -> commander : token commander -> agentapi : GET /download {token, uuid, parameters} agentapi -> commander : file end commander -> executor : command executor -> commander : result end alt result ok commander -> commandsdb : delete command note left Update cache end note commandsdb -> commander : ok else commander -> commandsdb : update command status note left Update cache end note commandsdb -> commander : ok end end == Stop agent == user -> client : stop agent client -> executor!! : exit module client -> collector!! : exit module client -> client ++-- : stop threads client -> commander!! : exit module client -> queue!! : exit module client -> client!! : exit agent @enduml ```
sdvendramini commented 3 weeks ago

Test client PoC with PyServer PoC - Stop server and run it again :green_circle:

Events ## Server ``` agent_comms_api_1 | INFO: - "POST /api/v1/events/stateless HTTP/1.1" 200 OK agent_comms_api_1 | INFO: - "POST /api/v1/events/stateless HTTP/1.1" 200 OK agent_comms_api_1 | INFO: - "POST /api/v1/events/stateless HTTP/1.1" 200 OK agent_comms_api_1 | INFO: - "POST /api/v1/events/stateless HTTP/1.1" 200 OK agent_comms_api_1 | INFO: - "POST /api/v1/events/stateless HTTP/1.1" 200 OK agent_comms_api_1 | INFO: - "POST /api/v1/events/stateless HTTP/1.1" 200 OK agent_comms_api_1 | INFO: - "POST /api/v1/events/stateless HTTP/1.1" 200 OK agent_comms_api_1 | INFO: - "POST /api/v1/events/stateless HTTP/1.1" 200 OK agent_comms_api_1 | INFO: - "POST /api/v1/events/stateless HTTP/1.1" 200 OK agent_comms_api_1 | INFO: - "POST /api/v1/events/stateless HTTP/1.1" 200 OK agent_comms_api_1 | INFO: - "POST /api/v1/events/stateless HTTP/1.1" 200 OK ^CGracefully stopping... (press Ctrl+C again to force) Stopping comms_agent_comms_api_1 ... done root@jellyfish:~/wazuh/comms# docker-compose up Starting comms_agent_comms_api_1 ... done Attaching to comms_agent_comms_api_1 agent_comms_api_1 | Generating new command agent_comms_api_1 | INFO: Started server process [1] agent_comms_api_1 | INFO: Waiting for application startup. agent_comms_api_1 | INFO: Application startup complete. agent_comms_api_1 | INFO: Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit) agent_comms_api_1 | INFO: - "POST /api/v1/events/stateless HTTP/1.1" 200 OK agent_comms_api_1 | INFO: - "POST /api/v1/events/stateless HTTP/1.1" 200 OK agent_comms_api_1 | INFO: - "POST /api/v1/events/stateless HTTP/1.1" 200 OK agent_comms_api_1 | INFO: - "POST /api/v1/events/stateless HTTP/1.1" 200 OK agent_comms_api_1 | INFO: - "POST /api/v1/events/stateless HTTP/1.1" 200 OK ``` ## Client ``` [2024-06-14 06:50:31] [EVENT QUEUE MONITOR] Dispatching event ID: 65973, Data: {"origin": {"module": "fim"}, "command": "create_event", "parameters": {"data": "event # 530"}} [2024-06-14 06:50:31] [HTTP REQUEST] [STATELESS RESPONSE] {"message":"Events received"} [2024-06-14 06:50:32] [EVENT QUEUE MONITOR] Dispatching event ID: 65974, Data: {"origin": {"module": "fim"}, "command": "create_event", "parameters": {"data": "event # 528"}} [2024-06-14 06:50:32] [HTTP REQUEST] [STATELESS RESPONSE] {"message":"Events received"} [2024-06-14 06:50:33] [EVENT QUEUE MONITOR] Dispatching event ID: 65975, Data: {"origin": {"module": "fim"}, "command": "create_event", "parameters": {"data": "event # 24"}} [2024-06-14 06:50:33] [HTTP REQUEST] [STATELESS RESPONSE] {"message":"Events received"} [2024-06-14 06:50:34] [EVENT QUEUE MONITOR] Dispatching event ID: 65976, Data: {"origin": {"module": "fim"}, "command": "create_event", "parameters": {"data": "event # 470"}} [2024-06-14 06:50:34] [HTTP REQUEST] [STATELESS RESPONSE] {"message":"Events received"} [2024-06-14 06:50:35] [EVENT QUEUE MONITOR] Dispatching event ID: 65977, Data: {"origin": {"module": "fim"}, "command": "create_event", "parameters": {"data": "event # 862"}} [2024-06-14 06:50:35] [HTTP REQUEST] [STATELESS RESPONSE] {"message":"Events received"} [2024-06-14 