wazuh / wazuh-qa

Wazuh - Quality Assurance
GNU General Public License v2.0
61 stars 30 forks source link

Improve Wazuh manager statistics #3113

Closed TomasTurina closed 1 year ago

TomasTurina commented 1 year ago
Target version Related issue Related PR
4.4 https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh/issues/13099 https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh/pull/13713


In order to validate the changes of the branch https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh/tree/dev-state-counters, some manual testing is required.

As part of https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh/issues/13099, the statistics of the Wazuh manager have been improved.

Now, global statistics in JSON format can be requested using the API for the following daemons:

Also, agent's related statistics can be requested for the following daemons:

Information related to the fields of the JSON can be found here and here.

All requests must point to the following sockets:

Information related to the fields of the JSON request/response can be found here.

Note: Requests to get the active configuration of these three daemons have also been moved to JSON format and should also be tested in this issue.


No extra configuration is required.


No logs needed to verify.

Feature validation

Use the new API endpoints to retrieve and validate these counters/configurations.

Also, this python script may be useful:

import socket
from struct import pack, unpack
from json import dumps, loads

class WazuhSocket:

    MAX_SIZE = 65536

    def __init__(self, path):
        self.path = path

    def _connect(self):
            self.s = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        except Exception as e:
            raise e

    def close(self):

    def send(self, msg_bytes, header_format="<I"):
        if not isinstance(msg_bytes, bytes):
            raise Exception

            sent = self.s.send(pack(header_format, len(msg_bytes)) + msg_bytes)
            if sent == 0:
                raise Exception
            return sent
        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception

    def receive(self, header_format="<I", header_size=4):

            size = unpack(header_format, self.s.recv(header_size, socket.MSG_WAITALL))[0]
            return self.s.recv(size, socket.MSG_WAITALL)
        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception

s = WazuhSocket("/var/ossec/queue/sockets/remote")
msg = {'version': 1, 'origin': {'module': 'api'}, 'command': 'getstats', 'module': 'api', 'parameters': {}}
data = loads(s.receive().decode())
Deblintrake09 commented 1 year ago

Review data

Tester PR commit
@Deblintrake09 369876c

Testing environment

OS OS version Deployment Image/AMI Notes
Centos 8 <LOCAL \| Vagrant qactl/centos_8

Tested packages

wazuh-manager wazuh-agent
.rpm Manager .rpm agent



Deblintrake09 commented 1 year ago

Testing remoted socket

Get socket configuration - getconfig - global :green_circle: 1. Send request Json ```json {"version": 1, "origin": {"module": "api"}, "command": "getconfig", "parameters": {"section": "global"}} ``` 2. Response ```json { "error":0, "message":"ok", "data":{ "global":{ "remoted":{ "agents_disconnection_alert_time":0, "agents_disconnection_time":600 } } } ```
Get socket configuration - getconfig - remote :green_circle: 1. Send request Json ```json {"version": 1, "origin": {"module": "api"}, "command": "getconfig", "parameters": {"section": "remote"}} ``` 2. Response ```json { "error":0, "message":"ok", "data":{ "remote":[ { "connection":"secure", "ipv6":"no", "protocol":[ "TCP", "UDP" ], "port":"1514", "queue_size":"131072" } ] } } ```
Get socket configuration - getconfig - internal :green_circle: 1. Send request Json ```json {"version": 1, "origin": {"module": "api"}, "command": "getconfig", "parameters": {"section": "internal"}} ``` 2. Response ```json { "error":0, "message":"ok", "data":{ "internal":{ "remoted":{ "recv_counter_flush":128, "comp_average_printout":19999, "verify_msg_id":0, "recv_timeout":0, "pass_empty_keyfile":1, "sender_pool":8, "request_pool":1024, "request_rto_sec":1, "request_rto_msec":0, "max_attempts":4, "request_timeout":10, "response_timeout":60, "shared_reload":10, "rlimit_nofile":458752, "merge_shared":0, "guess_agent_group":0, "receive_chunk":4096, "send_chunk":4096, "buffer_relax":1, "send_buffer_size":131072, "send_timeout_to_retry":1, "tcp_keepidle":30, "tcp_keepintvl":10, "tcp_keepcnt":3 } } } } ```
Get socket configuration - getconfig - internal - invalid section :green_circle: 1. Send request Json ```json {"version": 1, "origin": {"module": "api"}, "command": "getconfig", "parameters": {"section": "INVALID"}} ``` 2. Response ```json { "error":5, "message":"Empty section", "data":{} } ```
Get socket configuration - getconfig - internal - no section :green_circle: 1. Send request Json ```json {"version": 1, "origin": {"module": "api"}, "command": "getconfig", "parameters": {}} ``` 2. Response ```json { "error":6, "message":"Unrecognized or not configured section", "data":{} } ```

Get socket stats - getstats :green_circle: 1. Send request Json ```json {"version": 1, "origin": {"module": "api"}, "command": "getstats", "parameters": {}} ``` 2. Response ```json { "error":0, "message":"ok", "data":{ "timestamp":1659698893, "name":"wazuh-remoted", "metrics":{ "bytes":{ "received":158500, "sent":6458 }, "keys_reload_count":1, "messages":{ "received_breakdown":{ "control":6, "control_breakdown":{ "keepalive":3, "request":0, "shutdown":1, "startup":2 }, "dequeued_after":0, "discarded":0, "event":432, "ping":0, "unknown":0 }, "sent_breakdown":{ "ack":6, "ar":31, "cfga":2, "discarded":0, "request":0, "shared":3 } }, "queues":{ "received":{ "size":131072, "usage":0 } }, "tcp_sessions":1 } } } ```
Get socket stats - getstats - no parameters:green_circle: 1. Send request Json ```json {"version": 1, "origin": {"module": "api"}, "command": "getstats", "parameters": {}} ``` 2. Response ```json { "error":0, "message":"ok", "data":{ "timestamp":1659718683, "name":"wazuh-db", "metrics":{ "queries":{ "received":487480, "received_breakdown":{ "agent":12323, "agent_breakdown":{ "db":{ "begin":0, "close":0, "commit":0, "remove":0, "sql":0 }, "tables":{ "ciscat":{ "ciscat":0 }, "rootcheck":{ "rootcheck":8 }, "sca":{ "sca":4194 }, "sync":{ "dbsync":544 }, "syscheck":{ "fim_file":5328, "fim_registry":0, "syscheck":10 }, "syscollector":{ "syscollector_hotfixes":0, "syscollector_hwinfo":21, "syscollector_network_address":24, "syscollector_network_iface":30, "syscollector_network_protocol":24, "syscollector_osinfo":21, "syscollector_packages":1434, "syscollector_ports":59, "syscollector_processes":626, "deprecated":{ "hardware":0, "hotfix":0, "netaddr":0, "netinfo":0, "netproto":0, "osinfo":0, "package":0, "port":0, "process":0 } }, "vulnerability":{ "vuln_cves":0 } } }, "global":473855, "global_breakdown":{ "db":{ "backup":0, "sql":0 }, "tables":{ "agent":{ "delete-agent":0, "disconnect-agents":33, "find-agent":0, "get-agent-info":457512, "get-agents-by-connection-status":7916, "get-all-agents":2022, "get-groups-integrity":0, "insert-agent":227, "reset-agents-connection":1, "select-agent-group":2780, "select-agent-name":709, "set-agent-groups":2, "sync-agent-groups-get":0, "sync-agent-info-get":0, "sync-agent-info-set":0, "update-agent-data":2556, "update-agent-name":1, "update-connection-status":2, "update-keepalive":4 }, "belongs":{ "get-group-agents":0, "select-group-belong":0 }, "group":{ "delete-group":0, "find-group":1, "insert-agent-group":0, "select-groups":1 }, "labels":{ "get-labels":88 } } }, "mitre":1277, "mitre_breakdown":{ "db":{ "sql":1277 } }, "task":25, "task_breakdown":{ "db":{ "sql":0 }, "tables":{ "tasks":{ "delete_old":1, "set_timeout":23, "upgrade":0, "upgrade_cancel_tasks":1, "upgrade_custom":0, "upgrade_get_status":0, "upgrade_result":0, "upgrade_update_status":0 } } }, "wazuhdb":0, "wazuhdb_breakdown":{ "db":{ "remove":0 } } } }, "time":{ "execution":22355, "execution_breakdown":{ "agent":5291, "agent_breakdown":{ "db":{ "begin":0, "close":0, "commit":0, "remove":0, "sql":0 }, "tables":{ "ciscat":{ "ciscat":0 }, "rootcheck":{ "rootcheck":14 }, "sca":{ "sca":84 }, "sync":{ "dbsync":2860 }, "syscheck":{ "fim_file":1643, "fim_registry":0, "syscheck":13 }, "syscollector":{ "syscollector_hotfixes":0, "syscollector_hwinfo":58, "syscollector_network_address":66, "syscollector_network_iface":59, "syscollector_network_protocol":58, "syscollector_osinfo":54, "syscollector_packages":194, "syscollector_ports":67, "syscollector_processes":116, "deprecated":{ "hardware":0, "hotfix":0, "netaddr":0, "netinfo":0, "netproto":0, "osinfo":0, "package":0, "port":0, "process":0 } }, "vulnerability":{ "vuln_cves":0 } } }, "global":16972, "global_breakdown":{ "db":{ "backup":0, "sql":0 }, "tables":{ "agent":{ "delete-agent":0, "disconnect-agents":4, "find-agent":0, "get-agent-info":12777, "get-agents-by-connection-status":1210, "get-all-agents":2191, "get-groups-integrity":0, "insert-agent":7, "reset-agents-connection":0, "select-agent-group":200, "select-agent-name":5, "set-agent-groups":0, "sync-agent-groups-get":0, "sync-agent-info-get":0, "sync-agent-info-set":0, "update-agent-data":563, "update-agent-name":0, "update-connection-status":0, "update-keepalive":0 }, "belongs":{ "get-group-agents":0, "select-group-belong":0 }, "group":{ "delete-group":0, "find-group":0, "insert-agent-group":0, "select-groups":0 }, "labels":{ "get-labels":9 } } }, "mitre":89, "mitre_breakdown":{ "db":{ "sql":89 } }, "task":3, "task_breakdown":{ "db":{ "sql":0 }, "tables":{ "tasks":{ "delete_old":0, "set_timeout":2, "upgrade":0, "upgrade_cancel_tasks":0, "upgrade_custom":0, "upgrade_get_status":0, "upgrade_result":0, "upgrade_update_status":0 } } }, "wazuhdb":0, "wazuhdb_breakdown":{ "db":{ "remove":0 } } } } } } } ```

Get Agent stats - getagentstats -all agents - last_id = 0 :green_circle: 1. Send request Json ```json {"version": 1, "origin": {"module": "api"}, "command": "getagentsstats", "parameters": {"agents": "all", "last_id":0}} ``` 2. Response ```json { "error":0, "message":"ok", "data":{ "timestamp":1659709761, "name":"wazuh-remoted", "agents":[ { "id":226, "metrics":{ "messages":{ "received_breakdown":{ "control":1089, "control_breakdown":{ "keepalive":1088, "request":0, "shutdown":0, "startup":1 }, "event":4246 }, "sent_breakdown":{ "ack":1089, "ar":49, "cfga":2, "discarded":0, "request":0, "shared":0 } } } } ] } } ```
Get Agent stats - getagentstats -all agents - no last_id :green_circle: 1. Send request Json ```json {"version": 1, "origin": {"module": "api"}, "command": "getagentsstats", "parameters": {"agents": "all"}} ``` 2. Response ```json { "error":10, "message":"Empty last id", "data":{ } } ```
Get Agent stats - getagentstats - single agent :green_circle: 1. Send request Json ```json {"version": 1, "origin": {"module": "api"}, "command": "getagentsstats", "parameters": {"agents": [226]}} ``` 2. Response ```json { "error":0, "message":"ok", "data":{ "timestamp":1659700814, "name":"wazuh-remoted", "agents":[ { "id":226, "metrics":{ "messages":{ "received_breakdown":{ "control":195, "control_breakdown":{ "keepalive":194, "request":0, "shutdown":0, "startup":1 }, "event":3816 }, "sent_breakdown":{ "ack":195, "ar":49, "cfga":2, "discarded":0, "request":0, "shared":0 } } } } ] } } ```
Get Agent stats - getagentstats - multiple agent :green_circle: 1. Send request Json ```json {"version": 1, "origin": {"module": "api"}, "command": "getagentsstats", "parameters": {"agents": [226,227]}} ``` 2. Response ```json { "error":0, "message":"ok", "data":{ "timestamp":1659700814, "name":"wazuh-remoted", "agents":[ { "id":226, "metrics":{ "messages":{ "received_breakdown":{ "control":195, "control_breakdown":{ "keepalive":194, "request":0, "shutdown":0, "startup":1 }, "event":3816 }, "sent_breakdown":{ "ack":195, "ar":49, "cfga":2, "discarded":0, "request":0, "shared":0 } } } } ] } } ```
Deblintrake09 commented 1 year ago

