wazuh / wazuh-qa

Wazuh - Quality Assurance
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Investigate and document tests - System E2E tests #4256

Closed Deblintrake09 closed 9 months ago

Deblintrake09 commented 1 year ago
Parent issue https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-qa/issues/4241
Pipeline state :yellow_circle: being fixed in https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-jenkins/issues/5237
Tests state :yellow_circle: generally working - some skipped modules
Jenkins link https://ci.wazuh.info/job/Test_e2e_system
Branch used 4.4


This issue aims to analyze and document all about the Systems E2E test. Jenkins parameters, pytest location, steps in the test and current state of it.



Deblintrake09 commented 1 year ago

Test Executions

Module Result Notes
test_audit :green_circle:
test_aws_infrastructure_monitoring :black_circle: Skipped because of Issue https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-qa/issues/3211
test_brute_force :green_circle:
test_detect_suspicious_binaries :green_circle:
test_docker :black_circle: Skipped because of Issue https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-qa/issues/3210
test_emotet :green_circle:
test_fim :black_circle: Skipped because of Issue https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-qa/issues/3207
test_ip_reputation :green_circle:
test_osquery_integration :green_circle:
test_shellshock_attack_detection :red_circle: :red_circle: No associated issue to fails. Requires more research
test_slack_integration :black_circle: Skipped because of Issue https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-qa/issues/3286
test_sql_injection :green_circle:
test_suricata_integration :green_circle:
test_unauthorized_processes_detection :green_circle:
test_virustotal_integration :green_circle:
test_vulnerability_detector :yellow_circle: Test fixes are being done in https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-qa/issues/3219
test_windows_defender :green_circle:
test_yara_integration :green_circle:
Status Description
:black_circle: Not executed / Skipped in code - Check notes
:large_blue_circle: In execution
:green_circle: Passed / Works properly
:yellow_circle: Skipped - Being actively fixed - Check notes
:red_circle: Tests failed
Deblintrake09 commented 1 year ago

Manual E2E testing

verdx commented 1 year ago


QU3B1M commented 1 year ago


juliamagan commented 1 year ago

We could add that the pipeline not only launches the tests, but also uses WazuhQAEnvironment for the necessary provisioning of the tests.

Currently, it only launches the E2E tests, but in the future, this pipeline should be able to launch the system tests as well.

Finally, the pipeline parameters are shown, but not explained.

The link to the spreadsheet with the documentation is in the parent issue.

davidjiglesias commented 9 months ago