06:50:36] [EVENT QUEUE MONITOR] Dispatching event ID: 65978, Data: {"origin": {"module": "fim"}, "command": "create_event", "parameters": {"data": "event # 926"}} [2024-06-14 06:50:36] [HTTP REQUEST] [STATELESS RESPONSE] Failure when receiving data from the peer with code -1 [2024-06-14 06:50:37] [EVENT QUEUE MONITOR] Dispatching event ID: 65979, Data: {"origin": {"module": "fim"}, "command": "create_event", "parameters": {"data": "event # 51"}} [2024-06-14 06:50:37] [HTTP REQUEST] [STATELESS RESPONSE] Failure when receiving data from the peer with code -1 [2024-06-14 06:50:38] [EVENT QUEUE MONITOR] Dispatching event ID: 65980, Data: {"origin": {"module": "fim"}, "command": "create_event", "parameters": {"data": "event # 554"}} [2024-06-14 06:50:38] [HTTP REQUEST] [STATELESS RESPONSE] Failure when receiving data from the peer with code -1 [2024-06-14 06:50:39] [EVENT QUEUE MONITOR] Dispatching event ID: 65980, Data: {"origin": {"module": "fim"}, "command": "create_event", "parameters": {"data": "event # 554"}} [2024-06-14 06:50:39] [EVENT QUEUE MONITOR] Dispatching event ID: 65981, Data: {"origin": {"module": "fim"}, "command": "create_event", "parameters": {"data": "event # 714"}} [2024-06-14 06:50:39] [HTTP REQUEST] [STATELESS RESPONSE] Failure when receiving data from the peer with code -1 [2024-06-14 06:50:40] [EVENT QUEUE MONITOR] Dispatching event ID: 65982, Data: {"origin": {"module": "fim"}, "command": "create_event", "parameters": {"data": "event # 906"}} [2024-06-14 06:50:40] [HTTP REQUEST] [STATELESS RESPONSE] Server returned nothing (no headers, no data) with code -1 [2024-06-14 06:50:41] [EVENT QUEUE MONITOR] Dispatching event ID: 65983, Data: {"origin": {"module": "fim"}, "command": "create_event", "parameters": {"data": "event # 837"}} [2024-06-14 06:50:41] [HTTP REQUEST] [STATELESS RESPONSE] Failure when receiving data from the peer with code -1 [2024-06-14 06:50:42] [EVENT QUEUE MONITOR] Dispatching event ID: 65984, Data: {"origin": {"module": "fim"}, "command": "create_event", "parameters": {"data": "event # 320"}} [2024-06-14 06:50:42] [HTTP REQUEST] [STATELESS RESPONSE] Failure when receiving data from the peer with code -1 [2024-06-14 06:50:43] [EVENT QUEUE MONITOR] Dispatching event ID: 65985, Data: {"origin": {"module": "fim"}, "command": "create_event", "parameters": {"data": "event # 656"}} [2024-06-14 06:50:43] [HTTP REQUEST] [STATELESS RESPONSE] Failure when receiving data from the peer with code -1 [2024-06-14 06:50:44] [EVENT QUEUE MONITOR] Dispatching event ID: 65986, Data: {"origin": {"module": "fim"}, "command": "create_event", "parameters": {"data": "event # 280"}} [2024-06-14 06:50:44] [HTTP REQUEST] [STATELESS RESPONSE] Failure when receiving data from the peer with code -1 [2024-06-14 06:50:45] [EVENT QUEUE MONITOR] Dispatching event ID: 65987, Data: {"origin": {"module": "fim"}, "command": "create_event", "parameters": {"data": "event # 269"}} [2024-06-14 06:50:45] [HTTP REQUEST] [STATELESS RESPONSE] Failure when receiving data from the peer with code -1 [2024-06-14 06:50:46] [EVENT QUEUE MONITOR] Dispatching event ID: 65988, Data: {"origin": {"module": "fim"}, "command": "create_event", "parameters": {"data": "event # 438"}} [2024-06-14 06:50:46] [HTTP REQUEST] [STATELESS RESPONSE] Couldn't connect to server with code -1 [2024-06-14 06:50:47] [EVENT QUEUE MONITOR] Dispatching event ID: 65988, Data: {"origin": {"module": "fim"}, "command": "create_event", "parameters": {"data": "event # 438"}} [2024-06-14 06:50:47] [EVENT QUEUE MONITOR] Dispatching event ID: 65989, Data: {"origin": {"module": "fim"}, "command": "create_event", "parameters": {"data": "event # 232"}} [2024-06-14 06:50:47] [HTTP REQUEST] [STATELESS RESPONSE] Couldn't connect to server with code -1 [2024-06-14 06:50:48] [EVENT QUEUE MONITOR] Dispatching event ID: 65990, Data: {"origin": {"module": "fim"}, "command": "create_event", "parameters": {"data": "event # 541"}} [2024-06-14 06:50:48] [HTTP REQUEST] [STATELESS RESPONSE] {"message":"Events received"} [2024-06-14 06:50:49] [EVENT QUEUE MONITOR] Dispatching event ID: 65991, Data: {"origin": {"module": "fim"}, "command": "create_event", "parameters": {"data": "event # 170"}} [2024-06-14 06:50:49] [HTTP REQUEST] [STATELESS RESPONSE] {"message":"Events received"} [2024-06-14 06:50:50] [EVENT QUEUE MONITOR] Dispatching event ID: 65992, Data: {"origin": {"module": "fim"}, "command": "create_event", "parameters": {"data": "event # 352"}} [2024-06-14 06:50:50] [HTTP REQUEST] [STATELESS RESPONSE] {"message":"Events received"} [2024-06-14 06:50:51] [EVENT QUEUE MONITOR] Dispatching event ID: 65993, Data: {"origin": {"module": "fim"}, "command": "create_event", "parameters": {"data": "event # 15"}} [2024-06-14 06:50:51] [HTTP REQUEST] [STATELESS RESPONSE] {"message":"Events received"} [2024-06-14 06:50:52] [EVENT QUEUE MONITOR] Dispatching event ID: 65994, Data: {"origin": {"module": "fim"}, "command": "create_event", "parameters": {"data": "event # 554"}} [2024-06-14 06:50:52] [HTTP REQUEST] [STATELESS RESPONSE] {"message":"Events received"} [2024-06-14 06:50:53] [EVENT QUEUE MONITOR] Dispatching event ID: 65995, Data: {"origin": {"module": "fim"}, "command": "create_event", "parameters": {"data": "event # 520"}} [2024-06-14 06:50:53] [HTTP REQUEST] [STATELESS RESPONSE] {"message":"Events received"} [2024-06-14 06:50:54] [EVENT QUEUE MONITOR] Dispatching event ID: 65996, Data: {"origin": {"module": "fim"}, "command": "create_event", "parameters": {"data": "event # 417"}} [2024-06-14 06:50:54] [HTTP REQUEST] [STATELESS RESPONSE] {"message":"Events received"} [2024-06-14 06:50:55] [EVENT QUEUE MONITOR] Dispatching event ID: 65997, Data: {"origin": {"module": "fim"}, "command": "create_event", "parameters": {"data": "event # 836"}} [2024-06-14 06:50:55] [HTTP REQUEST] [STATELESS RESPONSE] {"message":"Events received"} [2024-06-14 06:50:56] [EVENT QUEUE MONITOR] Dispatching event ID: 65998, Data: {"origin": {"module": "fim"}, "command": "create_event", "parameters": {"data": "event # 217"}} [2024-06-14 06:50:56] [HTTP REQUEST] [STATELESS RESPONSE] {"message":"Events received"} [2024-06-14 06:50:57] [EVENT QUEUE MONITOR] Dispatching event ID: 65999, Data: {"origin": {"module": "fim"}, "command": "create_event", "parameters": {"data": "event # 385"}} [2024-06-14 06:50:57] [HTTP REQUEST] [STATELESS RESPONSE] {"message":"Events received"} [2024-06-14 06:50:58] [EVENT QUEUE MONITOR] Dispatching event ID: 66000, Data: {"origin": {"module": "fim"}, "command": "create_event", "parameters": {"data": "event # 887"}} [2024-06-14 06:50:58] [HTTP REQUEST] [STATELESS RESPONSE] {"message":"Events received"} [2024-06-14 06:50:59] [EVENT QUEUE MONITOR] Dispatching event ID: 66001, Data: {"origin": {"module": "fim"}, "command": "create_event", "parameters": {"data": "event # 310"}} [2024-06-14 06:50:59] [HTTP REQUEST] [STATELESS RESPONSE] {"message":"Events received"} [2024-06-14 06:51:00] [EVENT QUEUE MONITOR] Dispatching event ID: 66002, Data: {"origin": {"module": "fim"}, "command": "create_event", "parameters": {"data": "event # 948"}} [2024-06-14 06:51:00] [HTTP REQUEST] [STATELESS RESPONSE] {"message":"Events received"} [2024-06-14 06:51:01] [EVENT QUEUE MONITOR] Dispatching event ID: 66003, Data: {"origin": {"module": "fim"}, "command": "create_event", "parameters": {"data": "event # 346"}} [2024-06-14 06:51:01] [HTTP REQUEST] [STATELESS RESPONSE] {"message":"Events received"} [2024-06-14 06:51:02] [EVENT QUEUE MONITOR] Dispatching event ID: 66004, Data: {"origin": {"module": "fim"}, "command": "create_event", "parameters": {"data": "event # 399"}} [2024-06-14 06:51:02] [HTTP REQUEST] [STATELESS RESPONSE] {"message":"Events received"} ```