Test wazuhdb socket

Get socket configuration - getconfig - internal :green_circle: 1. Send request Json ```json {"version": 1, "origin": {"module": "api"}, "command": "getconfig", "parameters": {"section": "internal"}} ``` 2. Response ```json { "error":0, "message":"ok", "data":{ "timestamp":1659712998, "name":"wazuh-remoted", "agents":[ { "id":226, "metrics":{ "messages":{ "received_breakdown":{ "control":1413, "control_breakdown":{ "keepalive":1412, "request":0, "shutdown":0, "startup":1 }, "event":4338 }, "sent_breakdown":{ "ack":1413, "ar":49, "cfga":2, "discarded":0, "request":0, "shared":0 } } } }, { "id":227, "metrics":{ "messages":{ "received_breakdown":{ "control":5, "control_breakdown":{ "keepalive":5, "request":0, "shutdown":0, "startup":0 }, "event":1602 }, "sent_breakdown":{ "ack":5, "ar":50, "cfga":2, "discarded":0, "request":0, "shared":0 } } } } ] } } ```
Get socket configuration - getconfig - wdb :green_circle: 1. Send request Json ```json {"version": 1, "origin": {"module": "api"}, "command": "getconfig", "parameters": {"section": "wdb"}} ``` 2. Response ```json { "error":0, "message":"ok", "data":{ "wdb":{ "backup":[ { "database":"global", "enabled":true, "interval":86400, "max_files":3 } ] } } } ```
Get socket configuration - invalid section - getconfig :green_circle: 1. Send request Json ```json {"version": 1, "origin": {"module": "api"}, "command": "getconfig", "parameters": {"section": "invalid"}} ``` 2. Response ```json { "error":5, "message":"Empty section", "data":{} } ```
Get socket configuration - no section - getconfig :green_circle: 1. Send request Json ```json {"version": 1, "origin": {"module": "api"}, "command": "getconfig", "parameters": {}} ``` 2. Response ```json { "error":6, "message":"Unrecognized or not configured section", "data":{} } ```
Get socket stats - getstats :green_circle: 1. Send request Json ```json {"version": 1, "origin": {"module": "api"}, "command": "getstats", "parameters": {}} ``` 2. Response ```json { "error":0, "message":"ok", "data":{ "timestamp":1659715051, "name":"wazuh-db", "metrics":{ "queries":{ "received":401573, "received_breakdown":{ "agent":12114, "agent_breakdown":{ "db":{ "begin":0, "close":0, "commit":0, "remove":0, "sql":0 }, "tables":{ "ciscat":{ "ciscat":0 }, "rootcheck":{ "rootcheck":8 }, "sca":{ "sca":4194 }, "sync":{ "dbsync":396 }, "syscheck":{ "fim_file":5291, "fim_registry":0, "syscheck":10 }, "syscollector":{ "syscollector_hotfixes":0, "syscollector_hwinfo":18, "syscollector_network_address":21, "syscollector_network_iface":27, "syscollector_network_protocol":21, "syscollector_osinfo":18, "syscollector_packages":1431, "syscollector_ports":56, "syscollector_processes":623, "deprecated":{ "hardware":0, "hotfix":0, "netaddr":0, "netinfo":0, "netproto":0, "osinfo":0, "package":0, "port":0, "process":0 } }, "vulnerability":{ "vuln_cves":0 } } }, "global":388161, "global_breakdown":{ "db":{ "backup":0, "sql":0 }, "tables":{ "agent":{ "delete-agent":0, "disconnect-agents":27, "find-agent":0, "get-agent-info":375111, "get-agents-by-connection-status":6466, "get-all-agents":1659, "get-groups-integrity":0, "insert-agent":227, "reset-agents-connection":1, "select-agent-group":2054, "select-agent-name":709, "set-agent-groups":2, "sync-agent-groups-get":0, "sync-agent-info-get":0, "sync-agent-info-set":0, "update-agent-data":1830, "update-agent-name":1, "update-connection-status":2, "update-keepalive":4 }, "belongs":{ "get-group-agents":0, "select-group-belong":0 }, "group":{ "delete-group":0, "find-group":1, "insert-agent-group":0, "select-groups":1 }, "labels":{ "get-labels":66 } } }, "mitre":1277, "mitre_breakdown":{ "db":{ "sql":1277 } }, "task":21, "task_breakdown":{ "db":{ "sql":0 }, "tables":{ "tasks":{ "delete_old":1, "set_timeout":19, "upgrade":0, "upgrade_cancel_tasks":1, "upgrade_custom":0, "upgrade_get_status":0, "upgrade_result":0, "upgrade_update_status":0 } } }, "wazuhdb":0, "wazuhdb_breakdown":{ "db":{ "remove":0 } } } }, "time":{ "execution":17788, "execution_breakdown":{ "agent":4111, "agent_breakdown":{ "db":{ "begin":0, "close":0, "commit":0, "remove":0, "sql":0 }, "tables":{ "ciscat":{ "ciscat":0 }, "rootcheck":{ "rootcheck":14 }, "sca":{ "sca":84 }, "sync":{ "dbsync":2037 }, "syscheck":{ "fim_file":1419, "fim_registry":0, "syscheck":13 }, "syscollector":{ "syscollector_hotfixes":0, "syscollector_hwinfo":41, "syscollector_network_address":49, "syscollector_network_iface":40, "syscollector_network_protocol":43, "syscollector_osinfo":39, "syscollector_packages":179, "syscollector_ports":50, "syscollector_processes":97, "deprecated":{ "hardware":0, "hotfix":0, "netaddr":0, "netinfo":0, "netproto":0, "osinfo":0, "package":0, "port":0, "process":0 } }, "vulnerability":{ "vuln_cves":0 } } }, "global":13586, "global_breakdown":{ "db":{ "backup":0, "sql":0 }, "tables":{ "agent":{ "delete-agent":0, "disconnect-agents":4, "find-agent":0, "get-agent-info":10348, "get-agents-by-connection-status":932, "get-all-agents":1739, "get-groups-integrity":0, "insert-agent":7, "reset-agents-connection":0, "select-agent-group":141, "select-agent-name":5, "set-agent-groups":0, "sync-agent-groups-get":0, "sync-agent-info-get":0, "sync-agent-info-set":0, "update-agent-data":398, "update-agent-name":0, "update-connection-status":0, "update-keepalive":0 }, "belongs":{ "get-group-agents":0, "select-group-belong":0 }, "group":{ "delete-group":0, "find-group":0, "insert-agent-group":0, "select-groups":0 }, "labels":{ "get-labels":7 } } }, "mitre":89, "mitre_breakdown":{ "db":{ "sql":89 } }, "task":2, "task_breakdown":{ "db":{ "sql":0 }, "tables":{ "tasks":{ "delete_old":0, "set_timeout":2, "upgrade":0, "upgrade_cancel_tasks":0, "upgrade_custom":0, "upgrade_get_status":0, "upgrade_result":0, "upgrade_update_status":0 } } }, "wazuhdb":0, "wazuhdb_breakdown":{ "db":{ "remove":0 } } } } } } } ```
Get socket stats - no parametersgetstats :green_circle: 1. Send request Json ```json {"version": 1, "origin": {"module": "api"}, "command": "getstats"} ``` 2. Response ```json { "error":0, "message":"ok", "data":{ "timestamp":1659715051, "name":"wazuh-db", "metrics":{ "queries":{ "received":401573, "received_breakdown":{ "agent":12114, "agent_breakdown":{ "db":{ "begin":0, "close":0, "commit":0, "remove":0, "sql":0 }, "tables":{ "ciscat":{ "ciscat":0 }, "rootcheck":{ "rootcheck":8 }, "sca":{ "sca":4194 }, "sync":{ "dbsync":396 }, "syscheck":{ "fim_file":5291, "fim_registry":0, "syscheck":10 }, "syscollector":{ "syscollector_hotfixes":0, "syscollector_hwinfo":18, "syscollector_network_address":21, "syscollector_network_iface":27, "syscollector_network_protocol":21, "syscollector_osinfo":18, "syscollector_packages":1431, "syscollector_ports":56, "syscollector_processes":623, "deprecated":{ "hardware":0, "hotfix":0, "netaddr":0, "netinfo":0, "netproto":0, "osinfo":0, "package":0, "port":0, "process":0 } }, "vulnerability":{ "vuln_cves":0 } } }, "global":388161, "global_breakdown":{ "db":{ "backup":0, "sql":0 }, "tables":{ "agent":{ "delete-agent":0, "disconnect-agents":27, "find-agent":0, "get-agent-info":375111, "get-agents-by-connection-status":6466, "get-all-agents":1659, "get-groups-integrity":0, "insert-agent":227, "reset-agents-connection":1, "select-agent-group":2054, "select-agent-name":709, "set-agent-groups":2, "sync-agent-groups-get":0, "sync-agent-info-get":0, "sync-agent-info-set":0, "update-agent-data":1830, "update-agent-name":1, "update-connection-status":2, "update-keepalive":4 }, "belongs":{ "get-group-agents":0, "select-group-belong":0 }, "group":{ "delete-group":0, "find-group":1, "insert-agent-group":0, "select-groups":1 }, "labels":{ "get-labels":66 } } }, "mitre":1277, "mitre_breakdown":{ "db":{ "sql":1277 } }, "task":21, "task_breakdown":{ "db":{ "sql":0 }, "tables":{ "tasks":{ "delete_old":1, "set_timeout":19, "upgrade":0, "upgrade_cancel_tasks":1, "upgrade_custom":0, "upgrade_get_status":0, "upgrade_result":0, "upgrade_update_status":0 } } }, "wazuhdb":0, "wazuhdb_breakdown":{ "db":{ "remove":0 } } } }, "time":{ "execution":17788, "execution_breakdown":{ "agent":4111, "agent_breakdown":{ "db":{ "begin":0, "close":0, "commit":0, "remove":0, "sql":0 }, "tables":{ "ciscat":{ "ciscat":0 }, "rootcheck":{ "rootcheck":14 }, "sca":{ "sca":84 }, "sync":{ "dbsync":2037 }, "syscheck":{ "fim_file":1419, "fim_registry":0, "syscheck":13 }, "syscollector":{ "syscollector_hotfixes":0, "syscollector_hwinfo":41, "syscollector_network_address":49, "syscollector_network_iface":40, "syscollector_network_protocol":43, "syscollector_osinfo":39, "syscollector_packages":179, "syscollector_ports":50, "syscollector_processes":97, "deprecated":{ "hardware":0, "hotfix":0, "netaddr":0, "netinfo":0, "netproto":0, "osinfo":0, "package":0, "port":0, "process":0 } }, "vulnerability":{ "vuln_cves":0 } } }, "global":13586, "global_breakdown":{ "db":{ "backup":0, "sql":0 }, "tables":{ "agent":{ "delete-agent":0, "disconnect-agents":4, "find-agent":0, "get-agent-info":10348, "get-agents-by-connection-status":932, "get-all-agents":1739, "get-groups-integrity":0, "insert-agent":7, "reset-agents-connection":0, "select-agent-group":141, "select-agent-name":5, "set-agent-groups":0, "sync-agent-groups-get":0, "sync-agent-info-get":0, "sync-agent-info-set":0, "update-agent-data":398, "update-agent-name":0, "update-connection-status":0, "update-keepalive":0 }, "belongs":{ "get-group-agents":0, "select-group-belong":0 }, "group":{ "delete-group":0, "find-group":0, "insert-agent-group":0, "select-groups":0 }, "labels":{ "get-labels":7 } } }, "mitre":89, "mitre_breakdown":{ "db":{ "sql":89 } }, "task":2, "task_breakdown":{ "db":{ "sql":0 }, "tables":{ "tasks":{ "delete_old":0, "set_timeout":2, "upgrade":0, "upgrade_cancel_tasks":0, "upgrade_custom":0, "upgrade_get_status":0, "upgrade_result":0, "upgrade_update_status":0 } } }, "wazuhdb":0, "wazuhdb_breakdown":{ "db":{ "remove":0 } } } } } } } ```
Deblintrake09 commented 1 year ago

Testing Analysisd socket -part 1

Get socket configuration - getconfig - global :green_circle: 1. Send request Json ```json {"version": 1, "origin": {"module": "api"}, "command": "getconfig", "parameters": {"section": "global"}} ``` 2. Response ```json { "error":0, "message":"ok", "data":{ "global":{ "email_notification":"yes", "logall":"yes", "logall_json":"no", "integrity_checking":8, "rootkit_detection":8, "host_information":8, "prelude_output":"no", "zeromq_output":"no", "jsonout_output":"yes", "alerts_log":"yes", "stats":4, "memory_size":8192, "white_list":[ "", "", "localhost.localdomain" ], "rotate_interval":0, "max_output_size":0 } } } ```
Get socket configuration - getconfig - active_response :green_circle: 1. Send request Json ```json {"version": 1, "origin": {"module": "api"}, "command": "getconfig", "parameters": {"section": "active_response"}} ``` 2. Response ```json { "error":0, "message":"ok", "data":{ "active-response":[ ] } } ```
Get socket configuration - getconfig - alerts :green_circle: 1. Send request Json ```json {"version": 1, "origin": {"module": "api"}, "command": "getconfig", "parameters": {"section": "alerts"}} ``` 2. Response ```json { "error":0, "message":"ok", "data":{ "alerts":{ "email_alert_level":12, "log_alert_level":3 } } } ```
Get socket configuration - getconfig - decoders :green_circle: 1. Send request Json ```json {"version": 1, "origin": {"module": "api"}, "command": "getconfig", "parameters": {"section": "decoders"}} ``` 2. Response ```json { "error":0, "message":"ok", "data":{ "decoders":[ { "id":21, "name":"aix-ipsec", "order":[ "action", "srcip", "dstip", "protocol", "srcport", "dstport" ], "use_own_name":"false", "accumulate":"no", "regex":{ "pattern":" R:(\\w) \\w:\\S+ S:(\\S+) D:(\\S+) P:(\\S+) SP:(\\d+) DP:(\\d+) ", "type":"osregex" }, "program_name":{ "pattern":"^ipsec_logd", "type":"osmatch" }, "type":"firewall" }, { "id":22, "name":"apache-errorlog", "children":[ { "id":22, "name":"apache-errorlog", "parent":"apache-errorlog", "order":[ "srcip", "srcport", "id" ], "use_own_name":"false", "accumulate":"no", "prematch":{ "pattern":"[client \\S+:\\d+] \\S+:", "type":"osregex" }, "prematch_offset":"after_parent", "regex":{ "pattern":"[client (\\S+):(\\d+)] (\\S+): ", "type":"osregex" }, "regex_offset":"after_parent", "type":"syslog" }, { "id":22, "name":"apache-errorlog", "parent":"apache-errorlog", "order":[ "srcip", "id" ], "use_own_name":"false", "accumulate":"no", "prematch":{ "pattern":"[client 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"source_zone", "interface", "action" ], "use_own_name":"false", "accumulate":"no", "prematch":{ "pattern":"IP spoofing", "type":"osregex" }, "regex":{ "pattern":" (\\.+) (\\S+) - (\\S+) [\\S+ attack-name=\"(\\.+)\" source-address=\"(\\S+)\" destination-address=\"(\\S+)\" protocol-id=\"(\\S+)\" source-zone-name=\"(\\S+)\" interface-name=\"(\\S+)\" action=\"(\\S+)\"]", "type":"osregex" }, "regex_offset":"after_parent", "type":"syslog" }, { "id":306, "name":"junos-ids", "parent":"junos-ids", "order":[ "firewall_name", "cat", "sub_cat", "attack.name", "srcip", "srcport", "dstip", "dstport", "source_zone", "interface", "action" ], "use_own_name":"false", "accumulate":"no", "prematch":{ "pattern":"No TCP flag", "type":"osregex" }, "regex":{ "pattern":" (\\.+) (\\S+) - (\\S+) [\\S+ attack-name=\"(\\.+)\" source-address=\"(\\S+)\" source-port=\"(\\S+)\" destination-address=\"(\\S+)\" destination-port=\"(\\S+)\" source-zone-name=\"(\\S+)\" interface-name=\"(\\S+)\" action=\"(\\S+)\"]", "type":"osregex" }, "regex_offset":"after_parent", "type":"syslog" }, { "id":306, "name":"junos-ids", "parent":"junos-ids", "order":[ "firewall_name", "cat", "sub_cat", "attack.name", "srcip" ], "use_own_name":"false", "accumulate":"no", "regex":{ "pattern":" (\\.+) (\\S+) - (\\S+) [\\S+ attack-name=\"(\\.+)\" source-address=\"(\\S+)\"", "type":"osregex" }, "regex_offset":"after_parent", "type":"syslog" } ], "use_own_name":"false", "accumulate":"no", "program_name":{ "pattern":"junos-ids", "type":"osmatch" }, "type":"syslog" } ```
Deblintrake09 commented 1 year ago

