wazuh / wazuh-cloudformation

Wazuh - Amazon AWS Cloudformation
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SubnetElasticsearch currently not used in wazuh_template.yml #7

Closed troal closed 5 years ago

troal commented 5 years ago

Hi, It seems "SubnetId: !Ref SubnetElasticsearch" is currently not yet used in your wazuh_template.yml. Could else use it for the elastic cluster or remove the unused ressources linked to it? Thanks!

manuasir commented 5 years ago

Hello @troal ,

Thanks for reporting this, I'll commit the fix as soon as possible. Meanwhile, you can use the subnet for the Elasticsearch cluster.


manuasir commented 5 years ago

Hello @troal ,

This was fixed here https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-cloudformation/commit/cf701d631f75acb6fe0114e0fcfad1bc8ef5bd76. You can get the latest v3.9.2_7.1.1 branch, which is currently being tested but it will be merged to the master branch soon.

Thanks again for reporting this, don't hesitate to open a new issue if you need it.
