wazuh / wazuh-agent

Wazuh agent, the Wazuh agent for endpoints.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Agent command manager #4

Closed gdiazlo closed 1 week ago

gdiazlo commented 1 month ago

Parent issue:


As part of the new data persistence model being implemented across Wazuh, we need a new way to manage commands sent from the Wazuh servers to the agents. In this spike, we will identify all the commands the agent must support, including the data required by the agent to execute them. We will also design a command manager which will be in charge of executing these commands.

The following diagram outlines a simplified design:

flowchart TD

subgraph Server
    API["Agent comms API server"]

subgraph Agent
    subgraph CommandManager["Command Manager"]
        CommandReceiver["Command Receiver (CR)"] -- "Persist commands" --> CommandStore["Command Store"]
        CommandReceiver -- "Execute" --> Executor["Executor"]
        Executor -- "Feedback" --> CommandReceiver

    subgraph AgentCommsAPIClient["Agent Comms API Client"]
        Client -- "Commands request" --> API
        API -- "Command response" --> Client
        Client -- "Commands" --> CommandReceiver
        CommandReceiver -- "Feedback" --> Client

Functional requirements

  1. Define a command type for each action the agent must execute.
  2. Each command generates a result indicating completion status and outcome (success or error) with enough clarity for the user to take appropriate action.
  3. Commands persist on the agent: upon execution, they are marked as completed and reported to the manager.
  4. Completed commands are deleted from the agent once the manager confirms receipt of the result.
  5. All commands must be executed in the order of creation.

Implementation restrictions

  1. Language: We want to use C++ to leverage its performance and system-level capabilities.
  2. Modular integration: This module should be implemented as a library to ensure modularity and reusability, allowing it to be integrated seamlessly with other modules.
  3. Process tied: This module will be tied to the main process of the agent, ensuring it operates as a core component of the agent's functionality.


  1. Identify all current commands: Review the existing agent to compile a comprehensive list of all commands that agents must support.
  2. Define format and attributes of commands using JSON documents: Determine the structure and required attributes of the commands. Each command will be represented as a JSON document to standardize its format.
  3. Design the command manager API to receive events and send feedback: Create a robust API for the command manager that allows it to receive command events from the server and provide clear feedback on the execution status or errors encountered.
  4. Implement a restart command (nice-to-have): As a proof of concept, implement a basic restart command to ensure the command manager can execute commands correctly. This will involve coding the logic to handle the restart operation, persist the command, mark it as completed, and generate appropriate feedback.
mjcr99 commented 3 weeks ago


(11/06/2024) Understanding the issue requeriments. Reviewing related issues, discussing with team issue impact and doubts to deliver to management. (17/06/2024) Understanding new protocol POC to start design. A list of questions has been created to clarify tasks. (18/06/2024) Researching implementation language capabilities, still understanding the data storage and the functionalities and limitations it has to handle, researching about nlohmann json and its availability to cover our case to manage the messages straightforwardly. (19/06/2024) We have been discussing the list of messages this new module should be able to manage and as far as we have researched found the minimum commands are as follows:

Main commands:

Optional/not definitive commands

A primitive approach for the JSON structure representing the commands could be as follows:

command = {
    "origin": {                           // Data regarding manager requester.
        "name": "node01",                 // Name or manager ID.
        "module": "upgrade_module"        // Manager operation that triggers the command request
    "command": "upgrade_update_status",   // ID for the operation to be performed in the agent side
    "parameters": {                       // Parameters regarding the operation
    "status": "pending"                   // Command dispatch status

Currently designing sequence diagram diagram to illustrate it.

(20/06/2024) The attached diagram wants to replicate the following behavior:


(21/06/2024) Working on POC. (24/06/2024) Continued working on POC. Developing classes structure and some use cases. (25/06/2024) Writting document to present management implementation options, capabilities and limitations. (26/06/2024) Uploaded POC.

jotacarma90 commented 2 weeks ago

Update 18/06/2024

Update 19/06/2024

Update 21/06/2024

Update 25/06/2024

jotacarma90 commented 2 weeks ago

Possible optional design of our Agent command manager, first revision

The current list of possible necessary commands to be considered:

Initial format of the JSON containing the command information:

    "command": {
        "name": "001",
        "type": "stateless"
    "origin": {
        "serverName": "node01",
        "moduleName": "upgradeModule"
    "parameters": {
        "extra_args": [],
        "error": 0,
        "data": "Upgrade Successful",
        "status": "Done"

Class diagram

    class Server {
        +sendCommand(cmd: Command)

    class CommandManager {
        -commandStore: CommandStore
        -executor: Executor

    class CommandStore {
        +storeCommand(cmd: Command)
        +getNextCommand(): Command
        +deleteCompletedCommands(cmd: Command)

    class Executor {
        -feedback: Feedback
        +execute(cmd: Command)
        +generateFeedback(cmd: Command)
        +reportFeedback(): Feedback

    class AgentCommsAPIClient {
        +receiveCommands(cmds: List<Command>)
        +addCommands(cmds: List<Command>)
        +sendFeedback(feedback: Feedback)

    class Command {
        +name: String
        +type: String
        +data: String
        +status: String

    class Feedback {
        +status: String
        +message: String

    CommandManager "1" *-- "1" CommandStore
    CommandManager "1" *-- "1" Executor
    CommandManager "1" -- "1" AgentCommsAPIClient
    AgentCommsAPIClient "1..*" -- "1" Server
    CommandStore "1" -- "1..*" Command
    Command "1" -- "0..1" Feedback
    Executor "1" -- "0..1" Feedback

Sequence diagram

    participant Server
    participant AgentCommsAPIClient
    participant CommandManager
    participant CommandStore
    participant Executor
    participant Feedback

    AgentCommsAPIClient->>Server: getConnection()
    AgentCommsAPIClient->>Server: pollCommands()
    Server->>AgentCommsAPIClient: sendCommand()
    AgentCommsAPIClient->>CommandManager: addCommands()
    CommandManager->>CommandStore: storeCommand()
    CommandManager->>Executor: executeCommand()
    Executor->>CommandStore: getNextCommand()
    Executor->>Executor: execute()
    Executor->>Feedback: generateFeedback()
    Executor->>CommandManager: reportFeedback()
    CommandManager->>CommandStore: markCompleted()
    CommandStore->>CommandStore: deleteCompletedCommands()
    CommandManager->>AgentCommsAPIClient: reportFeedback()
    AgentCommsAPIClient->>Server: reportFeedback()
jotacarma90 commented 1 week ago

Update 26/06/2024

POC commander

I have been working on a little in c++ to try to approach little by little to the requirements of the issue, in this case, what I have is a Commander class, that executes two threads (pending to analyze the use of routines and coroutines), one of them is in charge of receiving the messages and save them in the store, and the other to process them and pass the feedback, to then delete them from the store: https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-agent/tree/agent-command-manager

File: commander/commander.cpp

Example of use in the restar-agent case:

root@ubuntu24:/vagrant# ./commander
Command queue loaded from file.
Enter command in JSON format (or type 'quit' to stop): {"command":{"name":"restart-agent","type":"command"},"origin":{"moduleName":"restart","serverName":"node01"},"parameters":{"data":"restart agent","error":0,"extra_args":[],"status":""}}
Command queue saved to file.
Command received and added to the queue.

root@ubuntu24:/vagrant# ./commander
Command queue loaded from file.
Enter command in JSON format (or type 'quit' to stop): 
Processing command: {"command":{"name":"restart-agent","type":"command"},"origin":{"moduleName":"restart","serverName":"node01"},"parameters":{"data":"restart agent","error":0,"extra_args":[],"status":""},"status":"processing"}
Feedback: {"command":{"command":{"name":"restart-agent","type":"command"},"origin":{"moduleName":"restart","serverName":"node01"},"parameters":{"data":"restart agent","error":0,"extra_args":[],"status":""},"status":"processing"},"message":"Command processed successfully.","status":"completed"}
Command queue saved to file.
jotacarma90 commented 1 week ago

Update 27/06/2024

After a meeting with the team and Vikman, we have drawn some conclusions to improve the poc, I have updated the code to better contain the dispatch and execute functions: https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-agent/blob/poc/4-agent-command-manager/poc/commander/commander.cpp

Doing some tests with the code flow we can observe the following:

Video testing demonstration, top cmd is program execution, and bottom cmd is for command_queue.txt, the file where the commands for persistence are stored:


MarcelKemp commented 1 week ago

LGTM. GJ team!