Testing Analysisd socket -part 2

Get socket configuration - getconfig - rules :green_circle: 1. Send request Json ```json {"version": 1, "origin": {"module": "api"}, "command": "getconfig", "parameters": {"section": "rules"}} ``` 2. Response ```json { "error":0, "message":"ok", "data":{ "rules":[ { "children":[ { "children":[ { "sigid":601, "level":3, "maxsize":0, "frequency":0, "timeframe":360, "ignore_time":0, "decoded_as":0, "if_matched_sid":0, "group":"ossec,active_response,pci_dss_11.4,gpg13_4.13,gdpr_IV_35.7.d,nist_800_53_SI.4,tsc_CC6.1,tsc_CC6.8,tsc_CC7.2,tsc_CC7.3,tsc_CC7.4,", "comment":"Host Blocked by firewall-drop Active Response", "if_sid":"600", "rule_file":"ruleset/rules/0015-ossec_rules.xml", "category":"syslog", "field":[ { "name":"script", "pattern":"firewall-drop", "type":"osregex", "negate":false }, { "name":"type", "pattern":"add", "type":"osregex", "negate":false } ] }, { "sigid":602, "level":3, "maxsize":0, "frequency":0, "timeframe":360, "ignore_time":0, "decoded_as":0, "if_matched_sid":0, "group":"ossec,active_response,pci_dss_11.4,gpg13_4.13,gdpr_IV_35.7.d,nist_800_53_SI.4,tsc_CC6.1,tsc_CC6.8,tsc_CC7.2,tsc_CC7.3,tsc_CC7.4,", "comment":"Host Unblocked by firewall-drop Active Response", "if_sid":"600", "rule_file":"ruleset/rules/0015-ossec_rules.xml", "category":"syslog", "field":[ { "name":"script", "pattern":"firewall-drop", "type":"osregex", "negate":false }, { "name":"type", "pattern":"delete", "type":"osregex", "negate":false } ] }, { "sigid":603, "level":3, "maxsize":0, "frequency":0, "timeframe":360, "ignore_time":0, "decoded_as":0, "if_matched_sid":0, "group":"ossec,active_response,pci_dss_11.4,gpg13_4.13,gdpr_IV_35.7.d,nist_800_53_SI.4,tsc_CC6.1,tsc_CC6.8,tsc_CC7.2,tsc_CC7.3,tsc_CC7.4,", "comment":"Host Blocked by host-deny Active Response", "if_sid":"600", "rule_file":"ruleset/rules/0015-ossec_rules.xml", "category":"syslog", "field":[ { "name":"script", "pattern":"host-deny", "type":"osregex", "negate":false }, { "name":"type", "pattern":"add", "type":"osregex", "negate":false } ] }, { "sigid":604, "level":3, "maxsize":0, "frequency":0, "timeframe":360, "ignore_time":0, "decoded_as":0, "if_matched_sid":0, "group":"ossec,active_response,pci_dss_11.4,gpg13_4.13,gdpr_IV_35.7.d,nist_800_53_SI.4,tsc_CC6.1,tsc_CC6.8,tsc_CC7.2,tsc_CC7.3,tsc_CC7.4,", "comment":"Host Unblocked by host-deny Active Response", "if_sid":"600", "rule_file":"ruleset/rules/0015-ossec_rules.xml", "category":"syslog", "field":[ { "name":"script", "pattern":"host-deny", "type":"osregex", "negate":false }, { "name":"type", "pattern":"delete", "type":"osregex", "negate":false } ] }, { "sigid":605, "level":3, "maxsize":0, "frequency":0, "timeframe":360, "ignore_time":0, "decoded_as":0, "if_matched_sid":0, "group":"ossec,active_response,pci_dss_11.4,gpg13_4.13,gdpr_IV_35.7.d,nist_800_53_SI.4,tsc_CC6.1,tsc_CC6.8,tsc_CC7.2,tsc_CC7.3,tsc_CC7.4,", "comment":"Host Blocked by $(script) Active Response", "if_sid":"600", "rule_file":"ruleset/rules/0015-ossec_rules.xml", "category":"syslog", "field":[ { "name":"script", "pattern":"route-null", "type":"osregex", "negate":false }, { "name":"type", "pattern":"add", "type":"osregex", 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"if_sid":"650", "rule_file":"ruleset/rules/0015-ossec_rules.xml", "category":"syslog", "field":[ { "name":"parameters.program", "pattern":"host-deny", "type":"osregex", "negate":false }, { "name":"command", "pattern":"delete", "type":"osregex", "negate":false } ] }, { "sigid":655, "level":3, "maxsize":0, "frequency":0, "timeframe":360, "ignore_time":0, "decoded_as":0, "if_matched_sid":0, "group":"ossec,active_response,pci_dss_11.4,gpg13_4.13,gdpr_IV_35.7.d,nist_800_53_SI.4,tsc_CC6.1,tsc_CC6.8,tsc_CC7.2,tsc_CC7.3,tsc_CC7.4,", "comment":"Host Blocked by route-null Active Response", "if_sid":"650", "rule_file":"ruleset/rules/0015-ossec_rules.xml", "category":"syslog", "field":[ { "name":"parameters.program", "pattern":"route-null", "type":"osregex", "negate":false }, { "name":"command", "pattern":"add", "type":"osregex", "negate":false } ] }, { "sigid":656, "level":3, "maxsize":0, "frequency":0, "timeframe":360, "ignore_time":0, "decoded_as":0, "if_matched_sid":0, "group": ```
Get socket configuration - getconfig - command :green_circle: 1. Send request Json ```json {"version": 1, "origin": {"module": "api"}, "command": "getconfig", "parameters": {"section": "command"}} ``` 2. Response ```json { "error":0, "message":"ok", "data":{ "command":[ { "name":"disable-account", "executable":"disable-account", "timeout_allowed":1 }, { "name":"restart-wazuh", "executable":"restart-wazuh", "timeout_allowed":0 }, { "name":"firewall-drop", "executable":"firewall-drop", "timeout_allowed":1 }, { "name":"host-deny", "executable":"host-deny", "timeout_allowed":1 }, { "name":"route-null", "executable":"route-null", "timeout_allowed":1 }, { "name":"win_route-null", "executable":"route-null.exe", "timeout_allowed":1 }, { "name":"netsh", "executable":"netsh.exe", "timeout_allowed":1 } ] } } ```
Get socket configuration - getconfig - internal :green_circle: 1. Send request Json ```json {"version": 1, "origin": {"module": "api"}, "command": "getconfig", "parameters": {"section": "internal"}} ``` 2. Response ```json { "error":0, "message":"ok", "data":{ "internal":{ "analysisd":{ "debug":2, "default_timeframe":360, "stats_maxdiff":999000, "stats_mindiff":1250, "stats_percent_diff":150, "fts_list_size":32, "fts_min_size_for_str":14, "log_fw":1, "decoder_order_size":256, "label_cache_maxage":10, "show_hidden_labels":0, "rlimit_nofile":458752, "min_rotate_interval":600 } } } } ```
Get socket configuration - getconfig - labels :green_circle: 1. Send request Json ```json {"version": 1, "origin": {"module": "api"}, "command": "getconfig", "parameters": {"section": "labels"}} ``` 2. Response ```json { "error":0, "message":"ok", "data":{ "labels":[ ] } } ```
Get socket configuration - getconfig - rule_test :green_circle: 1. Send request Json ```json {"version": 1, "origin": {"module": "api"}, "command": "getconfig", "parameters": {"section": "rule_test"}} ``` 2. Response ```json { "error":0, "message":"ok", "data":{ "rule_test":{ "enabled":"yes", "threads":1, "max_sessions":64, "session_timeout":900 } } } ```
Get socket configuration - getconfig - invalid section :green_circle: 1. Send request Json ```json {"version": 1, "origin": {"module": "api"}, "command": "getconfig", "parameters": {"section": "invalid"}} ``` 2. Response ```json { "error":7, "message":"Unrecognized or not configured section", "data":{ } } ```
Get socket configuration - getconfig - empty parameters :green_circle: 1. Send request Json ```json {"version": 1, "origin": {"module": "api"}, "command": "getconfig", "parameters": {}} ``` 2. Response ```json { "error":6, "message":"Empty section", "data":{ } } ```

Get socket stats - getstats :green_circle: 1. Send request Json ```json {"version": 1, "origin": {"module": "api"}, "command": "getstats", "parameters": {}} ``` 2. Response ```json { "error":0, "message":"ok", "data":{ "timestamp":1659713502, "name":"wazuh-analysisd", "metrics":{ "bytes":{ "received":5129587 }, "events":{ "processed":2041, "received":9543, "received_breakdown":{ "decoded_breakdown":{ "agent":0, "agentless":0, "dbsync":7492, "integrations_breakdown":{ "virustotal":0 }, "modules_breakdown":{ "aws":0, "azure":0, "ciscat":0, "command":0, "docker":0, "gcp":0, "github":0, "logcollector_breakdown":{ "eventchannel":0, "eventlog":0, "macos":0, "others":876 }, "office365":0, "oscap":0, "osquery":0, "rootcheck":8, "sca":758, "syscheck":10, "syscollector":396, "upgrade":0, "vulnerability":0 }, "monitor":1, "remote":2, "syslog":0 }, "dropped_breakdown":{ "agent":0, "agentless":0, "dbsync":0, "integrations_breakdown":{ "virustotal":0 }, "modules_breakdown":{ "aws":0, "azure":0, "ciscat":0, "command":0, "docker":0, "gcp":0, "github":0, "logcollector_breakdown":{ "eventchannel":0, "eventlog":0, "macos":0, "others":0 }, "office365":0, "oscap":0, "osquery":0, "rootcheck":0, "sca":0, "syscheck":0, "syscollector":0, "upgrade":0, "vulnerability":0 }, "monitor":0, "remote":0, "syslog":0 } }, "written_breakdown":{ "alerts":392, "archives":2041, "firewall":0, "fts":2, "stats":0 } }, "queues":{ "alerts":{ "size":16384, "usage":0 }, "archives":{ "size":16384, "usage":0 }, "dbsync":{ "size":16384, "usage":0 }, "eventchannel":{ "size":16384, "usage":0 }, "firewall":{ "size":16384, "usage":0 }, "fts":{ "size":16384, "usage":0 }, "hostinfo":{ "size":16384, "usage":0 }, "others":{ "size":16384, "usage":0 }, "processed":{ "size":16384, "usage":0 }, "rootcheck":{ "size":16384, "usage":0 }, "sca":{ "size":16384, "usage":0 }, "stats":{ "size":16384, "usage":0 }, "syscheck":{ "size":16384, "usage":0 }, "syscollector":{ "size":16384, "usage":0 }, "upgrade":{ "size":16384, "usage":0 } } } } } ```

Get Agent stats - getagentstats -all agents - last_id = 0 :green_circle: 1. Send request Json ```json {"version": 1, "origin": {"module": "api"}, "command": "getagentsstats", "parameters": {"agents": "all", "last_id":0}} ``` 2. Response ```json { "error":0, "message":"ok", "data":{ "timestamp":1659713465, "name":"wazuh-analysisd", "agents":[ { "id":226, "metrics":{ "events":{ "processed":984, "received_breakdown":{ "decoded_breakdown":{ "agent":0, "dbsync":3420, "integrations_breakdown":{ "virustotal":0 }, "modules_breakdown":{ "aws":0, "azure":0, "ciscat":0, "command":0, "docker":0, "gcp":0, "github":0, "logcollector_breakdown":{ "eventchannel":0, "eventlog":0, "macos":0, "others":431 }, "office365":0, "oscap":0, "osquery":0, "rootcheck":2, "sca":378, "syscheck":2, "syscollector":173, "upgrade":0, "vulnerability":0 }, "monitor":0, "remote":0 } }, "written_breakdown":{ "alerts":192, "archives":984, "firewall":0 } } } }, { "id":227, "metrics":{ "events":{ "processed":415, "received_breakdown":{ "decoded_breakdown":{ "agent":0, "dbsync":3320, "integrations_breakdown":{ "virustotal":0 }, "modules_breakdown":{ "aws":0, "azure":0, "ciscat":0, "command":0, "docker":0, "gcp":0, "github":0, "logcollector_breakdown":{ "eventchannel":0, "eventlog":0, "macos":0, "others":35 }, "office365":0, "oscap":0, "osquery":0, "rootcheck":2, "sca":378, "syscheck":2, "syscollector":0, "upgrade":0, "vulnerability":0 }, "monitor":0, "remote":0 } }, "written_breakdown":{ "alerts":192, "archives":415, "firewall":0 } } } } ] } } ```
Get Agent stats - getagentstats -all agents - no last_id :green_circle: 1. Send request Json ```json {"version": 1, "origin": {"module": "api"}, "command": "getagentsstats", "parameters": {"agents": "all"}} ``` 2. Response ```json { "error":10, "message":"Empty last id", "data":{ } } ```
Get Agent stats - getagentstats - single agent :green_circle: 1. Send request Json ```json {"version": 1, "origin": {"module": "api"}, "command": "getagentsstats", "parameters": {"agents": [226]}} ``` 2. Response ```json { "error":0, "message":"ok", "data":{ "timestamp":1659713319, "name":"wazuh-analysisd", "agents":[ { "id":226, "metrics":{ "events":{ "processed":971, "received_breakdown":{ "decoded_breakdown":{ "agent":0, "dbsync":3420, "integrations_breakdown":{ "virustotal":0 }, "modules_breakdown":{ "aws":0, "azure":0, "ciscat":0, "command":0, "docker":0, "gcp":0, "github":0, "logcollector_breakdown":{ "eventchannel":0, "eventlog":0, "macos":0, "others":418 }, "office365":0, "oscap":0, "osquery":0, "rootcheck":2, "sca":378, "syscheck":2, "syscollector":173, "upgrade":0, "vulnerability":0 }, "monitor":0, "remote":0 } }, "written_breakdown":{ "alerts":192, "archives":971, "firewall":0 } } } } ] } } ```
Get Agent stats - getagentstats - multiple agent :green_circle: 1. Send request Json ```json {"version": 1, "origin": {"module": "api"}, "command": "getagentsstats", "parameters": {"agents": [226,227]}} ``` 2. Response ```json { "error":0, "message":"ok", "data":{ "timestamp":1659713266, "name":"wazuh-analysisd", "agents":[ { "id":226, "metrics":{ "events":{ "processed":924, "received_breakdown":{ "decoded_breakdown":{ "agent":0, "dbsync":3411, "integrations_breakdown":{ "virustotal":0 }, "modules_breakdown":{ "aws":0, "azure":0, "ciscat":0, "command":0, "docker":0, "gcp":0, "github":0, "logcollector_breakdown":{ "eventchannel":0, "eventlog":0, "macos":0, "others":409 }, "office365":0, "oscap":0, "osquery":0, "rootcheck":2, "sca":378, "syscheck":2, "syscollector":135, "upgrade":0, "vulnerability":0 }, "monitor":0, "remote":0 } }, "written_breakdown":{ "alerts":192, "archives":924, "firewall":0 } } } }, { "id":227, "metrics":{ "events":{ "processed":406, "received_breakdown":{ "decoded_breakdown":{ "agent":0, "dbsync":3320, "integrations_breakdown":{ "virustotal":0 }, "modules_breakdown":{ "aws":0, "azure":0, "ciscat":0, "command":0, "docker":0, "gcp":0, "github":0, "logcollector_breakdown":{ "eventchannel":0, "eventlog":0, "macos":0, "others":26 }, "office365":0, "oscap":0, "osquery":0, "rootcheck":2, "sca":378, "syscheck":2, "syscollector":0, "upgrade":0, "vulnerability":0 }, "monitor":0, "remote":0 } }, "written_breakdown":{ "alerts":192, "archives":406, "firewall":0 } } } } ] } } ```
jmv74211 commented 1 year ago

🟢 Everything seems to be working properly

jmv74211 commented 1 year ago

The issue is reopened because we need to complete the testing corresponding to the API part (it was not available before). As it corresponds to the same development, it will be done in this issue.

jmv74211 commented 1 year ago

(1) Automatic EPS limitation tests have reported that the statistics of dropped events do not work correctly. I have tested it locally and it does not seem to work correctly.


This will be discussed with the development team.

fedepacher commented 1 year ago

Review data

Tester PR commit
@fedepacher 369876c

Testing environment

OS OS version Deployment Image/AMI Notes
Ubuntu Jammy AWS|EC2

Tested packages

wazuh-manager wazuh-agent
.deb Manager .deb agent

Conclusion 🟢

fedepacher commented 1 year ago

Testing API endpoints - Part 1

Manager daemons statistics

Get API daemons statistics - manager :green_circle: `curl -Ssk -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/daemons/stats" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "uptime": "2022-10-24T15:57:43+00:00", "timestamp": "2022-10-24T16:02:18+00:00", "name": "wazuh-remoted", "metrics": { "bytes": { "received": 19980, "sent": 4984 }, "keys_reload_count": 0, "messages": { "received_breakdown": { "control": 56, "control_breakdown": { "keepalive": 54, "request": 0, "shutdown": 0, "startup": 2 }, "dequeued_after": 0, "discarded": 0, "event": 18, "ping": 0, "unknown": 0 }, "sent_breakdown": { "ack": 56, "ar": 0, "discarded": 0, "request": 0, "sca": 0, "shared": 0 } }, "queues": { "received": { "size": 131072, "usage": 0 } }, "tcp_sessions": 2 } }, { "uptime": "2022-10-24T15:57:42+00:00", "timestamp": "2022-10-24T16:02:18+00:00", "name": "wazuh-analysisd", "metrics": { "bytes": { "received": 84104 }, "events": { "processed": 38, "received": 287, 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Cluster daemons statistics

Get API daemons statistics - worker :green_circle: `curl -Ssk -X GET "https://localhost:55000/cluster/worker-node-1/daemons/stats" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "uptime": "2022-10-24T15:57:58+00:00", "timestamp": "2022-10-24T16:03:25+00:00", "name": "wazuh-remoted", "metrics": { "bytes": { "received": 0, "sent": 0 }, "keys_reload_count": 1, "messages": { "received_breakdown": { "control": 0, "control_breakdown": { "keepalive": 0, "request": 0, "shutdown": 0, "startup": 0 }, "dequeued_after": 0, "discarded": 0, "event": 0, "ping": 0, "unknown": 0 }, "sent_breakdown": { "ack": 0, "ar": 0, "discarded": 0, "request": 0, "sca": 0, "shared": 0 } }, "queues": { "received": { "size": 131072, "usage": 0 } }, "tcp_sessions": 0 } }, { "uptime": "2022-10-24T15:57:57+00:00", "timestamp": "2022-10-24T16:03:25+00:00", "name": "wazuh-analysisd", "metrics": { "bytes": { "received": 1179837 }, "events": { "processed": 496, "received": 2533, 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Agent daemons statistics

Get API daemons statistics agent :green_circle: `curl -Ssk -X GET "https://localhost:55000/agents/001/daemons/stats" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "timestamp": "2022-10-24T16:07:41+00:00", "name": "wazuh-remoted", "agents": [ { "uptime": "2022-10-24T15:57:53+00:00", "id": 1, "metrics": { "messages": { "received_breakdown": { "control": 60, "control_breakdown": { "keepalive": 59, "request": 0, "shutdown": 0, "startup": 1 }, "event": 18 }, "sent_breakdown": { "ack": 60, "ar": 0, "discarded": 0, "request": 0, "sca": 0, "shared": 0 } } } } ] }, { "timestamp": "2022-10-24T16:07:41+00:00", "name": "wazuh-analysisd", "agents": [ { "uptime": "2022-10-24T15:59:04+00:00", "id": 1, "metrics": { "events": { "processed": 16, "received_breakdown": { "decoded_breakdown": { "agent": 0, "dbsync": 2, "integrations_breakdown": { "virustotal": 0 }, "modules_breakdown": { "aws": 0, "azure": 0, "ciscat": 0, "command": 0, "docker": 0, "gcp": 0, "github": 0, "logcollector_breakdown": { "eventchannel": 0, "eventlog": 0, "macos": 0, "others": 16 }, "office365": 0, "oscap": 0, "osquery": 0, "rootcheck": 0, "sca": 0, "syscheck": 0, "syscollector": 0, "upgrade": 0, "vulnerability": 0 }, "monitor": 0, "remote": 0 } }, "written_breakdown": { "alerts": 0, "archives": 0, "firewall": 0 } } } } ] } ], "total_affected_items": 2, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Statistical information for each daemon was successfully read", "error": 0 } ```