Commands ## Server ``` agent_comms_api_1 | INFO: - "POST /api/v1/login HTTP/1.1" 200 OK agent_comms_api_1 | INFO: - "GET /api/v1/commands HTTP/1.1" 200 OK agent_comms_api_1 | Generating new command agent_comms_api_1 | INFO: - "GET /api/v1/commands HTTP/1.1" 200 OK ^CGracefully stopping... (press Ctrl+C again to force) root@jellyfish:~/wazuh/comms# docker-compose up Starting comms_agent_comms_api_1 ... done Attaching to comms_agent_comms_api_1 agent_comms_api_1 | Generating new command agent_comms_api_1 | INFO: Started server process [1] agent_comms_api_1 | INFO: Waiting for application startup. agent_comms_api_1 | INFO: Application startup complete. agent_comms_api_1 | INFO: Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit) agent_comms_api_1 | INFO: - "GET /api/v1/commands HTTP/1.1" 200 OK agent_comms_api_1 | Generating new command agent_comms_api_1 | INFO: - "GET /api/v1/commands HTTP/1.1" 200 OK agent_comms_api_1 | Generating new command ``` ## Client ``` root@jellyfish:~/wazuh-agent/poc/curl/build# ./client [2024-06-14 06:43:31] [CLIENT] Starting client... [2024-06-14 06:43:31] [CLIENT] Reading credentials... [2024-06-14 06:43:31] [HTTP REQUEST] [LOGIN RESPONSE] {"token":"eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJ3YXp1aCIsImF1ZCI6IldhenVoIEFnZW50IENvbW1zIEFQSSIsImlhdCI6MTcxODM1ODIxMSwiZXhwIjoxNzE4MzU5MTExLCJ1dWlkIjoiMDE4ZmU0NzctMzFjOC03NTgwLWFlNGEtZTBiMzY3MTNlYjA1In0.9Czf_RTz7f8jIT3nM4AUBMofOJcBqXaBjh9e2DyUPLFYICOPzE2GwzglQ_1VNwn8yHn0uyE5ZAi3DZrWy3oM0w"} [2024-06-14 06:43:31] [COMMAND DISPATCHER] Starting command dispatcher thread [2024-06-14 06:43:31] [EVENT QUEUE MONITOR] Starting event queue thread [2024-06-14 06:43:31] [HTTP REQUEST] [COMMAND RECEIVED] {"commands":[{"id":"1","type":"restart"}]} [2024-06-14 06:43:31] [COMMAND DISPATCHER] Dispatching command ID: 0, Data: {"id":"1","type":"restart"} [2024-06-14 06:43:37] [HTTP REQUEST] [COMMAND RECEIVED] {"commands":[{"id":"1","type":"restart"}]} [2024-06-14 06:43:37] [COMMAND DISPATCHER] Dispatching command ID: 1, Data: {"id":"1","type":"restart"} [2024-06-14 06:43:47] [HTTP REQUEST] [COMMAND RECEIVED] {"commands":[{"id":"1","type":"restart"}]} [2024-06-14 06:43:47] [HTTP REQUEST] [COMMAND REQUEST FAILED] Failure when receiving data from the peer with code -1 [2024-06-14 06:43:47] [COMMAND DISPATCHER] Dispatching command ID: 2, Data: {"id":"1","type":"restart"} [2024-06-14 06:43:48] [HTTP REQUEST] [COMMAND REQUEST FAILED] Failure when receiving data from the peer with code -1 [2024-06-14 06:43:49] [HTTP REQUEST] [COMMAND REQUEST FAILED] Failure when receiving data from the peer with code -1 [2024-06-14 06:43:50] [HTTP REQUEST] [COMMAND REQUEST FAILED] Failure when receiving data from the peer with code -1 [2024-06-14 06:43:51] [HTTP REQUEST] [COMMAND REQUEST FAILED] Failure when receiving data from the peer with code -1 [2024-06-14 06:43:52] [HTTP REQUEST] [COMMAND REQUEST FAILED] Failure when receiving data from the peer with code -1 [2024-06-14 06:43:53] [HTTP REQUEST] [COMMAND REQUEST FAILED] Failure when receiving data from the peer with code -1 [2024-06-14 06:43:54] [HTTP REQUEST] [COMMAND REQUEST FAILED] Failure when receiving data from the peer with code -1 [2024-06-14 06:43:55] [HTTP REQUEST] [COMMAND REQUEST FAILED] Failure when receiving data from the peer with code -1 [2024-06-14 06:43:56] [HTTP REQUEST] [COMMAND REQUEST FAILED] Couldn't connect to server with code -1 [2024-06-14 06:43:57] [HTTP REQUEST] [COMMAND REQUEST FAILED] Couldn't connect to server with code -1 [2024-06-14 06:43:58] [HTTP REQUEST] [COMMAND REQUEST FAILED] Couldn't connect to server with code -1 [2024-06-14 06:43:59] [HTTP REQUEST] [COMMAND REQUEST FAILED] Failure when receiving data from the peer with code -1 [2024-06-14 06:44:00] [HTTP REQUEST] [COMMAND RECEIVED] {"commands":[{"id":"1","type":"restart"}]} [2024-06-14 06:44:00] [COMMAND DISPATCHER] Dispatching command ID: 3, Data: {"id":"1","type":"restart"} ```
sdvendramini commented 3 weeks ago

