wazuh / wazuh-indexer

Wazuh indexer, the Wazuh search engine
Apache License 2.0
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Create ECS compliant index templates #270

Open AlexRuiz7 opened 1 week ago

AlexRuiz7 commented 1 week ago


As part of the Data Persistence Model Redesign, new indices will appear in the Wazuh Indexer. We want these indices to be created automatically after Wazuh Indexer boots up. For that, we'll build a plugin.

As owners of the Wazuh Indexer, we will define the indices settings and fields. These need to be ECS compliant.


AlexRuiz7 commented 1 week ago

agents index data model

Fields summary

The fields are based on https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh/issues/23396#issuecomment-2176402993

Based on ECS Agent Fields.

Field ECS field Type Description
uuid agent.id keyword Agent's ID
name agent.name keyword Agent's name
groups *agent.groups keyword Agent's groups
internal_key *agent.key keyword Agent's registration key
type agent.type keyword ??
version agent.version keyword Agent's version
connection_status *agent.last_login date Agent's last login
node_name *agent.persistent_connection_node keyword The Wazuh Server node with which the Agent has a persistent connection

* Custom field

ECS mapping

- name: agent
            id: {}
            name: {}
            type: {}
            version: {}
- name: agent
  title: Wazuh Agents
  short: Wazuh Inc. custom fields.
  type: group
    - name: groups
      type: keyword
      description: >
          The groups the agent belongs to.
    - name: key
        type: keyword
        description: >
            The agent's registration key.
    - name: last_login
        type: date
        description: >
            The agent's last login.
    - name: persistent_connection_node
        type: keyword
        description: >
            The Wazuh Server node with which the agent has a persistent connection.

Index settings

    "index_patterns": ["agents"],
    "priority": 1,
    "template": {
        "settings": {
            "index": {
                "codec": "zstd",
                "number_of_shards": "1",
                "number_of_replicas": "0",
                "refresh_interval": "5s",
                "query.default_field": [
AlexRuiz7 commented 1 week ago

wazuh-alerts-5.x time series index

[!NOTE] Pending review. Fields may change.

Stateless index.

Fields summary

The fields are based on https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh/blob/11334-dev-new-wazuh-engine/src/engine/extension/elasticsearch/7.x/wazuh-template.json

Most of the ECS fields are in use. For a complete list, check the next section.

There is also a custom category wazuh with the following fields:

* We have to review these fields.

ECS mapping

name: stateless
  base: "*"
  agent: "*"
  client: "*"
  cloud: "*"
  container: "*"
  data_stream: "*"
  destination: "*"
  device: "*"
  dll: "*"
  dns: "*"
  ecs: "*"
  email: "*"
  error: "*"
  event: "*"
  faas: "*"
  file: "*"
  group: "*"
  host: "*"
  http: "*"
  log: "*"
  network: "*"
  observer: "*"
  organization: "*"
  package: "*"
  process: "*"
  registry: "*"
  related: "*"
  rule: "*"
  server: "*"
  service: "*"
  source: "*"
  threat: "*"
  tls: "*"
  tracing: "*"
  url: "*"
  user: "*"
  user_agent: "*"
  vulnerability: "*"
  wazuh (custom): "*"

  "index_patterns": [
  "priority": 1,
  "template": {
    "settings": {
      "index": {
        "mapping": {
          "total_fields": {
            "limit": 2000
        "refresh_interval": "5s",
AlexRuiz7 commented 1 week ago

The index templates above are in draft. When reviewed and approved. I'll create the tooling to generate these index templates automatically.

See https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-indexer/blob/4.9.0/ecs

AlexRuiz7 commented 3 days ago

commands index data model

Fields summary

This index stores information about the commands executed by the agents. The index appears in 5.0.0 for the first time.

Based on ECS Process Fields.