Manager remoted endpoints

Get API daemons list statistics of the manager - wazuh-remoted :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/daemons/stats?daemons_list=wazuh-remoted" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "uptime": "2022-10-24T17:14:46+00:00", "timestamp": "2022-10-24T18:30:43+00:00", "name": "wazuh-remoted", "metrics": { "bytes": { "received": 366512, "sent": 81442 }, "keys_reload_count": 0, "messages": { "received_breakdown": { "control": 912, "control_breakdown": { "keepalive": 910, "request": 0, "shutdown": 0, "startup": 2 }, "dequeued_after": 0, "discarded": 0, "event": 400, "ping": 0, "unknown": 0 }, "sent_breakdown": { "ack": 912, "ar": 2, "discarded": 0, "request": 0, "sca": 0, "shared": 0 } }, "queues": { "received": { "size": 131072, "usage": 0 } }, "tcp_sessions": 2 } } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Statistical information for each daemon was successfully read", "error": 0 } ```

Global configuration

Get API active configuration from manager - request/global :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/configuration/request/global" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "global": { "remoted": { "agents_disconnection_alert_time": 0, "agents_disconnection_time": 600 } } } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from manager - request/remote :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/configuration/request/remote" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "remote": [ { "connection": "secure", "ipv6": "no", "protocol": [ "TCP" ], "port": "1514", "queue_size": "131072" } ] } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from manager - multiple remote blocks :green_circle: #### ossec.conf ``` syslog 514 tcp secure 1514 tcp 131072 ``` `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/configuration/request/remote" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "remote": [ { "connection": "syslog", "ipv6": "no", "local_ip": "", "protocol": [ "TCP" ], "port": "514", "allowed-ips": [ "" ] }, { "connection": "secure", "ipv6": "no", "protocol": [ "TCP" ], "port": "1514", "queue_size": "131072" } ] } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from manager - request/internal :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/configuration/request/internal" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "internal": { "remoted": { "recv_counter_flush": 128, "comp_average_printout": 19999, "verify_msg_id": 0, "recv_timeout": 0, "pass_empty_keyfile": 1, "sender_pool": 8, "request_pool": 1024, "request_rto_sec": 1, "request_rto_msec": 0, "max_attempts": 4, "request_timeout": 10, "response_timeout": 60, "shared_reload": 10, "rlimit_nofile": 458752, "merge_shared": 0, "guess_agent_group": 0, "receive_chunk": 4096, "send_chunk": 4096, "buffer_relax": 1, "send_buffer_size": 131072, "send_timeout_to_retry": 1, "tcp_keepidle": 30, "tcp_keepintvl": 10, "tcp_keepcnt": 3 } } } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from manager - request/invalid :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/configuration/request/invalid" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "title": "Bad Request", "detail": "'invalid' is not one of ['client', 'buffer', 'labels', 'internal', 'agentless', 'global', 'active_response', 'alerts', 'command', 'rules', 'decoders', 'auth', 'logging', 'reports', 'active-response', 'cluster', 'csyslog', 'integration', 'localfile', 'socket', 'remote', 'syscheck', 'rootcheck', 'wdb', 'wmodules', 'rule_test']. Failed validating 'enum' in schema: {'enum': ['client', 'buffer', 'labels', 'internal', 'agentless', 'global', 'active_response', 'alerts', 'command', 'rules', 'decoders', 'auth', 'logging', 'reports', 'active-response', 'cluster', 'csyslog', 'integration', 'localfile', 'socket', 'remote', 'syscheck', 'rootcheck', 'wdb', 'wmodules', 'rule_test'], 'type': 'string'}. On instance: 'invalid'" } ```
Get API active configuration from manager - request/empty :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/configuration/request/" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "title": "Not Found", "detail": "404: Not Found" } ```

Cluster remoted endpoints

Get API daemons list statistics of the worker 1 - wazuh-remoted :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/cluster/worker-node-1/daemons/stats?daemons_list=wazuh-remoted" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "uptime": "2022-10-24T15:57:58+00:00", "timestamp": "2022-10-24T18:40:00+00:00", "name": "wazuh-remoted", "metrics": { "bytes": { "received": 0, "sent": 0 }, "keys_reload_count": 1, "messages": { "received_breakdown": { "control": 0, "control_breakdown": { "keepalive": 0, "request": 0, "shutdown": 0, "startup": 0 }, "dequeued_after": 0, "discarded": 0, "event": 0, "ping": 0, "unknown": 0 }, "sent_breakdown": { "ack": 0, "ar": 0, "discarded": 0, "request": 0, "sca": 0, "shared": 0 } }, "queues": { "received": { "size": 131072, "usage": 0 } }, "tcp_sessions": 0 } } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Statistical information for each daemon was successfully read", "error": 0 } ```

Global configuration

Get API active configuration from worker 1 - request/global :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/cluster/worker-node-1/configuration/request/global" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "global": { "remoted": { "agents_disconnection_alert_time": 0, "agents_disconnection_time": 600 } } } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from worker 1 - request/remote :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/cluster/worker-node-1/configuration/request/remote" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "remote": [ { "connection": "secure", "ipv6": "no", "protocol": [ "TCP" ], "port": "1514", "queue_size": "131072" } ] } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from worker 1 - multiple remote blocks :green_circle: #### ossec.conf ``` syslog 514 tcp secure 1514 tcp 131072 ``` `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/cluster/worker-node-1/configuration/request/remote" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "remote": [ { "connection": "syslog", "ipv6": "no", "local_ip": "", "protocol": [ "TCP" ], "port": "514", "allowed-ips": [ "" ] }, { "connection": "secure", "ipv6": "no", "protocol": [ "TCP" ], "port": "1514", "queue_size": "131072" } ] } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from worker 1 - request/internal :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/cluster/worker-node-1/configuration/request/internal" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "internal": { "remoted": { "recv_counter_flush": 128, "comp_average_printout": 19999, "verify_msg_id": 0, "recv_timeout": 0, "pass_empty_keyfile": 1, "sender_pool": 8, "request_pool": 1024, "request_rto_sec": 1, "request_rto_msec": 0, "max_attempts": 4, "request_timeout": 10, "response_timeout": 60, "shared_reload": 10, "rlimit_nofile": 458752, "merge_shared": 1, "guess_agent_group": 0, "receive_chunk": 4096, "send_chunk": 4096, "buffer_relax": 1, "send_buffer_size": 131072, "send_timeout_to_retry": 1, "tcp_keepidle": 30, "tcp_keepintvl": 10, "tcp_keepcnt": 3 } } } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from worker 1 - request/invalid :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/cluster/worker-node-1/configuration/request/invalid" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "title": "Bad Request", "detail": "'invalid' is not one of ['client', 'buffer', 'labels', 'internal', 'agentless', 'global', 'active_response', 'alerts', 'command', 'rules', 'decoders', 'auth', 'logging', 'reports', 'active-response', 'cluster', 'csyslog', 'integration', 'localfile', 'socket', 'remote', 'syscheck', 'rootcheck', 'wdb', 'wmodules', 'rule_test']. Failed validating 'enum' in schema: {'enum': ['client', 'buffer', 'labels', 'internal', 'agentless', 'global', 'active_response', 'alerts', 'command', 'rules', 'decoders', 'auth', 'logging', 'reports', 'active-response', 'cluster', 'csyslog', 'integration', 'localfile', 'socket', 'remote', 'syscheck', 'rootcheck', 'wdb', 'wmodules', 'rule_test'], 'type': 'string'}. On instance: 'invalid'" } ```
Get API active configuration from worker 1 - request/empty :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/cluster/worker-node-1/configuration/request/" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "title": "Not Found", "detail": "404: Not Found" } ```

Agent remoted endpoints

Get API daemons list statistics of the agent 1 - wazuh-remoted :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/agents/001/daemons/stats?daemons_list=wazuh-remoted" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "timestamp": "2022-10-24T19:37:30+00:00", "name": "wazuh-remoted", "agents": [ { "uptime": "2022-10-24T17:14:55+00:00", "id": 1, "metrics": { "messages": { "received_breakdown": { "control": 858, "control_breakdown": { "keepalive": 856, "request": 1, "shutdown": 0, "startup": 1 }, "event": 365 }, "sent_breakdown": { "ack": 857, "ar": 2, "discarded": 0, "request": 1, "sca": 0, "shared": 0 } } } } ] } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Statistical information for each daemon was successfully read", "error": 0 } ```

Global configuration

Get API active configuration from agent 1 - request/global :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/agents/001/config/request/global" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "title": "Bad Request", "detail": "Unable to connect with component. The component might be disabled.: request:global", "dapi_errors": { "master-node": { "error": "Unable to connect with component. The component might be disabled.: request:global" } }, "error": 1117 } ```
Get API active configuration from agent 1 - request/remote :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/agents/001/config/request/remote" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "title": "Bad Request", "detail": "Unable to connect with component. The component might be disabled.: request:remote", "dapi_errors": { "master-node": { "error": "Unable to connect with component. The component might be disabled.: request:remote" } }, "error": 1117 } ```
Get API active configuration from agent 1 - request/internal :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/agents/001/config/request/internal" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "title": "Bad Request", "detail": "Unable to connect with component. The component might be disabled.: request:internal", "dapi_errors": { "master-node": { "error": "Unable to connect with component. The component might be disabled.: request:internal" } }, "error": 1117 } ```
fedepacher commented 1 year ago

Testing API endpoints - Part 2

Manager wazuh-db endpoints

Get API daemons list statistics of the manager - wazuh-db :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/daemons/stats?daemons_list=wazuh-db" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "uptime": "2022-10-24T17:14:42+00:00", "timestamp": "2022-10-24T18:23:59+00:00", "name": "wazuh-db", "metrics": { "queries": { "received": 6929, "received_breakdown": { "agent": 528, "agent_breakdown": { "db": { "begin": 0, "close": 0, "commit": 0, "remove": 0, "sql": 0 }, "tables": { "ciscat": { "ciscat": 0 }, "rootcheck": { "rootcheck": 4 }, "sca": { "sca": 6 }, "sync": { "dbsync": 205 }, "syscheck": { "fim_file": 42, "fim_registry": 0, "syscheck": 2 }, "syscollector": { "syscollector_hotfixes": 4, "syscollector_hwinfo": 8, "syscollector_network_address": 4, "syscollector_network_iface": 7, "syscollector_network_protocol": 4, "syscollector_osinfo": 5, "syscollector_packages": 4, "syscollector_ports": 14, "syscollector_processes": 183, "deprecated": { "hardware": 0, "hotfix": 0, "netaddr": 0, "netinfo": 0, "netproto": 0, "osinfo": 36, "package": 0, "port": 0, "process": 0 } }, "vulnerability": { "vuln_cves": 0 } } }, "global": 5066, "global_breakdown": { "db": { "backup": 0, "sql": 12 }, "tables": { "agent": { "delete-agent": 0, "disconnect-agents": 6, "find-agent": 0, "get-agent-info": 868, "get-agents-by-connection-status": 1647, "get-all-agents": 417, "get-groups-integrity": 0, "insert-agent": 2, "reset-agents-connection": 1, "select-agent-group": 832, "select-agent-name": 4, "set-agent-groups": 0, "sync-agent-groups-get": 414, "sync-agent-info-get": 0, "sync-agent-info-set": 0, "update-agent-data": 831, "update-agent-name": 1, "update-connection-status": 0, "update-keepalive": 2 }, "belongs": { "get-group-agents": 0, "select-group-belong": 0 }, "group": { "delete-group": 0, "find-group": 1, "insert-agent-group": 0, "select-groups": 1 }, "labels": { "get-labels": 27 } } }, "mitre": 1328, "mitre_breakdown": { "db": { "sql": 1328 } }, "task": 7, "task_breakdown": { "db": { "sql": 0 }, "tables": { "tasks": { "delete_old": 1, "set_timeout": 5, "upgrade": 0, "upgrade_cancel_tasks": 1, "upgrade_custom": 0, "upgrade_get_status": 0, "upgrade_result": 0, "upgrade_update_status": 0 } } }, "wazuhdb": 0, "wazuhdb_breakdown": { "db": { "remove": 0 } } } }, "time": { "execution": 3739, "execution_breakdown": { "agent": 3268, "agent_breakdown": { "db": { "begin": 0, "close": 0, "commit": 0, "remove": 0, "sql": 0 }, "tables": { "ciscat": { "ciscat": 0 }, "rootcheck": { "rootcheck": 21 }, "sca": { "sca": 1 }, "sync": { "dbsync": 1821 }, "syscheck": { "fim_file": 980, "fim_registry": 0, "syscheck": 4 }, "syscollector": { "syscollector_hotfixes": 24, "syscollector_hwinfo": 31, "syscollector_network_address": 26, "syscollector_network_iface": 27, "syscollector_network_protocol": 24, "syscollector_osinfo": 26, "syscollector_packages": 49, "syscollector_ports": 33, "syscollector_processes": 188, "deprecated": { "hardware": 0, "hotfix": 0, "netaddr": 0, "netinfo": 0, "netproto": 0, "osinfo": 6, "package": 0, "port": 0, "process": 0 } }, "vulnerability": { "vuln_cves": 0 } } }, "global": 349, "global_breakdown": { "db": { "backup": 0, "sql": 0 }, "tables": { "agent": { "delete-agent": 0, "disconnect-agents": 0, "find-agent": 0, "get-agent-info": 46, "get-agents-by-connection-status": 90, "get-all-agents": 29, "get-groups-integrity": 0, "insert-agent": 0, "reset-agents-connection": 0, "select-agent-group": 29, "select-agent-name": 0, "set-agent-groups": 0, "sync-agent-groups-get": 22, "sync-agent-info-get": 0, "sync-agent-info-set": 0, "update-agent-data": 126, "update-agent-name": 0, "update-connection-status": 0, "update-keepalive": 0 }, "belongs": { "get-group-agents": 0, "select-group-belong": 0 }, "group": { "delete-group": 0, "find-group": 0, "insert-agent-group": 0, "select-groups": 0 }, "labels": { "get-labels": 1 } } }, "mitre": 121, "mitre_breakdown": { "db": { "sql": 121 } }, "task": 1, "task_breakdown": { "db": { "sql": 0 }, "tables": { "tasks": { "delete_old": 0, "set_timeout": 0, "upgrade": 0, "upgrade_cancel_tasks": 0, "upgrade_custom": 0, "upgrade_get_status": 0, "upgrade_result": 0, "upgrade_update_status": 0 } } }, "wazuhdb": 0, "wazuhdb_breakdown": { "db": { "remove": 0 } } } } } } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Statistical information for each daemon was successfully read", "error": 0 } ```

Global configuration

Get API active configuration from manager - wazuh-db/internal :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/configuration/wazuh-db/internal" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "wazuh_db": { "commit_time_max": 60, "commit_time_min": 10, "open_db_limit": 64, "worker_pool_size": 8 } } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from manager - wazuh-db/wdb :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/configuration/wazuh-db/wdb" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "wdb": { "backup": [ { "database": "global", "enabled": true, "interval": 86400, "max_files": 3 } ] } } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from manager - wazuh-db/invalid :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/configuration/wazuh-db/invalid" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "title": "Bad Request", "detail": "'invalid' is not one of ['client', 'buffer', 'labels', 'internal', 'agentless', 'global', 'active_response', 'alerts', 'command', 'rules', 'decoders', 'auth', 'logging', 'reports', 'active-response', 'cluster', 'csyslog', 'integration', 'localfile', 'socket', 'remote', 'syscheck', 'rootcheck', 'wdb', 'wmodules', 'rule_test']. Failed validating 'enum' in schema: {'enum': ['client', 'buffer', 'labels', 'internal', 'agentless', 'global', 'active_response', 'alerts', 'command', 'rules', 'decoders', 'auth', 'logging', 'reports', 'active-response', 'cluster', 'csyslog', 'integration', 'localfile', 'socket', 'remote', 'syscheck', 'rootcheck', 'wdb', 'wmodules', 'rule_test'], 'type': 'string'}. On instance: 'invalid'" } ```
Get API active configuration from manager - wazuh-db/empty :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/configuration/wazuh-db/" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "title": "Not Found", "detail": "404: Not Found" } ```