Client Send Events Benchmarks


The purpose of these benchmarks is to evaluate the performance of sending pre-loaded pending events using std::thread. The benchmarks create a instance of the client using real tcp request and a real SQLite DB.

Benchmark Results

The results of the benchmarks are categorized based on different parameters to provide a clear and detailed analysis. 100 iterations of each test were made to average the results.

1. Varying Batch Sizes with a Fixed Event Count (1,000 events)
Batch Size Time (manual_time)
1 2572 ms
10 1068 ms
100 830 ms
1,000 856 ms

Analysis: As the batch size increases, the time required for dispatching events significantly decreases initially and then stabilizes. This demonstrates that larger batch sizes are more efficient for dispatching a high number of events.

2. Varying Event Counts with a Fixed Batch Size (100)
Event Count Time (manual_time)
1 2.66 ms
10 10.5 ms
100 84.7 ms
1,000 746 ms

Analysis: The time required increases with the number of events, which is expected.

3. Varying Event Data Sizes with a Fixed Event Count (1000 events) and Batch Size (100)
Event Data Size Time (manual_time)
1 288 ms
10 283 ms
100 260 ms
1,000 682 ms
10,000 694 ms
100,000 1432 ms

Analysis: As the data size increases, the time required for dispatching events increases too. This demonstrates that the request take more time, indicating a potential limit for optimization when handling very large data sizes.


It will be necessary in successive versions of the client and the server to establish an optimal number for the batch size according to the average or maximum size of the events. Although a larger batch is more efficient, when using the whole communication stack and the database, the times get worse for large volumes of information.

The same tests were repeated with AsioThreadManager instead of std::thread. The results are almost the same. Only small differences were found.