ECS field Type Description
*command.args match_only_text Array of process arguments, starting with the absolute path to the executable.
*command.agent.id keyword Agent’s ID to send the command to.
*command.status keyword One of: ["pending", "sent", "completed", "failed"]**
*command.info match_only_text additional information of the execution of the command. For example, the error message.

* Custom field.

** The status of the command execution:

ECS mapping

- name: commands
  title: Commands
  description: >
    This index stores information about the commands executed by the agents.
    - name: args
      type: match_only_text
      level: custom
      description: >
        Array of process arguments, starting with the absolute path to the executable.
        Example: ["/usr/bin/ssh", "-l", "user", ""]
    - name: agent.id
      type: keyword
      level: custom
      description: >
        Agent’s ID to send the command to.
    - name: status
        type: keyword
        level: custom
        description: >
            The status of the command execution.
            Possible values: ["Pending", "Sent", "Completed", "Failed"]
    - name: info
        type: match_only_text
        level: custom
        description: >
            Additional information of the execution of the command. For example, the error message.

Index settings

    "index_patterns": ["commands-*"],
    "priority": 1,
    "template": {
        "settings": {
            "index": {
                "codec": "zstd",
                "number_of_shards": "1",
                "number_of_replicas": "0",
                "refresh_interval": "5s",
                "query.default_field": [
AlexRuiz7 commented 3 days ago

stateful-fim index data model

Fields summary

The fields are based on https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-indexer/issues/282#issuecomment-2189377542

Based on ECS:

Field ECS field Type Description
arch * ? keyword Is arch a file property?
attributes file.attributes keyword Array of file attributes.
file file.name keyword Name of the file including the extension, without the directory.
full_path file.path keyword Full path to the file, including the file name.
gid file.gid keyword Primary group ID (GID) of the file.
gname file.group keyword Primary group name of the file.
inode file.inode keyword Inode representing the file in the filesystem.
md5 file.hash.md5 keyword MD5 hash of the file.
mtime file.mtime date Last time the file's metadata changed.
perm file.mode keyword File permissions in octal mode.
sha1 file.hash.sha1 keyword SHA1 hash of the file.
sha256 file.hash.sha256 keyword SHA256 hash of the file.
size file.size long File size in bytes.
symbolic_path file.target_path keyword Target path for symlinks.
type file.type keyword File type (file, dir, or symlink).
uid file.uid keyword User ID (UID) of the file owner.
uname file.owner keyword File owner’s username.
value_name registry.key keyword Hive-relative path of keys.
value_type registry.value keyword Name of the value written.

* Custom field

ECS mapping

- name: fim
                attributes: {}
                name: {}
                path: {}
                gid: {}
                group: {}
                inode: {}
                        md5: {}
                        sha1: {}
                        sha256: {}
                mtime: {}
                mode: {}
                size: {}
                target_path: {}
                type: {}
                uid: {}
                owner: {}
                key: {}
                value: {}

Index settings

    "index_patterns": ["wazuh-states-fim-*"],
    "priority": 1,
    "template": {
        "settings": {
            "index": {
                "codec": "zstd",
                "number_of_shards": "1",
                "number_of_replicas": "0",
                "refresh_interval": "5s",
                "query.default_field": [
AlexRuiz7 commented 3 days ago

stateful-vulnerability index data model

Fields summary

The fields are based on https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-indexer/blob/4.9.0/ecs/vulnerability-detector

Based on ECS:

ECS field Type Description
agent.build.original keyword Extended build information for the agent.
agent.ephemeral_id keyword Ephemeral identifier of this agent (if one exists).
agent.id keyword Unique identifier of this agent (if one exists).
agent.name keyword Custom name of the agent.
agent.type keyword Type of the agent.
agent.version keyword Version of the agent.
host.os.family keyword OS family (such as redhat, debian, freebsd, windows).
host.os.full keyword Operating system name, including the version or code name.
host.os.kernel keyword Operating system kernel version as a raw string.
host.os.name keyword Operating system name, without the version.
host.os.platform keyword Operating system platform (such centos, ubuntu, windows).
host.os.type keyword Use the os.type field to categorize the operating system into one of the broad commercial families.
host.os.version keyword Operating system version as a raw string.
message match_only_text A human-readable summary of the event.
package.architecture keyword Package architecture.
package.build_version keyword Additional information about the build version of the installed package.
package.checksum keyword Checksum of the installed package for verification.
package.description keyword Description of the package.
package.install_scope keyword Indicating how the package was installed, e.g. user-local, global.
package.installed date Time when package was installed.
package.license keyword License under which the package was released.
package.name keyword Package name
package.path keyword Path where the package is installed.
package.reference keyword Home page or reference URL of the software in this package, if available.
package.size long Package size in bytes.
package.type keyword Type of package.
package.version keyword Package version
tags keyword List of keywords used to tag each event.
*wazuh.cluster.name keyword Name of the Wazuh cluster.
*wazuh.cluster.node keyword Name of the Wazuh cluster node.
*wazuh.manager.name keyword Name of the Wazuh manager.
*wazuh.schema.version keyword Version of the Wazuh schema.

* Custom field

ECS mapping

- name: vulnerability_detector
        tags: []
        message: ""
        fields: "*"
        fields: "*"
                fields: "*"
        fields: "*"
        fields: "*"
- name: vulnerability
  title: Vulnerability
  short: Wazuh Inc. custom fields.
  type: group
    - name: detected_at
      type: date
      level: custom
      description: Vulnerability's detection date.
    - name: published_at
      type: date
      level: custom
      description: Vulnerability's publication date.
- name: wazuh
  title: Wazuh
  description: >
    Wazuh Inc. custom fields
    - name: cluster.name
      type: keyword
      level: custom
      description: Wazuh cluster name.
    - name: cluster.node
      type: keyword
      level: custom
      description: Wazuh cluster node name.
    - name: manager.name
      type: keyword
      level: custom
      description: Wazuh manager name. Used by dashboards to filter results on single node deployments.
    - name: schema.version
      type: keyword
      level: custom
      description: Wazuh schema version.

Index settings

    "index_patterns": ["wazuh-states-vulnerabilities-*"],
    "priority": 1,
    "template": {
        "settings": {
            "index": {
                "codec": "zstd",
                "number_of_shards": "1",
                "number_of_replicas": "0",
                "refresh_interval": "5s",
                "query.default_field": [
AlexRuiz7 commented 2 days ago

stateful-inventory index data model

Fields summary

The fields are based on https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-indexer/issues/282#issuecomment-2189837612

Based on ECS:

Field name ECS field name Data type Description
architecture host.architecture keyword Operating system architecture.
checksum process.hash.md5 keyword Scan MD5 hash.
hostname host.hostname keyword Hostname of the host.
os_build host.os.kernel keyword Operating system kernel version as a raw string.
os_codename host.os.full keyword Operating system name, including the version or code name.
os_name host.os.name keyword Operating system name, without the version.
os_platform host.os.platform keyword Operating system platform (such centos, ubuntu, windows).
os_version host.os.version keyword Operating system version as a raw string.
scan_time @timestamp date Date/time when the event originated.
sysname host.name keyword Name of the host (lowercase FQDN).

Removed fields: - os_display_version - os_major (can be extracted from os_version) - os_minor (can be extracted from os_version) - os_patch (can be extracted from os_version) - os_release - reference - release - scan_id - sysname - version Available fields: - `os_family` - `os.type`

ECS mapping

- name: inventory
            "@timestamp": {}
            architecture: {}
            hostname: {}
            name: {}
                    kernel: {}
                    full: {}
                    name: {}
                    platform: {}
                    version: {}
                    md5: {}

Index settings

    "index_patterns": ["inventory-*"],
    "priority": 1,
    "template": {
        "settings": {
            "index": {
                "codec": "zstd",
                "number_of_shards": "1",
                "number_of_replicas": "0",
                "refresh_interval": "5s",
                "query.default_field": [