wazuh / wazuh-indexer

Wazuh indexer, the Wazuh search engine
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Define fields for stateful modules data #282

Closed vikman90 closed 2 months ago

vikman90 commented 3 months ago

Parent issue::


As part of the ongoing enhancements for Wazuh Indexer, we need to define and document the fields for the modules that produce stateful data. The specific modules in scope are:

  1. File Integrity Monitoring (FIM)
  2. Security Configuration Assessment (SCA)
  3. System Inventory (AKA Syscollector)

These fields will be essential for ensuring consistent and comprehensive data handling across the platform.


vikman90 commented 3 months ago


Based on file: schema_agents.sql

File Integrity Monitoring

Field name ECS name Data type Description
full_path file.path KEYWORD Full path of the item
file file.name KEYWORD File name
type file.type KEYWORD Type of file
date @timestamp DATE Entry timestamp
changes KEYWORD Type of change
arch host.architecture ❓ KEYWORD System architecture
value_name registry.value KEYWORD Registry value name
value_type registry.data.type KEYWORD Registry value type
size file.size LONG File size in bytes
perm file.mode ❗ KEYWORD File permissions
uid file.uid LONG User ID of file owner
gid file.gid LONG Group ID of file owner
md5 file.hash.md5 KEYWORD MD5 hash
sha1 file.hash.sha1 KEYWORD SHA1 hash
uname file.owner KEYWORD User name
gname file.group KEYWORD Group name
mtime file.mtime DATE Last modification time
inode file.inode LONG Inode number
sha256 file.hash.sha256 KEYWORD SHA256 hash
attributes file.attributes KEYWORD File attributes
symbolic_path file.target_path KEYWORD Symbolic link path
checksum KEYWORD File checksum

❗Requires some changes in the agent's FIM module.

cborla commented 3 months ago


Based on file: schema_agents.sql

Security Configuration Assessment (SCA)


Field name ECS field name Data type Description
scan_id sca_scan_info.id INTEGER Reference to the scan information
id INTEGER Primary key for the check
policy_id sca_policy.id KEYWORD Reference to the policy
title rule.name ❓ TEXT Title of the check
description rule.description TEXT Description of the check
rationale TEXT Rationale behind the check
remediation TEXT Steps for remediation
file file.path KEYWORD File related to the check
process process.name KEYWORD Process related to the check
directory file.directory KEYWORD Directory related to the check
registry registry.path KEYWORD Registry related to the check
command process.command_line TEXT Command related to the check
references rule.reference TEXT References for the check
result event.outcome KEYWORD Result of the check
reason TEXT Reason for the result
condition TEXT Condition that triggers the check

❌ sca_scan_info

Field name ECS field name Data type Description
id INTEGER Primary key for the scan information
start_scan event.start DATE Timestamp when the scan started
end_scan event.end DATE Timestamp when the scan ended
policy_id sca_policy.id KEYWORD Reference to the policy
pass INTEGER Number of passed checks
fail INTEGER Number of failed checks
invalid INTEGER Number of invalid checks
total_checks INTEGER Total number of checks performed
score INTEGER Score of the scan
hash file.hash.md5 KEYWORD Hash of the scan information

❌ sca_policy

Field name ECS field name Data type Description
name TEXT Name of the policy
file file.path KEYWORD File associated with the policy
id KEYWORD Unique identifier for the policy
description TEXT Description of the policy
references rule.reference TEXT References for the policy
hash_file file.hash.md5 KEYWORD Hash of the policy file

❌ sca_check_rules

Field name ECS field name Data type Description
id_check sca_check.id INTEGER Reference to the check ID
type KEYWORD Type of the rule
rule TEXT Rule associated with the check

❌ sca_check_compliance

Field name ECS field name Data type Description
id_check sca_check.id INTEGER Reference to the check ID
key KEYWORD Compliance key
value KEYWORD Value associated with the compliance key
cborla commented 3 months ago


Based on file: schema_agents.sql

System Inventory (Syscollector)