Cluster wazuh-db endpoints

Get API daemons list statistics of the worker 1 - wazuh-db :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/cluster/worker-node-1/daemons/stats?daemons_list=wazuh-db" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "uptime": "2022-10-24T15:57:54+00:00", "timestamp": "2022-10-24T18:38:24+00:00", "name": "wazuh-db", "metrics": { "queries": { "received": 9657, "received_breakdown": { "agent": 2227, "agent_breakdown": { "db": { "begin": 0, "close": 0, "commit": 0, "remove": 0, "sql": 0 }, "tables": { "ciscat": { "ciscat": 0 }, "rootcheck": { "rootcheck": 4 }, "sca": { "sca": 6 }, "sync": { "dbsync": 130 }, "syscheck": { "fim_file": 1835, "fim_registry": 0, "syscheck": 2 }, "syscollector": { "syscollector_hotfixes": 3, "syscollector_hwinfo": 6, "syscollector_network_address": 3, "syscollector_network_iface": 6, "syscollector_network_protocol": 3, "syscollector_osinfo": 4, "syscollector_packages": 3, "syscollector_ports": 15, "syscollector_processes": 207, "deprecated": { "hardware": 0, "hotfix": 0, "netaddr": 0, "netinfo": 0, "netproto": 0, "osinfo": 0, "package": 0, "port": 0, "process": 0 } }, "vulnerability": { "vuln_cves": 0 } } }, "global": 6102, "global_breakdown": { "db": { "backup": 0, "sql": 0 }, "tables": { "agent": { "delete-agent": 0, "disconnect-agents": 16, "find-agent": 0, "get-agent-info": 1922, "get-agents-by-connection-status": 0, "get-all-agents": 966, "get-groups-integrity": 0, "insert-agent": 2, "reset-agents-connection": 1, "select-agent-group": 2, "select-agent-name": 0, "set-agent-groups": 957, "sync-agent-groups-get": 1274, "sync-agent-info-get": 958, "sync-agent-info-set": 0, "update-agent-data": 1, "update-agent-name": 1, "update-connection-status": 0, "update-keepalive": 0 }, "belongs": { "get-group-agents": 0, "select-group-belong": 0 }, "group": { "delete-group": 0, "find-group": 1, "insert-agent-group": 0, "select-groups": 1 }, "labels": { "get-labels": 0 } } }, "mitre": 1328, "mitre_breakdown": { "db": { "sql": 1328 } }, "task": 0, "task_breakdown": { "db": { "sql": 0 }, "tables": { "tasks": { "delete_old": 0, "set_timeout": 0, "upgrade": 0, "upgrade_cancel_tasks": 0, "upgrade_custom": 0, "upgrade_get_status": 0, "upgrade_result": 0, "upgrade_update_status": 0 } } }, "wazuhdb": 0, "wazuhdb_breakdown": { "db": { "remove": 0 } } } }, "time": { "execution": 2253, "execution_breakdown": { "agent": 1865, "agent_breakdown": { "db": { "begin": 0, "close": 0, "commit": 0, "remove": 0, "sql": 0 }, "tables": { "ciscat": { "ciscat": 0 }, "rootcheck": { "rootcheck": 17 }, "sca": { "sca": 0 }, "sync": { "dbsync": 1069 }, "syscheck": { "fim_file": 570, "fim_registry": 0, "syscheck": 5 }, "syscollector": { "syscollector_hotfixes": 16, "syscollector_hwinfo": 22, "syscollector_network_address": 17, "syscollector_network_iface": 19, "syscollector_network_protocol": 19, "syscollector_osinfo": 21, "syscollector_packages": 28, "syscollector_ports": 18, "syscollector_processes": 38, "deprecated": { "hardware": 0, "hotfix": 0, "netaddr": 0, "netinfo": 0, "netproto": 0, "osinfo": 0, "package": 0, "port": 0, "process": 0 } }, "vulnerability": { "vuln_cves": 0 } } }, "global": 268, "global_breakdown": { "db": { "backup": 0, "sql": 0 }, "tables": { "agent": { "delete-agent": 0, "disconnect-agents": 0, "find-agent": 0, "get-agent-info": 77, "get-agents-by-connection-status": 0, "get-all-agents": 68, "get-groups-integrity": 0, "insert-agent": 0, "reset-agents-connection": 0, "select-agent-group": 0, "select-agent-name": 0, "set-agent-groups": 12, "sync-agent-groups-get": 62, "sync-agent-info-get": 45, "sync-agent-info-set": 0, "update-agent-data": 0, "update-agent-name": 0, "update-connection-status": 0, "update-keepalive": 0 }, "belongs": { "get-group-agents": 0, "select-group-belong": 0 }, "group": { "delete-group": 0, "find-group": 0, "insert-agent-group": 0, "select-groups": 0 }, "labels": { "get-labels": 0 } } }, "mitre": 120, "mitre_breakdown": { "db": { "sql": 120 } }, "task": 0, "task_breakdown": { "db": { "sql": 0 }, "tables": { "tasks": { "delete_old": 0, "set_timeout": 0, "upgrade": 0, "upgrade_cancel_tasks": 0, "upgrade_custom": 0, "upgrade_get_status": 0, "upgrade_result": 0, "upgrade_update_status": 0 } } }, "wazuhdb": 0, "wazuhdb_breakdown": { "db": { "remove": 0 } } } } } } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Statistical information for each daemon was successfully read", "error": 0 } ```

Global configuration

Get API active configuration from worker 1 - wazuh-db/internal :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/cluster/worker-node-1/configuration/wazuh-db/internal" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "wazuh_db": { "commit_time_max": 60, "commit_time_min": 10, "open_db_limit": 64, "worker_pool_size": 8 } } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from worker 1 - wazuh-db/wdb :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/cluster/worker-node-1/configuration/wazuh-db/wdb" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "wdb": { "backup": [ { "database": "global", "enabled": true, "interval": 86400, "max_files": 3 } ] } } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from manager - wazuh-db/invalid :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/cluster/worker-node-1/configuration/wazuh-db/invalid" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "title": "Bad Request", "detail": "'invalid' is not one of ['client', 'buffer', 'labels', 'internal', 'agentless', 'global', 'active_response', 'alerts', 'command', 'rules', 'decoders', 'auth', 'logging', 'reports', 'active-response', 'cluster', 'csyslog', 'integration', 'localfile', 'socket', 'remote', 'syscheck', 'rootcheck', 'wdb', 'wmodules', 'rule_test']. Failed validating 'enum' in schema: {'enum': ['client', 'buffer', 'labels', 'internal', 'agentless', 'global', 'active_response', 'alerts', 'command', 'rules', 'decoders', 'auth', 'logging', 'reports', 'active-response', 'cluster', 'csyslog', 'integration', 'localfile', 'socket', 'remote', 'syscheck', 'rootcheck', 'wdb', 'wmodules', 'rule_test'], 'type': 'string'}. On instance: 'invalid'" } ```
Get API active configuration from manager - wazuh-db/empty :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/cluster/worker-node-1/configuration/wazuh-db/" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "title": "Not Found", "detail": "404: Not Found" } ```

Agent wazuh-db endpoints

Global configuration

Get API active configuration from agent 1 - wazuh-db/internal :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/agents/001/config/wazuh-db/internal" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "title": "Bad Request", "detail": "Unable to connect with component. The component might be disabled.: wazuh-db:internal", "dapi_errors": { "master-node": { "error": "Unable to connect with component. The component might be disabled.: wazuh-db:internal" } }, "error": 1117 } ```
Get API active configuration from agent 1 - wazuh-db/wdb :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/agents/001/config/wazuh-db/wdb" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "title": "Bad Request", "detail": "Unable to connect with component. The component might be disabled.: wazuh-db:wdb", "dapi_errors": { "master-node": { "error": "Unable to connect with component. The component might be disabled.: wazuh-db:wdb" } }, "error": 1117 } ```
fedepacher commented 1 year ago

Testing API endpoints - Part 3

Manager analysisd endpoints

Get API daemons list statistics of the manager - wazuh-analysisd :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/daemons/stats?daemons_list=wazuh-analysisd" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "uptime": "2022-10-24T17:14:45+00:00", "timestamp": "2022-10-24T18:33:06+00:00", "name": "wazuh-analysisd", "metrics": { "bytes": { "received": 332564 }, "events": { "processed": 685, "received": 968, "received_breakdown": { "decoded_breakdown": { "agent": 0, "agentless": 0, "dbsync": 281, "integrations_breakdown": { "virustotal": 0 }, "modules_breakdown": { "aws": 0, "azure": 0, "ciscat": 0, "command": 0, "docker": 0, "gcp": 0, "github": 0, "logcollector_breakdown": { "eventchannel": 0, "eventlog": 0, "macos": 0, "others": 473 }, "office365": 0, "oscap": 0, "osquery": 0, "rootcheck": 4, "sca": 2, "syscheck": 2, "syscollector": 205, "upgrade": 0, "vulnerability": 0 }, "monitor": 1, "remote": 0, "syslog": 0 }, "dropped_breakdown": { "agent": 0, "agentless": 0, "dbsync": 0, "integrations_breakdown": { "virustotal": 0 }, "modules_breakdown": { "aws": 0, "azure": 0, "ciscat": 0, "command": 0, "docker": 0, "gcp": 0, "github": 0, "logcollector_breakdown": { "eventchannel": 0, "eventlog": 0, "macos": 0, "others": 0 }, "office365": 0, "oscap": 0, "osquery": 0, "rootcheck": 0, "sca": 0, "syscheck": 0, "syscollector": 0, "upgrade": 0, "vulnerability": 0 }, "monitor": 0, "remote": 0, "syslog": 0 } }, "written_breakdown": { "alerts": 22, "archives": 0, "firewall": 0, "fts": 1, "stats": 0 } }, "queues": { "alerts": { "size": 16384, "usage": 0 }, "archives": { "size": 16384, "usage": 0 }, "dbsync": { "size": 16384, "usage": 0 }, "eventchannel": { "size": 16384, "usage": 0 }, "firewall": { "size": 16384, "usage": 0 }, "fts": { "size": 16384, "usage": 0 }, "hostinfo": { "size": 16384, "usage": 0 }, "others": { "size": 16384, "usage": 0 }, "processed": { "size": 16384, "usage": 0 }, "rootcheck": { "size": 16384, "usage": 0 }, "sca": { "size": 16384, "usage": 0 }, "stats": { "size": 16384, "usage": 0 }, "syscheck": { "size": 16384, "usage": 0 }, "syscollector": { "size": 16384, "usage": 0 }, "upgrade": { "size": 16384, "usage": 0 } } } } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Statistical information for each daemon was successfully read", "error": 0 } ```

Global configuration

Get API active configuration from manager - analysis/global :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/configuration/analysis/global" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "global": { "email_notification": "no", "logall": "no", "logall_json": "no", "integrity_checking": 8, "rootkit_detection": 8, "host_information": 8, "prelude_output": "no", "zeromq_output": "no", "jsonout_output": "yes", "alerts_log": "yes", "stats": 4, "memory_size": 8192, "white_list": [ "", "", "localhost.localdomain" ], "rotate_interval": 0, "max_output_size": 0, "eps": { "maximum": 0, "timeframe": 10 } } } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from manager - analysis/alerts :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/configuration/analysis/alerts" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "alerts": { "email_alert_level": 12, "log_alert_level": 3 } } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from manager - analysis/command :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/configuration/analysis/command" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "command": [ { "name": "disable-account", "executable": "disable-account", "timeout_allowed": 1 }, { "name": "restart-wazuh", "executable": "restart-wazuh", "timeout_allowed": 0 }, { "name": "firewall-drop", "executable": "firewall-drop", "timeout_allowed": 1 }, { "name": "host-deny", "executable": "host-deny", "timeout_allowed": 1 }, { "name": "route-null", "executable": "route-null", "timeout_allowed": 1 }, { "name": "win_route-null", "executable": "route-null.exe", "timeout_allowed": 1 }, { "name": "netsh", "executable": "netsh.exe", "timeout_allowed": 1 } ] } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from manager - analysis/decoders :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/configuration/analysis/decoders" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` [output_command_analysis_decoder_manager.zip](https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-qa/files/9860726/output_command_analysis_decoder_manager.zip)
Get API active configuration from manager - analysis/internal :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/configuration/analysis/internal" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "internal": { "analysisd": { "debug": 0, "default_timeframe": 360, "stats_maxdiff": 999000, "stats_mindiff": 1250, "stats_percent_diff": 150, "fts_list_size": 32, "fts_min_size_for_str": 14, "log_fw": 1, "decoder_order_size": 256, "label_cache_maxage": 10, "show_hidden_labels": 0, "rlimit_nofile": 458752, "min_rotate_interval": 600 } } } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from manager - analysis/rule_test :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/configuration/analysis/rule_test" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "rule_test": { "enabled": "yes", "threads": 1, "max_sessions": 64, "session_timeout": 900 } } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from manager - analysis/invalid :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/configuration/analysis/invalid" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "title": "Bad Request", "detail": "'invalid' is not one of ['client', 'buffer', 'labels', 'internal', 'agentless', 'global', 'active_response', 'alerts', 'command', 'rules', 'decoders', 'auth', 'logging', 'reports', 'active-response', 'cluster', 'csyslog', 'integration', 'localfile', 'socket', 'remote', 'syscheck', 'rootcheck', 'wdb', 'wmodules', 'rule_test']. Failed validating 'enum' in schema: {'enum': ['client', 'buffer', 'labels', 'internal', 'agentless', 'global', 'active_response', 'alerts', 'command', 'rules', 'decoders', 'auth', 'logging', 'reports', 'active-response', 'cluster', 'csyslog', 'integration', 'localfile', 'socket', 'remote', 'syscheck', 'rootcheck', 'wdb', 'wmodules', 'rule_test'], 'type': 'string'}. On instance: 'invalid'" } ```
Get API active configuration from manager - analysis/empty :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/configuration/analysis/" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "title": "Not Found", "detail": "404: Not Found" } ```

Cluster analysisd endpoints

Get API daemons list statistics of the worker 1 - wazuh-analysisd :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/cluster/worker-node-1/daemons/stats?daemons_list=wazuh-analysisd" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "uptime": "2022-10-24T15:57:57+00:00", "timestamp": "2022-10-24T18:40:41+00:00", "name": "wazuh-analysisd", "metrics": { "bytes": { "received": 1317848 }, "events": { "processed": 904, "received": 2991, "received_breakdown": { "decoded_breakdown": { "agent": 0, "agentless": 0, "dbsync": 2085, "integrations_breakdown": { "virustotal": 0 }, "modules_breakdown": { "aws": 0, "azure": 0, "ciscat": 0, "command": 0, "docker": 0, "gcp": 0, "github": 0, "logcollector_breakdown": { "eventchannel": 0, "eventlog": 0, "macos": 0, "others": 767 }, "office365": 0, "oscap": 0, "osquery": 0, "rootcheck": 4, "sca": 2, "syscheck": 2, "syscollector": 130, "upgrade": 0, "vulnerability": 0 }, "monitor": 1, "remote": 0, "syslog": 0 }, "dropped_breakdown": { "agent": 0, "agentless": 0, "dbsync": 0, "integrations_breakdown": { "virustotal": 0 }, "modules_breakdown": { "aws": 0, "azure": 0, "ciscat": 0, "command": 0, "docker": 0, "gcp": 0, "github": 0, "logcollector_breakdown": { "eventchannel": 0, "eventlog": 0, "macos": 0, "others": 0 }, "office365": 0, "oscap": 0, "osquery": 0, "rootcheck": 0, "sca": 0, "syscheck": 0, "syscollector": 0, "upgrade": 0, "vulnerability": 0 }, "monitor": 0, "remote": 0, "syslog": 0 } }, "written_breakdown": { "alerts": 41, "archives": 0, "firewall": 0, "fts": 0, "stats": 0 } }, "queues": { "alerts": { "size": 16384, "usage": 0 }, "archives": { "size": 16384, "usage": 0 }, "dbsync": { "size": 16384, "usage": 0 }, "eventchannel": { "size": 16384, "usage": 0 }, "firewall": { "size": 16384, "usage": 0 }, "fts": { "size": 16384, "usage": 0 }, "hostinfo": { "size": 16384, "usage": 0 }, "others": { "size": 16384, "usage": 0 }, "processed": { "size": 16384, "usage": 0 }, "rootcheck": { "size": 16384, "usage": 0 }, "sca": { "size": 16384, "usage": 0 }, "stats": { "size": 16384, "usage": 0 }, "syscheck": { "size": 16384, "usage": 0 }, "syscollector": { "size": 16384, "usage": 0 }, "upgrade": { "size": 16384, "usage": 0 } } } } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Statistical information for each daemon was successfully read", "error": 0 } ```