1. Varying Batch Sizes with a Fixed Event Count (1,000 events)
Batch Size Time (manual_time)
1 2577 ms
10 1048 ms
100 807 ms
1,000 841 ms
2. Varying Event Counts with a Fixed Batch Size (100)
Event Count Time (manual_time)
1 2.84 ms
10 12.3 ms
100 103 ms
1,000 852 ms
3. Varying Event Data Sizes with a Fixed Event Count (1000 events) and Batch Size (100)
Event Data Size Time (manual_time)
1 296 ms
10 286 ms
100 272 ms
1,000 676 ms
10,000 709 ms
100,000 1632 ms
jr0me commented 2 weeks ago

Update on Event Queue Dispatch Benchmarks

Commit https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-agent/commit/805436ae20d7ec646a525681fe1f261d07050a11 adds the following benchmark tests to the PoC


The purpose of these benchmarks is to evaluate the performance of dispatching pre-loaded pending events using std::thread. The benchmarks have abstracted away a real database and a real connection to a server to which the events are dispatched. Instead, the focus is solely on measuring the time taken to create threads that batch and send the events. One of our objectives is to assess the efficiency of using std::thread.

Benchmark Results

The results of the benchmarks are categorized based on different parameters to provide a clear and detailed analysis. 100 iterations of each test were made to average the results.

1. Varying Batch Sizes with a Fixed Event Count (200,000 events)
Batch Size Time (manual_time)
10 342 ms
100 44.6 ms
1,000 16.6 ms
10,000 13.9 ms
100,000 14.4 ms
200,000 14.7 ms

Analysis: As the batch size increases, the time required for dispatching events significantly decreases initially and then stabilizes. This demonstrates that larger batch sizes are more efficient for dispatching a high number of events.

2. Varying Event Counts with a Fixed Batch Size (100)
Event Count Time (manual_time)
10 0.022 ms
100 0.032 ms
1,000 0.185 ms
10,000 2.01 ms
100,000 21.4 ms
200,000 43.9 ms
300,000 64.1 ms
500,000 106 ms
1,000,000 213 ms

Analysis: The time required increases with the number of events, which is expected. However, the increase is more pronounced as the event count grows, indicating a potential area for optimization when handling very large volumes of events.

3. Varying Event Data Sizes with a Fixed Event Count (100,000 events) and Batch Size (100)
Event Data Size Time (manual_time)
10 21.4 ms
100 21.0 ms
1,000 21.1 ms
10,000 20.9 ms
100,000 21.1 ms
250,000 21.2 ms
500,000 21.0 ms
1,000,000 20.8 ms

Analysis: The dispatch time remains relatively constant regardless of the event data size, suggesting that the current implementation efficiently handles varying sizes of event data.


The benchmark results provide valuable insights into the performance characteristics of using std::thread for event dispatching. The use of std::thread demonstrates efficient handling of varying batch sizes, event counts, and event data sizes. Keeping in mind that there is no DB and server connection involved in these benchmarks, the key takeaways include:

  1. Batch Size Efficiency: Larger batch sizes significantly reduce the time required for dispatching a fixed number of events.
  2. Scalability: While the dispatch time increases with the event count, the system manages up to 1,000,000 events with reasonable efficiency.
  3. Data Size Handling: The dispatch time remains stable across different event data sizes.
  4. Thread Management: The current implementation does not limit the number of threads being created. For optimal performance, thread creation should be managed according to the hardware capabilities and other fine-tuning decisions. Future benchmarks and tuning are necessary to determine the ideal number of threads for various environments.

Overall, the results are good and shed a positive light on the use of std::thread for this purpose. These findings support the consideration of std::thread as a viable alternative to other libraries like libuv or the C++20 coroutines for event dispatching tasks. Further optimization and testing, including the management of thread creation, can help enhance performance, particularly for very large event counts.

It's also worth noting that given these measurements results, the true bottleneck in handling events will more likely come from database transactions and http requests to the server.

jr0me commented 1 week ago

Report on Event Queue Dispatch Benchmarks


The purpose of these benchmarks is to evaluate the performance of dispatching pre-loaded pending events using std::thread and compare it with using Asio's thread pool. The benchmarks have abstracted away a real database and a real connection to a server to which the events are dispatched. Instead, the focus is solely on measuring the time taken to create threads that batch and send the events. One of our objectives is to assess the efficiency of using std::thread in comparison to Asio's thread pool.