Field name ECS field name Data type Description
scan_id KEYWORD Scan identifier
scan_time @timestamp DATE Tinestamp of the scan
hostname host.hostname KEYWORD Hostname of the system
architecture host.architecture KEYWORD System architecture
os_name os.name KEYWORD Name of the operating system
os_version os.version KEYWORD Version of the operating system
os_codename os.codename KEYWORD Code name of the operating system
os_major os.version_major KEYWORD Major version number of the operating system
os_minor os.version_minor KEYWORD Minor version number of the operating system
os_patch os.version_patch KEYWORD Patch version number of the operating system
os_build os.build KEYWORD Build version of the operating system
os_platform os.platform KEYWORD Platform of the operating system
sysname TEXT ❓ System name
release KEYWORD System release
version KEYWORD System version
os_release os.version TEXT Operating system release version
checksum file.hash.md5 KEYWORD Checksum of the scan
os_display_version os.version TEXT Display version of the operating system
reference TEXT Reference information


Field name ECS field name Data type Description
scan_id KEYWORD Scan identifier
scan_time @timestamp DATE Timestamp of the scan
name network.name KEYWORD Name of the network interface
adapter KEYWORD Adapter name of the network interface
type network.type KEYWORD Type of the network interface
state network.state KEYWORD State of the network interface
mtu network.mtu INTEGER Maximum transmission unit size
mac network.mac KEYWORD MAC address of the network interface
tx_packets network.out.packets INTEGER Number of transmitted packets
rx_packets network.in.packets INTEGER Number of received packets
tx_bytes network.out.bytes INTEGER Number of transmitted bytes
rx_bytes network.in.bytes INTEGER Number of received bytes
tx_errors network.out.errors INTEGER Number of transmission errors
rx_errors network.in.errors INTEGER Number of reception errors
tx_dropped network.out.dropped INTEGER Number of dropped transmitted packets
rx_dropped network.in.dropped INTEGER Number of dropped received packets
checksum file.hash.md5 KEYWORD Checksum of the scan
item_id KEYWORD Unique identifier for the network interface item


Field name ECS field name Data type Description
scan_id sys_netiface.scan_id KEYWORD Reference to the scan information
iface sys_netiface.name KEYWORD Name of the network interface
type network.type KEYWORD Type of network protocol
gateway network.gateway KEYWORD Gateway address
dhcp network.dhcp KEYWORD DHCP status (enabled, disabled, unknown, BOOTP)
metric network.metric INTEGER Metric of the network protocol
checksum file.hash.md5 KEYWORD Checksum of the scan
item_id KEYWORD Unique identifier for the network protocol item


Field name ECS field name Data type Description
scan_id sys_netproto.scan_id KEYWORD Reference to the scan information
iface sys_netproto.iface KEYWORD Name of the network interface
proto sys_netproto.type KEYWORD Type of network protocol
address source.address KEYWORD Network address
netmask network.netmask KEYWORD Network mask
broadcast network.broadcast KEYWORD Broadcast address
checksum file.hash.md5 KEYWORD Checksum of the scan
item_id KEYWORD Unique identifier for the network address item


Field name ECS field name Data type Description
scan_id KEYWORD Scan identifier
scan_time @timestamp DATE Timestamp of the scan
board_serial system.board.serial_number KEYWORD Serial number of the motherboard
cpu_name host.cpu.name KEYWORD Name of the CPU
cpu_cores host.cpu.cores INTEGER Number of CPU cores
cpu_mhz host.cpu.speed FLOAT Speed of the CPU in MHz
ram_total host.memory.total INTEGER Total RAM in the system
ram_free host.memory.free INTEGER Free RAM in the system
ram_usage host.memory.used.pct INTEGER RAM usage as a percentage
checksum file.hash.md5 KEYWORD Checksum of the scan


Field name ECS field name Data type Description
scan_id KEYWORD Scan identifier
scan_time @timestamp DATE Timestamp of the scan
protocol network.protocol KEYWORD Protocol used
local_ip source.ip KEYWORD Local IP address
local_port source.port INTEGER Local port number
remote_ip destination.ip KEYWORD Remote IP address
remote_port destination.port INTEGER Remote port number
tx_queue network.out.queue INTEGER Transmit queue length
rx_queue network.in.queue INTEGER Receive queue length
inode system.network.inode INTEGER Inode number
state network.transport KEYWORD State of the connection
PID process.pid INTEGER Process ID
process process.name KEYWORD Process name
checksum file.hash.md5 KEYWORD Checksum of the scan
item_id KEYWORD Unique identifier for the network port item