Global configuration

Get API active configuration from worker 1 - analysis/global :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/cluster/worker-node-1/configuration/analysis/global" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "global": { "email_notification": "no", "logall": "no", "logall_json": "no", "integrity_checking": 8, "rootkit_detection": 8, "host_information": 8, "prelude_output": "no", "zeromq_output": "no", "jsonout_output": "yes", "alerts_log": "yes", "stats": 4, "memory_size": 8192, "white_list": [ "", "", "localhost.localdomain" ], "rotate_interval": 0, "max_output_size": 0, "eps": { "maximum": 0, "timeframe": 10 } } } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from worker 1 - analysis/alerts :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/cluster/worker-node-1/configuration/analysis/alerts" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "alerts": { "email_alert_level": 12, "log_alert_level": 3 } } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from worker 1 - analysis/command :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/cluster/worker-node-1/configuration/analysis/command" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "command": [ { "name": "disable-account", "executable": "disable-account", "timeout_allowed": 1 }, { "name": "restart-wazuh", "executable": "restart-wazuh", "timeout_allowed": 0 }, { "name": "firewall-drop", "executable": "firewall-drop", "timeout_allowed": 1 }, { "name": "host-deny", "executable": "host-deny", "timeout_allowed": 1 }, { "name": "route-null", "executable": "route-null", "timeout_allowed": 1 }, { "name": "win_route-null", "executable": "route-null.exe", "timeout_allowed": 1 }, { "name": "netsh", "executable": "netsh.exe", "timeout_allowed": 1 } ] } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from worker 1 - analysis/decoders :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/cluster/worker-node-1/configuration/analysis/decoders" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` [output_command_analysis_decoder_worker.zip](https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-qa/files/9860731/output_command_analysis_decoder_worker.zip)
Get API active configuration from worker 1 - analysis/internal :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/cluster/worker-node-1/configuration/analysis/internal" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "internal": { "analysisd": { "debug": 0, "default_timeframe": 360, "stats_maxdiff": 999000, "stats_mindiff": 1250, "stats_percent_diff": 150, "fts_list_size": 32, "fts_min_size_for_str": 14, "log_fw": 1, "decoder_order_size": 256, "label_cache_maxage": 10, "show_hidden_labels": 0, "rlimit_nofile": 458752, "min_rotate_interval": 600 } } } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from worker 1 - analysis/rule_test :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/cluster/worker-node-1/configuration/analysis/rule_test" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "rule_test": { "enabled": "yes", "threads": 1, "max_sessions": 64, "session_timeout": 900 } } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from manager - analysis/invalid :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/configuration/analysis/invalid" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "title": "Bad Request", "detail": "'invalid' is not one of ['client', 'buffer', 'labels', 'internal', 'agentless', 'global', 'active_response', 'alerts', 'command', 'rules', 'decoders', 'auth', 'logging', 'reports', 'active-response', 'cluster', 'csyslog', 'integration', 'localfile', 'socket', 'remote', 'syscheck', 'rootcheck', 'wdb', 'wmodules', 'rule_test']. Failed validating 'enum' in schema: {'enum': ['client', 'buffer', 'labels', 'internal', 'agentless', 'global', 'active_response', 'alerts', 'command', 'rules', 'decoders', 'auth', 'logging', 'reports', 'active-response', 'cluster', 'csyslog', 'integration', 'localfile', 'socket', 'remote', 'syscheck', 'rootcheck', 'wdb', 'wmodules', 'rule_test'], 'type': 'string'}. On instance: 'invalid'" } ```
Get API active configuration from manager - analysis/empty :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/configuration/analysis/" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "title": "Not Found", "detail": "404: Not Found" } ```

Agent analysisd endpoints

Get API analysisd global configuration of the agent 0 - wazuh-analysisd :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/agents/000/config/analysis/global" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "global": { "email_notification": "no", "logall": "no", "logall_json": "no", "integrity_checking": 8, "rootkit_detection": 8, "host_information": 8, "prelude_output": "no", "zeromq_output": "no", "jsonout_output": "yes", "alerts_log": "yes", "stats": 4, "memory_size": 8192, "white_list": [ "", "", "localhost.localdomain" ], "rotate_interval": 0, "max_output_size": 0, "eps": { "maximum": 0, "timeframe": 10 } } }, "error": 0 } ```

Global configuration

Get API active configuration from agent 1 - analysis/global :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/agents/001/config/analysis/global" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "title": "Bad Request", "detail": "Unable to connect with component. The component might be disabled.: analysis:global", "dapi_errors": { "master-node": { "error": "Unable to connect with component. The component might be disabled.: analysis:global" } }, "error": 1117 } ```
Get API active configuration from agent 1 - analysis/alerts :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/agents/001/config/analysis/alerts" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "title": "Bad Request", "detail": "Unable to connect with component. The component might be disabled.: analysis:alerts", "dapi_errors": { "master-node": { "error": "Unable to connect with component. The component might be disabled.: analysis:alerts" } }, "error": 1117 } ```
Get API active configuration from agent 1 - analysis/command :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/agents/001/config/analysis/command" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "title": "Bad Request", "detail": "Unable to connect with component. The component might be disabled.: analysis:command", "dapi_errors": { "master-node": { "error": "Unable to connect with component. The component might be disabled.: analysis:command" } }, "error": 1117 } ```
Get API active configuration from agent 1 - analysis/decoders :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/agents/001/config/analysis/decoders" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "title": "Bad Request", "detail": "Unable to connect with component. The component might be disabled.: analysis:decoders", "dapi_errors": { "master-node": { "error": "Unable to connect with component. The component might be disabled.: analysis:decoders" } }, "error": 1117 } ```
Get API active configuration from agent 1 - analysis/internal :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/agents/001/config/analysis/internal" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "title": "Bad Request", "detail": "Unable to connect with component. The component might be disabled.: auth:auth", "dapi_errors": { "master-node": { "error": "Unable to connect with component. The component might be disabled.: auth:auth" } }, "error": 1117 } ```
Get API active configuration from agent 1 - analysis/rule_test :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/agents/001/config/analysis/rule_test" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "title": "Bad Request", "detail": "Unable to connect with component. The component might be disabled.: auth:auth", "dapi_errors": { "master-node": { "error": "Unable to connect with component. The component might be disabled.: auth:auth" } }, "error": 1117 } ```
fedepacher commented 1 year ago

Testing API endpoints - Extras

Manager endpoints

Get API active configuration from manager - agent/client :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/configuration/agent/client" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [], "total_affected_items": 0, "total_failed_items": 1, "failed_items": [ { "error": { "code": 1121, "message": "Error connecting with socket: Please verify that the component 'agent' is properly configured" }, "id": [ "master-node" ] } ] }, "message": "Could not read active configuration in specified node", "error": 1 } ```
Get API active configuration from manager - agent/buffer :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/configuration/agent/buffer" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [], "total_affected_items": 0, "total_failed_items": 1, "failed_items": [ { "error": { "code": 1121, "message": "Error connecting with socket: Please verify that the component 'agent' is properly configured" }, "id": [ "master-node" ] } ] }, "message": "Could not read active configuration in specified node", "error": 1 } ```
Get API active configuration from manager - agent/labels :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/configuration/agent/labels" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [], "total_affected_items": 0, "total_failed_items": 1, "failed_items": [ { "error": { "code": 1121, "message": "Error connecting with socket: Please verify that the component 'agent' is properly configured" }, "id": [ "master-node" ] } ] }, "message": "Could not read active configuration in specified node", "error": 1 } ```
Get API active configuration from manager - agent/internal :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/configuration/agent/labels" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [], "total_affected_items": 0, "total_failed_items": 1, "failed_items": [ { "error": { "code": 1121, "message": "Error connecting with socket: Please verify that the component 'agent' is properly configured" }, "id": [ "master-node" ] } ] }, "message": "Could not read active configuration in specified node", "error": 1 } ```
Get API active configuration from manager - agentless/agentless :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/configuration/agentless/agentless" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [], "total_affected_items": 0, "total_failed_items": 1, "failed_items": [ { "error": { "code": 1121, "message": "Error connecting with socket: Please verify that the component 'agentless' is properly configured" }, "id": [ "master-node" ] } ] }, "message": "Could not read active configuration in specified node", "error": 1 } ```
Get API active configuration from manager - auth/auth :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/configuration/auth/auth" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "auth": { "port": 1515, "disabled": "no", "remote_enrollment": "yes", "ipv6": "no", "use_source_ip": "no", "purge": "yes", "use_password": "no", "ssl_verify_host": "no", "ssl_auto_negotiate": "no", "ciphers": "HIGH:!ADH:!EXP:!MD5:!RC4:!3DES:!CAMELLIA:@STRENGTH", "ssl_manager_cert": "etc/sslmanager.cert", "ssl_manager_key": "etc/sslmanager.key", "key_request": { "enabled": "no" }, "force": { "enabled": "yes", "key_mismatch": "yes", "disconnected_time": { "enabled": "yes", "value": 3600 }, "after_registration_time": 3600 } } } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from manager - auth/auth :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/configuration/auth/auth" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "auth": { "port": 1515, "disabled": "no", "remote_enrollment": "yes", "ipv6": "no", "use_source_ip": "no", "purge": "yes", "use_password": "no", "ssl_verify_host": "no", "ssl_auto_negotiate": "no", "ciphers": "HIGH:!ADH:!EXP:!MD5:!RC4:!3DES:!CAMELLIA:@STRENGTH", "ssl_manager_cert": "etc/sslmanager.cert", "ssl_manager_key": "etc/sslmanager.key", "key_request": { "enabled": "no" }, "force": { "enabled": "yes", "key_mismatch": "yes", "disconnected_time": { "enabled": "yes", "value": 3600 }, "after_registration_time": 3600 } } } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from manager - com/active-response :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/configuration/com/active-response" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "active-response": { "disabled": "no" } } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from manager - com/logging :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/configuration/com/logging" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "logging": { "plain": "yes", "json": "no" } } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from manager - com/internal :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/configuration/com/internal" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "internal": { "execd": { "request_timeout": 0, "max_restart_lock": 0 } } } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from manager - com/cluster :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/configuration/com/cluster" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "internal": { "execd": { "request_timeout": 0, "max_restart_lock": 0 } } } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from manager - csyslog/csyslog :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/configuration/csyslog/csyslog" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [], "total_affected_items": 0, "total_failed_items": 1, "failed_items": [ { "error": { "code": 1121, "message": "Error connecting with socket: Please verify that the component 'csyslog' is properly configured" }, "id": [ "master-node" ] } ] }, "message": "Could not read active configuration in specified node", "error": 1 } ```
Get API active configuration from manager - integrator/integration :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/configuration/integrator/integration" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [], "total_affected_items": 0, "total_failed_items": 1, "failed_items": [ { "error": { "code": 1121, "message": "Error connecting with socket: Please verify that the component 'integrator' is properly configured" }, "id": [ "master-node" ] } ] }, "message": "Could not read active configuration in specified node", "error": 1 } ```
Get API active configuration from manager - logcollector/localfile :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/configuration/logcollector/localfile" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "localfile": [ { "logformat": "command", "command": "df -P", "alias": "df -P", "ignore_binaries": "no", "target": [ "agent" ], "frequency": 360 }, { "logformat": "full_command", "command": "netstat -tulpn | sed 's/\\([[:alnum:]]\\+\\)\\ \\+[[:digit:]]\\+\\ \\+[[:digit:]]\\+\\ \\+\\(.*\\):\\([[:digit:]]*\\)\\ \\+\\([0-9\\.\\:\\*]\\+\\).\\+\\ \\([[:digit:]]*\\/[[:alnum:]\\-]*\\).*/\\1 \\2 == \\3 == \\4 \\5/' | sort -k 4 -g | sed 's/ == \\(.*\\) ==/:\\1/' | sed 1,2d", "alias": "netstat listening ports", "ignore_binaries": "no", "target": [ "agent" ], "frequency": 360 }, { "logformat": "full_command", "command": "last -n 20", "alias": "last -n 20", "ignore_binaries": "no", "target": [ "agent" ], "frequency": 360 }, { "file": "/var/log/audit/audit.log", "logformat": "audit", "ignore_binaries": "no", "only-future-events": "yes", "target": [ "agent" ] }, { "file": "/var/ossec/logs/active-responses.log", "logformat": "syslog", "ignore_binaries": "no", "only-future-events": "yes", "target": [ "agent" ] }, { "file": "/var/log/auth.log", "logformat": "syslog", "ignore_binaries": "no", "only-future-events": "yes", "target": [ "agent" ] }, { "file": "/var/log/syslog", "logformat": "syslog", "ignore_binaries": "no", "only-future-events": "yes", "target": [ "agent" ] }, { "file": "/var/log/dpkg.log", "logformat": "syslog", "ignore_binaries": "no", "only-future-events": "yes", "target": [ "agent" ] }, { "file": "/var/log/kern.log", "logformat": "syslog", "ignore_binaries": "no", "only-future-events": "yes", "target": [ "agent" ] } ] } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from manager - logcollector/socket :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/configuration/logcollector/socket" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [], "total_affected_items": 0, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Could not read active configuration in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from manager - logcollector/internal :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/configuration/logcollector/internal" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "internal": { "logcollector": { "remote_commands": 0, "loop_timeout": 2, "open_attempts": 8, "vcheck_files": 64, "max_lines": 10000, "max_files": 1000, "sock_fail_time": 300, "debug": 0, "sample_log_length": 64, "queue_size": 1024, "input_threads": 4, "force_reload": 0, "reload_interval": 64, "reload_delay": 1000, "exclude_files_interval": 86400, "state_interval": 60, "rlimit_nofile": 1100 } } } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from manager - mail/global :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/configuration/mail/global" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [], "total_affected_items": 0, "total_failed_items": 1, "failed_items": [ { "error": { "code": 1121, "message": "Error connecting with socket: Please verify that the component 'mail' is properly configured" }, "id": [ "master-node" ] } ] }, "message": "Could not read active configuration in specified node", "error": 1 } ```
Get API active configuration from manager - mail/alerts :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/configuration/mail/alerts" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [], "total_affected_items": 0, "total_failed_items": 1, "failed_items": [ { "error": { "code": 1121, "message": "Error connecting with socket: Please verify that the component 'mail' is properly configured" }, "id": [ "master-node" ] } ] }, "message": "Could not read active configuration in specified node", "error": 1 } ```
Get API active configuration from manager - mail/internal :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/configuration/mail/internal" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [], "total_affected_items": 0, "total_failed_items": 1, "failed_items": [ { "error": { "code": 1121, "message": "Error connecting with socket: Please verify that the component 'mail' is properly configured" }, "id": [ "master-node" ] } ] }, "message": "Could not read active configuration in specified node", "error": 1 } ```
Get API active configuration from manager - monitor/global :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/configuration/monitor/global" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "monitord": { "agents_disconnection_time": 600, "agents_disconnection_alert_time": 0 } } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from manager - monitor/internal :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/configuration/monitor/internal" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "monitord": { "agents_disconnection_time": 600, "agents_disconnection_alert_time": 0 } } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from manager - syscheck/syscheck :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/configuration/syscheck/syscheck" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "internal": { "remoted": { "recv_counter_flush": 128, "comp_average_printout": 19999, "verify_msg_id": 0, "recv_timeout": 0, "pass_empty_keyfile": 1, "sender_pool": 8, "request_pool": 1024, "request_rto_sec": 1, "request_rto_msec": 0, "max_attempts": 4, "request_timeout": 10, "response_timeout": 60, "shared_reload": 10, "rlimit_nofile": 458752, "merge_shared": 0, "guess_agent_group": 0, "receive_chunk": 4096, "send_chunk": 4096, "buffer_relax": 1, "send_buffer_size": 131072, "send_timeout_to_retry": 1, "tcp_keepidle": 30, "tcp_keepintvl": 10, "tcp_keepcnt": 3 } } } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from manager - syscheck/rootcheck :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/configuration/syscheck/rootcheck" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "rootcheck": { "disabled": "no", "base_directory": "", "rootkit_files": "etc/rootcheck/rootkit_files.txt", "rootkit_trojans": "etc/rootcheck/rootkit_trojans.txt", "scanall": "no", "skip_nfs": "yes", "frequency": 43200, "check_dev": "yes", "check_files": "yes", "check_if": "yes", "check_pids": "yes", "check_ports": "yes", "check_sys": "yes", "check_trojans": "yes", "check_unixaudit": "no" } } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from manager - syscheck/internal :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/configuration/syscheck/internal" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "internal": { "syscheck": { "rt_delay": 5, "default_max_depth": 256, "symlink_scan_interval": 600, "debug": 0, "file_max_size": 1073741824, "max_audit_entries": 256 }, "rootcheck": { "sleep": 50 } } } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from manager - wmodules/wmodules :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/manager/configuration/wmodules/wmodules" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "wmodules": [ { "agent-upgrade": { "enabled": "yes", "max_threads": 8, "chunk_size": 512 } }, { "task-manager": { "enabled": "yes" } }, { "cis-cat": { "disabled": "yes", "scan-on-start": "yes", "interval": 86400, "java_path": "wodles/java", "ciscat_path": "wodles/ciscat", "ciscat_binary": "CIS-CAT.sh", "timeout": 1800 } }, { "osquery": { "disabled": "yes", "run_daemon": "yes", "add_labels": "yes", "log_path": "/var/log/osquery/osqueryd.results.log", "config_path": "/etc/osquery/osquery.conf" } }, { "syscollector": { "disabled": "no", "scan-on-start": "yes", "interval": 3600, "network": "yes", "os": "yes", "hardware": "yes", "packages": "yes", "ports": "yes", "ports_all": "no", "processes": "yes", "sync_max_eps": 10 } }, { "sca": { "interval": 43200, "enabled": "yes", "scan_on_start": "yes", "skip_nfs": "yes", "policies": [ "/var/ossec/ruleset/sca/cis_ubuntu22-04.yml" ] } }, { "vulnerability-detector": { "enabled": "yes", "run_on_start": "yes", "interval": 300, "min_full_scan_interval": 21600, "retry_interval": 30, "providers": [ { "name": "debian", "version": "BUSTER", "url": "https://www.debian.org/security/oval/oval-definitions-buster.xml", "update_interval": 3600, "download_timeout": 300 }, { "name": "debian", "version": "BULLSEYE", "url": "https://www.debian.org/security/oval/oval-definitions-bullseye.xml", "update_interval": 3600, "download_timeout": 300 }, { "name": "nvd", "update_from_year": 2010, "update_interval": 3600, "download_timeout": 300 }, { "name": "msu", "update_interval": 3600, "download_timeout": 300 } ] } }, { "database": { "sync_agents": "yes", "real_time": "yes", "interval": 60, "max_queued_events": 0 } }, { "wazuh_download": { "enabled": "yes" } }, { "wazuh_control": { "enabled": "yes" } } ] } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```