Asio's thread pool has been limited to 32 threads (the result of std::thread::hardware_concurrency() on the machine running the tests).

Benchmark Results

The results of the benchmarks are categorized based on different parameters to provide a clear and detailed analysis.

1. Varying Batch Sizes with a Fixed Event Count (200,000 events)

Using std::thread:

Batch Size Time (manual_time)
10 342 ms
100 44.6 ms
1,000 16.6 ms
10,000 13.9 ms
100,000 14.4 ms
200,000 14.7 ms

Using Asio's Thread Pool:

Batch Size Time (manual_time)
10 47.4 ms
100 17.0 ms
1,000 14.2 ms
10,000 13.7 ms
100,000 15.3 ms
200,000 18.2 ms

Analysis: Asio's thread pool performs significantly better than std::thread for smaller batch sizes (10 and 100). For larger batch sizes, the performance of Asio's thread pool is comparable to std::thread, with Asio showing slightly better efficiency for batch sizes of 1,000 and 10,000.

2. Varying Event Counts with a Fixed Batch Size (100)

Using std::thread:

Event Count Time (manual_time)
10 0.022 ms
100 0.032 ms
1,000 0.185 ms
10,000 2.01 ms
100,000 21.4 ms
200,000 43.9 ms
300,000 64.1 ms
500,000 106 ms
1,000,000 213 ms

Using Asio's Thread Pool:

Event Count Time (manual_time)
10 0.376 ms
100 0.269 ms
1,000 0.385 ms
10,000 1.27 ms
100,000 9.01 ms
200,000 17.1 ms
300,000 25.5 ms
500,000 43.4 ms
1,000,000 88.3 ms

Analysis: Asio's thread pool significantly outperforms std::thread across all event counts, showing better scalability and efficiency as the number of events increases.

3. Varying Event Data Sizes with a Fixed Event Count (100,000 events) and Batch Size (100)

Using std::thread:

Event Data Size Time (manual_time)
10 21.4 ms
100 21.0 ms
1,000 21.1 ms
10,000 20.9 ms
100,000 21.1 ms
250,000 21.2 ms
500,000 21.0 ms
1,000,000 20.8 ms

Using Asio's Thread Pool:

Event Data Size Time (manual_time)
10 9.31 ms
100 9.52 ms
1,000 9.30 ms
10,000 9.16 ms
100,000 9.79 ms
250,000 10.1 ms
500,000 9.94 ms
1,000,000 9.95 ms

Analysis: Asio's thread pool demonstrates a more consistent and lower dispatch time across different event data sizes compared to std::thread.


The benchmark results provide valuable insights into the performance characteristics of using std::thread compared to Asio's thread pool for event dispatching. Key takeaways include:

  1. Batch Size Efficiency: Asio's thread pool shows significant performance improvements for smaller batch sizes and maintains competitive efficiency for larger batch sizes.
  2. Scalability: Asio's thread pool scales more efficiently with increasing event counts, outperforming std::thread by a substantial margin.
  3. Data Size Handling: Asio's thread pool provides consistent and lower dispatch times across varying event data sizes, highlighting its superior efficiency in handling different data sizes.
  4. Thread Management: The current implementation using std::thread does not limit the number of threads being created. Proper thread management, according to hardware capabilities and other fine-tuning decisions, is essential for optimal performance. Asio's thread pool inherently manages threads more effectively, leading to better performance.

Overall, Asio's thread pool demonstrates superior performance and scalability compared to a manual handling of std::threads. These findings support the consideration of Asio's thread pool as a more efficient alternative for event dispatching tasks. Further optimization and testing, including fine-tuning the number of threads and other parameters, can help enhance performance, particularly for very large event counts.

aritosteles commented 1 week ago

Performance comparison between RocksDB and SQLite

The test focused on basic database operations — writing, reading, and updating records — without utilizing multi-threading aiming to provide insights into the efficiency and suitability of each database for potential use in our project. Default configurations for both RocksDB and SQLite were used. The test consisted in writing, reading and updating 10000 elements.



To do

Update: Performance comparison between RocksDB and SQLite

Using transactions for bulk inserts dramatically improves SQLite performance.

Events Time
10000 26ms
100000 143

There's no meaningful difference in terms of performance between SQLite and RocksDB.

TomasTurina commented 1 week ago


We are ready to move forward with the implementation of the MVP.