wazuh / wazuh-documentation

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New installation guide rework publishing: acceptance criteria and action items #4642

Closed alberpilot closed 2 years ago

alberpilot commented 2 years ago

This issue aims to define what makes the new installation guide able to be published.

Teams involved


Content team tasks:

Documentation testing

Information structure


Final checks

Installers team tasks



Installer team acceptance cirteria
- All-In-One deployment: - [ ] The unattended installer must be able to install an AIO deployment (Wazuh manager + Opendistro for Elasticsearch + filebeat OSS + Opendistro for Kibana). - [ ] After running the unattended installer the user must be able to connect Wazuh agents to the Wazuh manager and start seeing alerts on the Wazuh Kibana plugin. - Distributed deployment: - [ ] The unattended installer must be able to install only the Wazuh manager and filebeat OSS component. - [ ] The unattended installer must be able to create the whole infrastructure certificates (all elasticsearch - filebeat - kibana communications), previously specification file given, no matter the host where the certificates are created. - [ ] If the create certificate option is not activated, the unattended installer must stop - Common (AIO & distributed) - [ ] All action steps must be logged in the standard output. All steps must show the timestamp, message type (info, error, warning), and the step description. This output must be written in the log file too, located at `/var/log/wazuh-unattended-installation.log` - [ ] If the debug flag is activated, all commands (commands and output) must be logged in standard output and debug file. - [ ] A random password must be generated during the installation, avoiding the default one. This new random password must be shown in the installation process output. - [ ] If a component installation fails, the installer must roll back the installation, cleaning all installed components and their folders. The rollback must be logged too. - [ ] Every function invocation must manage the possible error and if it occurs, an exit with a rollback (if necessary). Example: importFunction "common.sh" could be importFunction "common.sh" || (logger -e "It was not possible to import common.sh library. Exiting" && exit 1) - [ ] The unattended installer must not be running indefinitely. All necessary steps must be controlled by timeouts. - [ ] The unattended installer must check if all needed resources are available (on-line and off-line) before starting installing/configuring actions.
alberpilot commented 2 years ago

The unattended installer publishing Epic continues here: https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-packages/issues/1190