Cluster endpoint

Get API active configuration from worker 1 - agent/client :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/cluster/worker-node-1/configuration/agent/client" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [], "total_affected_items": 0, "total_failed_items": 1, "failed_items": [ { "error": { "code": 1121, "message": "Error connecting with socket: Please verify that the component 'agent' is properly configured" }, "id": [ "worker-node-1" ] } ] }, "message": "Could not read active configuration in specified node", "error": 1 } ```
Get API active configuration from worker 1 - agent/buffer :yelow_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/cluster/worker-node-1/configuration/agent/buffer" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [], "total_affected_items": 0, "total_failed_items": 1, "failed_items": [ { "error": { "code": 1121, "message": "Error connecting with socket: Please verify that the component 'agent' is properly configured" }, "id": [ "worker-node-1" ] } ] }, "message": "Could not read active configuration in specified node", "error": 1 } ```
Get API active configuration from worker 1 - agent/labels :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/cluster/worker-node-1/configuration/agent/labels" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [], "total_affected_items": 0, "total_failed_items": 1, "failed_items": [ { "error": { "code": 1121, "message": "Error connecting with socket: Please verify that the component 'agent' is properly configured" }, "id": [ "worker-node-1" ] } ] }, "message": "Could not read active configuration in specified node", "error": 1 } ```
Get API active configuration from worker 1 - agent/internal :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/cluster/worker-node-1/configuration/agent/labels" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [], "total_affected_items": 0, "total_failed_items": 1, "failed_items": [ { "error": { "code": 1121, "message": "Error connecting with socket: Please verify that the component 'agent' is properly configured" }, "id": [ "worker-node-1" ] } ] }, "message": "Could not read active configuration in specified node", "error": 1 } ```
Get API active configuration from worker 1 - agentless/agentless :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/cluster/worker-node-1/configuration/agentless/agentless" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [], "total_affected_items": 0, "total_failed_items": 1, "failed_items": [ { "error": { "code": 1121, "message": "Error connecting with socket: Please verify that the component 'agentless' is properly configured" }, "id": [ "worker-node-1" ] } ] }, "message": "Could not read active configuration in specified node", "error": 1 } ```
Get API active configuration from worker 1 - auth/auth :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/cluster/worker-node-1/configuration/auth/auth" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "auth": { "port": 1515, "disabled": "no", "remote_enrollment": "yes", "ipv6": "no", "use_source_ip": "no", "purge": "yes", "use_password": "no", "ssl_verify_host": "no", "ssl_auto_negotiate": "no", "ciphers": "HIGH:!ADH:!EXP:!MD5:!RC4:!3DES:!CAMELLIA:@STRENGTH", "ssl_manager_cert": "etc/sslmanager.cert", "ssl_manager_key": "etc/sslmanager.key", "key_request": { "enabled": "no" }, "force": { "enabled": "yes", "key_mismatch": "yes", "disconnected_time": { "enabled": "yes", "value": 3600 }, "after_registration_time": 3600 } } } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from worker 1 - auth/auth :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/cluster/worker-node-1/configuration/auth/auth" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "auth": { "port": 1515, "disabled": "no", "remote_enrollment": "yes", "ipv6": "no", "use_source_ip": "no", "purge": "yes", "use_password": "no", "ssl_verify_host": "no", "ssl_auto_negotiate": "no", "ciphers": "HIGH:!ADH:!EXP:!MD5:!RC4:!3DES:!CAMELLIA:@STRENGTH", "ssl_manager_cert": "etc/sslmanager.cert", "ssl_manager_key": "etc/sslmanager.key", "key_request": { "enabled": "no" }, "force": { "enabled": "yes", "key_mismatch": "yes", "disconnected_time": { "enabled": "yes", "value": 3600 }, "after_registration_time": 3600 } } } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from worker 1 - com/active-response :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/cluster/worker-node-1/configuration/com/active-response" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "active-response": { "disabled": "no" } } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from worker 1 - com/logging :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/cluster/worker-node-1/configuration/com/logging" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "logging": { "plain": "yes", "json": "no" } } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from worker 1 - com/internal :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/cluster/worker-node-1/configuration/com/internal" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "internal": { "execd": { "request_timeout": 0, "max_restart_lock": 0 } } } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from worker 1 - com/cluster :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/cluster/worker-node-1/configuration/com/cluster" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "name": "wazuh", "node_name": "worker-node-1", "node_type": "worker", "key": "c98b62a9b6169ac5f67dae55ae4a9088", "port": 1516, "bind_addr": "", "nodes": [ "" ], "hidden": "no", "disabled": false } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from worker 1 - csyslog/csyslog :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/cluster/worker-node-1/configuration/csyslog/csyslog" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [], "total_affected_items": 0, "total_failed_items": 1, "failed_items": [ { "error": { "code": 1121, "message": "Error connecting with socket: Please verify that the component 'csyslog' is properly configured" }, "id": [ "worker-node-1" ] } ] }, "message": "Could not read active configuration in specified node", "error": 1 } ```
Get API active configuration from worker 1 - integrator/integrator :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/cluster/worker-node-1/configuration/integrator/integration" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [], "total_affected_items": 0, "total_failed_items": 1, "failed_items": [ { "error": { "code": 1121, "message": "Error connecting with socket: Please verify that the component 'integrator' is properly configured" }, "id": [ "worker-node-1" ] } ] }, "message": "Could not read active configuration in specified node", "error": 1 } ```
Get API active configuration from worker 1 - logcollector/localfile :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/cluster/worker-node-1/configuration/logcollector/localfile" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "localfile": [ { "logformat": "command", "command": "df -P", "alias": "df -P", "ignore_binaries": "no", "target": [ "agent" ], "frequency": 360 }, { "logformat": "full_command", "command": "netstat -tulpn | sed 's/\\([[:alnum:]]\\+\\)\\ \\+[[:digit:]]\\+\\ \\+[[:digit:]]\\+\\ \\+\\(.*\\):\\([[:digit:]]*\\)\\ \\+\\([0-9\\.\\:\\*]\\+\\).\\+\\ \\([[:digit:]]*\\/[[:alnum:]\\-]*\\).*/\\1 \\2 == \\3 == \\4 \\5/' | sort -k 4 -g | sed 's/ == \\(.*\\) ==/:\\1/' | sed 1,2d", "alias": "netstat listening ports", "ignore_binaries": "no", "target": [ "agent" ], "frequency": 360 }, { "logformat": "full_command", "command": "last -n 20", "alias": "last -n 20", "ignore_binaries": "no", "target": [ "agent" ], "frequency": 360 }, { "file": "/var/log/audit/audit.log", "logformat": "audit", "ignore_binaries": "no", "only-future-events": "yes", "target": [ "agent" ] }, { "file": "/var/ossec/logs/active-responses.log", "logformat": "syslog", "ignore_binaries": "no", "only-future-events": "yes", "target": [ "agent" ] }, { "file": "/var/log/auth.log", "logformat": "syslog", "ignore_binaries": "no", "only-future-events": "yes", "target": [ "agent" ] }, { "file": "/var/log/syslog", "logformat": "syslog", "ignore_binaries": "no", "only-future-events": "yes", "target": [ "agent" ] }, { "file": "/var/log/dpkg.log", "logformat": "syslog", "ignore_binaries": "no", "only-future-events": "yes", "target": [ "agent" ] }, { "file": "/var/log/kern.log", "logformat": "syslog", "ignore_binaries": "no", "only-future-events": "yes", "target": [ "agent" ] } ] } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from worker 1 - logcollector/socket :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/cluster/worker-node-1/configuration/logcollector/socket" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [], "total_affected_items": 0, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Could not read active configuration in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from worker 1 - logcollector/internal :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/cluster/worker-node-1/configuration/logcollector/internal" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "internal": { "logcollector": { "remote_commands": 0, "loop_timeout": 2, "open_attempts": 8, "vcheck_files": 64, "max_lines": 10000, "max_files": 1000, "sock_fail_time": 300, "debug": 0, "sample_log_length": 64, "queue_size": 1024, "input_threads": 4, "force_reload": 0, "reload_interval": 64, "reload_delay": 1000, "exclude_files_interval": 86400, "state_interval": 60, "rlimit_nofile": 1100 } } } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from worker 1 - mail/global :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/cluster/worker-node-1/configuration/mail/global" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [], "total_affected_items": 0, "total_failed_items": 1, "failed_items": [ { "error": { "code": 1121, "message": "Error connecting with socket: Please verify that the component 'mail' is properly configured" }, "id": [ "worker-node-1" ] } ] }, "message": "Could not read active configuration in specified node", "error": 1 } ```
Get API active configuration from worker 1 - mail/alerts :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/cluster/worker-node-1/configuration/mail/alerts" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [], "total_affected_items": 0, "total_failed_items": 1, "failed_items": [ { "error": { "code": 1121, "message": "Error connecting with socket: Please verify that the component 'mail' is properly configured" }, "id": [ "worker-node-1" ] } ] }, "message": "Could not read active configuration in specified node", "error": 1 } ```
Get API active configuration from worker 1 - mail/internal :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/cluster/worker-node-1/configuration/mail/internal" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [], "total_affected_items": 0, "total_failed_items": 1, "failed_items": [ { "error": { "code": 1121, "message": "Error connecting with socket: Please verify that the component 'mail' is properly configured" }, "id": [ "worker-node-1" ] } ] }, "message": "Could not read active configuration in specified node", "error": 1 } ```
Get API active configuration from worker 1 - monitor/global :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/cluster/worker-node-1/configuration/monitor/global" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "monitord": { "agents_disconnection_time": 600, "agents_disconnection_alert_time": 0 } } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from worker 1 - monitor/internal :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/cluster/worker-node-1/configuration/monitor/internal" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "monitord": { "day_wait": 10, "compress": 1, "sign": 1, "monitor_agents": 0, "keep_log_days": 31, "rotate_log": 1, "size_rotate": 536870912, "daily_rotations": 12, "delete_old_agents": 0 } } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from worker 1 - syscheck/syscheck :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/cluster/worker-node-1/configuration/syscheck/syscheck" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "syscheck": { "disabled": "no", "frequency": 43200, "skip_nfs": "yes", "skip_dev": "yes", "skip_sys": "yes", "skip_proc": "yes", "scan_on_start": "yes", "max_files_per_second": 0, "file_limit": { "enabled": "yes", "entries": 100000 }, "diff": { "disk_quota": { "enabled": "yes", "limit": 1048576 }, "file_size": { "enabled": "yes", "limit": 51200 } }, "directories": [ { "opts": [ "check_md5sum", "check_sha1sum", "check_perm", "check_size", "check_owner", "check_group", "check_mtime", "check_inode", "check_sha256sum" ], "dir": "/bin", "recursion_level": 256, "diff_size_limit": 51200 }, { "opts": [ "check_md5sum", "check_sha1sum", "check_perm", "check_size", "check_owner", "check_group", "check_mtime", "check_inode", "check_sha256sum" ], "dir": "/boot", "recursion_level": 256, "diff_size_limit": 51200 }, { "opts": [ "check_md5sum", "check_sha1sum", "check_perm", "check_size", "check_owner", "check_group", "check_mtime", "check_inode", "check_sha256sum" ], "dir": "/etc", "recursion_level": 256, "diff_size_limit": 51200 }, { "opts": [ "check_md5sum", "check_sha1sum", "check_perm", "check_size", "check_owner", "check_group", "check_mtime", "check_inode", "check_sha256sum" ], "dir": "/sbin", "recursion_level": 256, "diff_size_limit": 51200 }, { "opts": [ "check_md5sum", "check_sha1sum", "check_perm", "check_size", "check_owner", "check_group", "check_mtime", "check_inode", "check_sha256sum" ], "dir": "/usr/bin", "recursion_level": 256, "diff_size_limit": 51200 }, { "opts": [ "check_md5sum", "check_sha1sum", "check_perm", "check_size", "check_owner", "check_group", "check_mtime", "check_inode", "check_sha256sum" ], "dir": "/usr/sbin", "recursion_level": 256, "diff_size_limit": 51200 } ], "nodiff": [ "/etc/ssl/private.key" ], "ignore": [ "/etc/mtab", "/etc/hosts.deny", "/etc/mail/statistics", "/etc/random-seed", "/etc/random.seed", "/etc/adjtime", "/etc/httpd/logs", "/etc/utmpx", "/etc/wtmpx", "/etc/cups/certs", "/etc/dumpdates", "/etc/svc/volatile" ], "ignore_sregex": [ ".log$|.swp$" ], "whodata": { "restart_audit": "yes", "startup_healthcheck": "yes" }, "allow_remote_prefilter_cmd": "no", "synchronization": { "enabled": "yes", "max_interval": 3600, "interval": 300, "response_timeout": 30, "queue_size": 16384, "max_eps": 10 }, "max_eps": 100, "process_priority": 10, "database": "disk" } } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from worker 1 - syscheck/rootcheck :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/cluster/worker-node-1/configuration/syscheck/rootcheck" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "rootcheck": { "disabled": "no", "base_directory": "", "rootkit_files": "etc/rootcheck/rootkit_files.txt", "rootkit_trojans": "etc/rootcheck/rootkit_trojans.txt", "scanall": "no", "skip_nfs": "yes", "frequency": 43200, "check_dev": "yes", "check_files": "yes", "check_if": "yes", "check_pids": "yes", "check_ports": "yes", "check_sys": "yes", "check_trojans": "yes", "check_unixaudit": "no" } } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from worker 1 - syscheck/internal :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/cluster/worker-node-1/configuration/syscheck/internal" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "internal": { "syscheck": { "rt_delay": 5, "default_max_depth": 256, "symlink_scan_interval": 600, "debug": 0, "file_max_size": 1073741824, "max_audit_entries": 256 }, "rootcheck": { "sleep": 50 } } } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from worker 1 - wmodules/wmodules :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/cluster/worker-node-1/configuration/wmodules/wmodules" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "affected_items": [ { "wmodules": [ { "agent-upgrade": { "enabled": "yes", "max_threads": 8, "chunk_size": 512 } }, { "task-manager": { "enabled": "yes" } }, { "cis-cat": { "disabled": "yes", "scan-on-start": "yes", "interval": 86400, "java_path": "wodles/java", "ciscat_path": "wodles/ciscat", "ciscat_binary": "CIS-CAT.sh", "timeout": 1800 } }, { "osquery": { "disabled": "yes", "run_daemon": "yes", "add_labels": "yes", "log_path": "/var/log/osquery/osqueryd.results.log", "config_path": "/etc/osquery/osquery.conf" } }, { "syscollector": { "disabled": "no", "scan-on-start": "yes", "interval": 3600, "network": "yes", "os": "yes", "hardware": "yes", "packages": "yes", "ports": "yes", "ports_all": "no", "processes": "yes", "sync_max_eps": 10 } }, { "sca": { "interval": 43200, "enabled": "yes", "scan_on_start": "yes", "skip_nfs": "yes", "policies": [ "/var/ossec/ruleset/sca/cis_ubuntu22-04.yml" ] } }, { "vulnerability-detector": { "enabled": "no", "run_on_start": "yes", "interval": 300, "min_full_scan_interval": 21600, "retry_interval": 30, "providers": [ { "name": "nvd", "update_from_year": 2010, "update_interval": 3600, "download_timeout": 300 }, { "name": "msu", "update_interval": 3600, "download_timeout": 300 } ] } }, { "database": { "sync_agents": "yes", "real_time": "yes", "interval": 60, "max_queued_events": 0 } }, { "wazuh_download": { "enabled": "yes" } }, { "wazuh_control": { "enabled": "yes" } } ] } ], "total_affected_items": 1, "total_failed_items": 0, "failed_items": [] }, "message": "Active configuration was successfully read in specified node", "error": 0 } ```

