wazuh / wazuh-docker

Wazuh - Docker containers
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Error in generate-indexer-certs #716

Open AbuLelahx opened 2 years ago

AbuLelahx commented 2 years ago

Cant generate the Certificates with docker-compose -f generate-indexer-certs.yml run --rm generator because the image image: wazuh/wazuh-certs-generator:0.0.1 seems to point at _PACKAGESURL=https://packages.wazuh.com/4.5/ which throws this message: Cert tool does not exist in any bucket ERROR: certificates were not created

I used the 4.3.7 Release..

vcerenu commented 2 years ago

Hello @AbuLelahx

Can you tell me the steps you followed to perform the deploy? The configurations for the generation of certificates are made within the directory of the type of deploy that you are going to carry out, which can be single-node or multi-node, what is the type of deploy that you are carrying out?

Also, can you show me what branch or tag you are on to know what changes you have in the repository? with the output of the git branch command

SYRTI commented 1 year ago

Hi @vcerenu I have the same problem. I follow this steps

sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144 uname -a curl -sSL https://get.docker.com/ | sh

Then enter into the single-node directory. All the commands described below are executed within this directory. For additional security, the default password for the Wazuh indexer administrator user can be changed.

docker-compose -f generate-indexer-certs.yml run --rm generator


docker-compose up

ERROR. image

maxferrario-msf commented 1 year ago

I have the same error when I run

~/wazuh-docker/single-node$ sudo docker-compose -f generate-indexer-certs.yml run --rm generator
/snap/docker/2285/lib/python3.6/site-packages/paramiko/transport.py:33: CryptographyDeprecationWarning: Python 3.6 is no longer supported by the Python core team. Therefore, support for it is deprecated in cryptography and will be removed in a future release.
  from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
Creating network "single-node_default" with the default driver
Pulling generator (wazuh/wazuh-certs-generator:0.0.1)...
0.0.1: Pulling from wazuh/wazuh-certs-generator
d7bfe07ed847: Pull complete
a6023cfa8265: Pull complete
6135753eefe9: Pull complete
9aaf0dae5d3f: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:6fc929d58d01b789d4a19c5da476c78cc267c0af07d1b22227ccae49acb084dc
Status: Downloaded newer image for wazuh/wazuh-certs-generator:0.0.1
Creating single-node_generator_run ... done

Cert tool does not exist in any bucket
ERROR: certificates were not created

The output of git branch is * (no branch) even if i cloned the repository using git clone https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-docker.git -b v4.3.9 --depth=1

SYRTI commented 1 year ago

Please close this issue. I found the solution.

Maybe you can help me (Again)

I need monitoring a background service (mascv trellix agent in Windows), but don't find the way


crlsgms commented 4 months ago

Please close this issue. I found the solution.

Maybe you can help me (Again)

I need monitoring a background service (mascv trellix agent in Windows), but don't find the way


can you please share your solution?