Field name ECS field name Data type Description
scan_id KEYWORD Scan identifier
scan_time @timestamp DATE Timestamp of the scan
format package.format KEYWORD Format of the program
name package.name KEYWORD Name of the program
priority package.priority KEYWORD Priority of the program
section package.section KEYWORD Section of the program
size package.size INTEGER Size of the program
vendor package.vendor KEYWORD Vendor of the program
install_time package.install_time DATE Installation time of the program
version package.version KEYWORD Version of the program
architecture host.architecture KEYWORD Architecture of the program
multiarch package.multiarch KEYWORD Multi-architecture compatibility
source package.source KEYWORD Source of the program
description package.description TEXT Description of the program
location package.location KEYWORD Location of the program
cpe KEYWORD Common Platform Enumeration (CPE) identifier
msu_name package.msu.name KEYWORD Name of the Microsoft Software Update (MSU) package
checksum file.hash.md5 KEYWORD Checksum of the scan
item_id KEYWORD Unique identifier for the program item


Field name ECS field name Data type Description
scan_id KEYWORD Scan identifier
scan_time @timestamp DATE Timestamp of the scan
hotfix update.name KEYWORD Name of the hotfix
checksum file.hash.md5 KEYWORD Checksum of the scan


Field name ECS field name Data type Description
scan_id KEYWORD Scan identifier
scan_time @timestamp DATE Timestamp of the scan
pid process.pid KEYWORD Process ID
name process.name KEYWORD Name of the process
state process.state KEYWORD State of the process
ppid process.ppid INTEGER Parent process ID
utime process.cpu.user INTEGER User mode CPU time
stime process.cpu.system INTEGER Kernel mode CPU time
cmd process.command_line TEXT Command executed
argvs process.args TEXT Command line arguments
euser user.effective.id KEYWORD Effective user ID
ruser user.id KEYWORD Real user ID
suser user.saved.id KEYWORD Saved user ID
egroup group.effective.id KEYWORD Effective group ID
rgroup group.id KEYWORD Real group ID
sgroup group.saved.id KEYWORD Saved group ID
fgroup group.file.id KEYWORD File group ID
priority process.priority INTEGER Process priority
nice process.nice INTEGER Nice value
size process.size INTEGER Process size
vm_size process.vm.size INTEGER Virtual memory size
resident process.memory.resident INTEGER Resident set size
share process.memory.share INTEGER Shared memory size
start_time process.start DATE Process start time
pgrp process.group INTEGER Process group ID
session process.session INTEGER Session ID
nlwp process.nlwp INTEGER Number of light-weight processes
tgid process.tgid INTEGER Thread group ID
tty process.tty INTEGER Controlling terminal
processor host.cpu.processor INTEGER Processor number
checksum file.hash.md5 KEYWORD Checksum of the scan
vikman90 commented 3 months ago

We reopen this issue.

For the specific case of the operating system inventory, we will need:

  1. Create a new table with examples of each current field, for Linux, Windows and macOS.
  2. Define with @dwordcito which fields are necessary for Vulnerability Detection.
vikman90 commented 3 months ago

OS inventory table

Field Linux Windows macOS
scan_id 0 0 0
scan_time 2024/06/28 12:06:56 2024/06/28 12:12:44 2024/06/28 12:07:39
hostname Rocket ROCKET Vikmans-MacBook-Pro.local
architecture x86_64 x86_64 arm64
os_name Ubuntu Microsoft Windows 11 Pro macOS
os_version 24.04 LTS (Noble Numbat) 10.0.22631.3737 14.5
os_codename noble Sonoma
os_major 24 10 14
os_minor 04 0 5
os_build 23F79
os_platform ubuntu 22631.3737 darwin
sysname Linux windows Darwin
release 2009 23.5.0
version #1 SMP Fri Mar 29 23:14:13 UTC 2024 1719576763000555500 Darwin Kernel Version 23.5.0: Wed May 1 20:13:18 PDT 2024; root:xnu-10063.121.3~5/RELEASE_ARM64_T6030
checksum 1719576416746634351 23H2 1719576458594152
reference d0241780a708ba1e2a1a54762c15b2e3c75aabc8 c6be314466fb7ad4d7a78462fc3d05c49231fbd5 2419f871e6668f5f4e67c75fbb92b3ab48e830f4