Agent endpoint

Get API active configuration from agent 1 - agent/client :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/agents/001/config/agent/client" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "client": { "config-profile": "ubuntu, ubuntu22, ubuntu22.04", "notify_time": 10, "time-reconnect": 60, "force_reconnect_interval": 0, "ip_update_interval": 0, "auto_restart": "yes", "remote_conf": "yes", "crypto_method": "aes", "server": [ { "address": "", "port": 1514, "max_retries": 5, "retry_interval": 10, "protocol": "tcp" } ], "enrollment": { "enabled": "yes", "delay_after_enrollment": 20, "port": 1515, "ssl_cipher": "HIGH:!ADH:!EXP:!MD5:!RC4:!3DES:!CAMELLIA:@STRENGTH", "auto_method": "no" } } }, "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from agent 1 - agent/buffer :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/agents/001/config/agent/buffer" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "buffer": { "disabled": "no", "queue_size": 5000, "events_per_second": 500 } }, "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from agent 1 - agent/labels :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/agents/001/config/agent/labels" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "labels": [] }, "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from agent 1 - agent/internal :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/agents/001/config/agent/labels" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "labels": [] }, "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from agent 1 - agentless/agentless :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/agents/001/config/agentless/agentless" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "title": "Bad Request", "detail": "Unable to connect with component. The component might be disabled.: agentless:agentless", "dapi_errors": { "master-node": { "error": "Unable to connect with component. The component might be disabled.: agentless:agentless" } }, "error": 1117 } ```
Get API active configuration from agent 1 - auth/auth :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/agents/001/config/auth/auth" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "title": "Bad Request", "detail": "Unable to connect with component. The component might be disabled.: auth:auth", "dapi_errors": { "master-node": { "error": "Unable to connect with component. The component might be disabled.: auth:auth" } }, "error": 1117 } ```
Get API active configuration from agent 1 - auth/auth :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/agents/001/config/auth/auth" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "title": "Bad Request", "detail": "Unable to connect with component. The component might be disabled.: auth:auth", "dapi_errors": { "master-node": { "error": "Unable to connect with component. The component might be disabled.: auth:auth" } }, "error": 1117 } ```
Get API active configuration from agent 1 - com/active-response :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/agents/001/config/com/active-response" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "active-response": { "disabled": "no" } }, "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from agent 1 - com/logging :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/agents/001/config/com/logging" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "logging": { "plain": "yes", "json": "no" } }, "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from agent 1 - com/internal :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/agents/001/config/com/internal" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "internal": { "execd": { "request_timeout": 0, "max_restart_lock": 0 } } }, "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from agent 1 - csyslog/csyslog :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/agents/001/config/csyslog/csyslog" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "title": "Bad Request", "detail": "Unable to connect with component. The component might be disabled.: csyslog:csyslog", "dapi_errors": { "master-node": { "error": "Unable to connect with component. The component might be disabled.: csyslog:csyslog" } }, "error": 1117 } ```
Get API active configuration from agent 1 - integrator/integration :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/agents/001/config/integrator/integration" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "title": "Bad Request", "detail": "Unable to connect with component. The component might be disabled.: integrator:integration", "dapi_errors": { "master-node": { "error": "Unable to connect with component. The component might be disabled.: integrator:integration" } }, "error": 1117 } ```
Get API active configuration from agent 1 - logcollector/localfile :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/agents/001/config/logcollector/localfile" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "localfile": [ { "logformat": "command", "command": "df -P", "alias": "df -P", "ignore_binaries": "no", "target": [ "agent" ], "frequency": 360 }, { "logformat": "full_command", "command": "netstat -tulpn | sed 's/\\([[:alnum:]]\\+\\)\\ \\+[[:digit:]]\\+\\ \\+[[:digit:]]\\+\\ \\+\\(.*\\):\\([[:digit:]]*\\)\\ \\+\\([0-9\\.\\:\\*]\\+\\).\\+\\ \\([[:digit:]]*\\/[[:alnum:]\\-]*\\).*/\\1 \\2 == \\3 == \\4 \\5/' | sort -k 4 -g | sed 's/ == \\(.*\\) ==/:\\1/' | sed 1,2d", "alias": "netstat listening ports", "ignore_binaries": "no", "target": [ "agent" ], "frequency": 360 }, { "logformat": "full_command", "command": "last -n 20", "alias": "last -n 20", "ignore_binaries": "no", "target": [ "agent" ], "frequency": 360 }, { "file": "/var/log/audit/audit.log", "logformat": "audit", "ignore_binaries": "no", "only-future-events": "yes", "target": [ "agent" ] }, { "file": "/var/ossec/logs/active-responses.log", "logformat": "syslog", "ignore_binaries": "no", "only-future-events": "yes", "target": [ "agent" ] }, { "file": "/var/log/auth.log", "logformat": "syslog", "ignore_binaries": "no", "only-future-events": "yes", "target": [ "agent" ] }, { "file": "/var/log/syslog", "logformat": "syslog", "ignore_binaries": "no", "only-future-events": "yes", "target": [ "agent" ] }, { "file": "/var/log/dpkg.log", "logformat": "syslog", "ignore_binaries": "no", "only-future-events": "yes", "target": [ "agent" ] }, { "file": "/var/log/kern.log", "logformat": "syslog", "ignore_binaries": "no", "only-future-events": "yes", "target": [ "agent" ] } ] }, "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from agent 1 - logcollector/socket :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/agents/001/config/logcollector/socket" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": {}, "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from agent 1 - logcollector/internal :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/agents/001/config/logcollector/internal" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "internal": { "logcollector": { "remote_commands": 0, "loop_timeout": 2, "open_attempts": 8, "vcheck_files": 64, "max_lines": 10000, "max_files": 1000, "sock_fail_time": 300, "debug": 0, "sample_log_length": 64, "queue_size": 1024, "input_threads": 4, "force_reload": 0, "reload_interval": 64, "reload_delay": 1000, "exclude_files_interval": 86400, "state_interval": 60, "rlimit_nofile": 1100 } } }, "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from agent 1 - mail/global :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/agents/001/config/mail/global" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "title": "Bad Request", "detail": "Unable to connect with component. The component might be disabled.: mail:global", "dapi_errors": { "master-node": { "error": "Unable to connect with component. The component might be disabled.: mail:global" } }, "error": 1117 } ```
Get API active configuration from agent 1 - mail/alerts :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/agents/001/config/mail/alerts" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "title": "Bad Request", "detail": "Unable to connect with component. The component might be disabled.: mail:alerts", "dapi_errors": { "master-node": { "error": "Unable to connect with component. The component might be disabled.: mail:alerts" } }, "error": 1117 } ```
Get API active configuration from agent 1 - mail/internal :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/agents/001/config/mail/internal" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "title": "Bad Request", "detail": "Unable to connect with component. The component might be disabled.: mail:internal", "dapi_errors": { "master-node": { "error": "Unable to connect with component. The component might be disabled.: mail:internal" } }, "error": 1117 } ```
Get API active configuration from agent 1 - monitor/global :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/agents/001/config/monitor/global" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "title": "Bad Request", "detail": "Unable to connect with component. The component might be disabled.: monitor:global", "dapi_errors": { "master-node": { "error": "Unable to connect with component. The component might be disabled.: monitor:global" } }, "error": 1117 } ```
Get API active configuration from agent 1 - monitor/internal :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/agents/001/config/monitor/internal" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "title": "Bad Request", "detail": "Unable to connect with component. The component might be disabled.: monitor:internal", "dapi_errors": { "master-node": { "error": "Unable to connect with component. The component might be disabled.: monitor:internal" } }, "error": 1117 } ```
Get API active configuration from agent 1 - syscheck/syscheck :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/agents/001/config/syscheck/syscheck" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "syscheck": { "disabled": "no", "frequency": 43200, "skip_nfs": "yes", "skip_dev": "yes", "skip_sys": "yes", "skip_proc": "yes", "scan_on_start": "yes", "max_files_per_second": 0, "file_limit": { "enabled": "yes", "entries": 100000 }, "diff": { "disk_quota": { "enabled": "yes", "limit": 1048576 }, "file_size": { "enabled": "yes", "limit": 51200 } }, "directories": [ { "opts": [ "check_md5sum", "check_sha1sum", "check_perm", "check_size", "check_owner", "check_group", "check_mtime", "check_inode", "check_sha256sum" ], "dir": "/bin", "recursion_level": 256, "diff_size_limit": 51200 }, { "opts": [ "check_md5sum", "check_sha1sum", "check_perm", "check_size", "check_owner", "check_group", "check_mtime", "check_inode", "check_sha256sum" ], "dir": "/boot", "recursion_level": 256, "diff_size_limit": 51200 }, { "opts": [ "check_md5sum", "check_sha1sum", "check_perm", "check_size", "check_owner", "check_group", "check_mtime", "check_inode", "check_sha256sum" ], "dir": "/etc", "recursion_level": 256, "diff_size_limit": 51200 }, { "opts": [ "check_md5sum", "check_sha1sum", "check_perm", "check_size", "check_owner", "check_group", "check_mtime", "check_inode", "check_sha256sum" ], "dir": "/sbin", "recursion_level": 256, "diff_size_limit": 51200 }, { "opts": [ "check_md5sum", "check_sha1sum", "check_perm", "check_size", "check_owner", "check_group", "check_mtime", "check_inode", "check_sha256sum" ], "dir": "/usr/bin", "recursion_level": 256, "diff_size_limit": 51200 }, { "opts": [ "check_md5sum", "check_sha1sum", "check_perm", "check_size", "check_owner", "check_group", "check_mtime", "check_inode", "check_sha256sum" ], "dir": "/usr/sbin", "recursion_level": 256, "diff_size_limit": 51200 } ], "nodiff": [ "/etc/ssl/private.key" ], "ignore": [ "/etc/mtab", "/etc/hosts.deny", "/etc/mail/statistics", "/etc/random-seed", "/etc/random.seed", "/etc/adjtime", "/etc/httpd/logs", "/etc/utmpx", "/etc/wtmpx", "/etc/cups/certs", "/etc/dumpdates", "/etc/svc/volatile" ], "ignore_sregex": [ ".log$|.swp$" ], "whodata": { "restart_audit": "yes", "startup_healthcheck": "yes" }, "allow_remote_prefilter_cmd": "no", "synchronization": { "enabled": "yes", "max_interval": 3600, "interval": 300, "response_timeout": 30, "queue_size": 16384, "max_eps": 10 }, "max_eps": 100, "process_priority": 10, "database": "disk" } }, "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from agent 1 - syscheck/rootcheck :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/agents/001/config/syscheck/rootcheck" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "rootcheck": { "disabled": "no", "base_directory": "", "rootkit_files": "etc/shared/rootkit_files.txt", "rootkit_trojans": "etc/shared/rootkit_trojans.txt", "scanall": "no", "skip_nfs": "yes", "frequency": 43200, "check_dev": "yes", "check_files": "yes", "check_if": "yes", "check_pids": "yes", "check_ports": "yes", "check_sys": "yes", "check_trojans": "yes", "check_unixaudit": "no" } }, "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from agent 1 - syscheck/internal :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/agents/001/config/syscheck/internal" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "internal": { "syscheck": { "rt_delay": 5, "default_max_depth": 256, "symlink_scan_interval": 600, "debug": 0, "file_max_size": 1073741824, "max_audit_entries": 256 }, "rootcheck": { "sleep": 50 } } }, "error": 0 } ```
Get API active configuration from agent 1 - wmodules/wmodules :green_circle: `curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:55000/agents/001/config/wmodules/wmodules" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" | jq .` ``` { "data": { "wmodules": [ { "agent-upgrade": { "enabled": "yes", "ca_verification": "yes", "ca_store": [ "etc/wpk_root.pem" ] } }, { "cis-cat": { "disabled": "yes", "scan-on-start": "yes", "interval": 86400, "java_path": "wodles/java", "ciscat_path": "wodles/ciscat", "ciscat_binary": "CIS-CAT.sh", "timeout": 1800 } }, { "osquery": { "disabled": "yes", "run_daemon": "yes", "add_labels": "yes", "log_path": "/var/log/osquery/osqueryd.results.log", "config_path": "/etc/osquery/osquery.conf" } }, { "syscollector": { "disabled": "no", "scan-on-start": "yes", "interval": 3600, "network": "yes", "os": "yes", "hardware": "yes", "packages": "yes", "ports": "yes", "ports_all": "no", "processes": "yes", "sync_max_eps": 10 } }, { "sca": { "interval": 43200, "enabled": "yes", "scan_on_start": "yes", "skip_nfs": "yes", "policies": [ "/var/ossec/ruleset/sca/cis_ubuntu22-04.yml" ] } }, { "wazuh_control": { "enabled": "yes" } } ] }, "error": 0 } ```
TomasTurina commented 1 year ago

@jmv74211 I have uploaded this commit https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh/pull/13713/commits/51b4ceef3ae6a24894fdaea2aba37a90e5855e3c to take into account the syslog dropped events in the wazuh-analysisd state file. Now, you should see that the total dropped events counter increases when the syslog events used in the automatic tests are dropped.

jmv74211 commented 1 year ago

After the fixes that have been applied in https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh/commit/51b4ceef3ae6a24894fdaea2aba37a90e5855e3c, everything seems to work properly.


In addition, the integration tests for EPS limit pass successfully.

========================================= test session starts ==========================================
platform linux -- Python 3.9.7, pytest-6.2.3, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1
rootdir: /home/vagrant/wazuh-qa-revert-3270-revert-3146-fix-wdb-getconfig/tests/integration, configfile: pytest.ini
plugins: metadata-1.11.0, html-3.1.1, testinfra-5.0.0
collected 15 items                                                                                     

test_analysisd/test_limit_eps/test_basic.py ..                                                   [ 13%]
test_analysisd/test_limit_eps/test_configuration.py ........                                     [ 66%]
test_analysisd/test_limit_eps/test_event_processing.py .....                                     [100%]

==================================== 15 passed in 379.36s (0:06:19) ====================================
jmv74211 commented 1 year ago

Closing conclusion 👍🏼

🟢 Solved

The development has been approved taking into account the following considerations proposed in the this review:

(1) Automatic EPS limitation tests have reported that the statistics of dropped events do not work correctly. I have tested it locally and it does not seem to work correctly. 🟢

This has been fixed in https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh/commit/51b4ceef3ae6a24894fdaea2aba37a90e5855e3c, and not it works properly.

On the other hand, all the tests performed on the different sockets and API requests seem to work correctly. A tier 0 testing has been performed, being tested each of the requests and responses obtained, but what has not been checked is that the values of each of the statistics are updated correctly. This is something that has been discussed with the development team, and that in part has already been tested during development, plus the tests performed by the cloud team.

During release testing, this development will be testing too so that for code closure it is decided that everything has passed correctly.