wazuh / wazuh-qa

Wazuh - Quality Assurance
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DTT2 - Unclassified debug log is present in the logs: [DEBUG] SPNEGO._GSS #5277

Open pro-akim opened 2 weeks ago

pro-akim commented 2 weeks ago

The [DEBUG] SPNEGO._GSS log is present

[2024-04-19 15:38:17,396] [DEBUG] SPNEGO._GSS: Python gssapi not available, cannot use any GSSAPIProxy protocols: No module named 'gssapi'
[2024-04-19 15:38:17,396] [DEBUG] SPNEGO._GSS: Python gssapi IOV extension not available: No module named 'gssapi'

in the following context

[2024-04-19 15:37:36,558] [WARNING] [98869] [ThreadPoolExecutor-1_0] [workflow_engine]: [allocate-manager-linux-ubuntu-22.04-amd64] Skipping task due to dependency failure.
[2024-04-19 15:38:16,987] [INFO] [99186] [MainThread] [workflow_engine]: Executing DAG tasks.
[2024-04-19 15:38:16,987] [INFO] [99186] [MainThread] [workflow_engine]: Executing tasks in parallel.
[2024-04-19 15:38:16,988] [INFO] [99186] [ThreadPoolExecutor-0_0] [workflow_engine]: [allocate-manager-linux-ubuntu-22.04-amd64] Starting task.
[2024-04-19 15:38:17,396] [DEBUG] SPNEGO._GSS: Python gssapi not available, cannot use any GSSAPIProxy protocols: No module named 'gssapi'
[2024-04-19 15:38:17,396] [DEBUG] SPNEGO._GSS: Python gssapi IOV extension not available: No module named 'gssapi'
[2024-04-19 15:38:17,490] [INFO] ALLOCATOR: Creating instance at /tmp/wazuh-qa
[2024-04-19 15:38:17,605] [DEBUG] ALLOCATOR: No config provided. Generating from payload
[2024-04-19 15:38:17,605] [DEBUG] ALLOCATOR: Using provided key pair
[2024-04-19 15:38:18,217] [DEBUG] ALLOCATOR: Creating temp directory: /tmp/wazuh-qa/AWS-54E18266-FA1C-4B9C-ABA1-A1302793A445
[2024-04-19 15:38:36,121] [DEBUG] ALLOCATOR: Renaming temp /tmp/wazuh-qa/AWS-54E18266-FA1C-4B9C-ABA1-A1302793A445 directory to /tmp/wazuh-qa/i-049c5136985c87616
[2024-04-19 15:38:36,132] [INFO] ALLOCATOR: Instance i-049c5136985c87616 created.
[2024-04-19 15:38:37,390] [INFO] ALLOCATOR: Instance i-049c5136985c87616 started.
[2024-04-19 15:38:37,590] [INFO] ALLOCATOR: Inventory file generated at /tmp/dtt1-poc/manager-linux-ubuntu-22.04-amd64/inventory.yaml

An analysis of its occurrence must be carried out and define whether it should disappear, modify its name/label or take action to correct what it reports.

mhamra commented 2 weeks ago



Unique manager allocate task


  I've obtained the following workflow.log file [workflow-pthreads-12-with-gssapi-error.log](https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-qa/files/15044539/workflow-pthreads-12-with-gssapi-error.log)

- The `gssapi` is an optional dependency of the `paramiko` package. See this [link](https://www.paramiko.org/installing.html#gssapi).

I've installed the `gssapi` package with this commands:

sudo apt install libkrb5-dev pip install gssapi krb5

/wazuh/wazuh-qa/deployability$ pip show gssapi Name: gssapi Version: 1.8.3 Summary: Python GSSAPI Wrapper Home-page: https://github.com/pythongssapi/python-gssapi Author: The Python GSSAPI Team Author-email: jborean93@gmail.com License: LICENSE.txt Location: /home/marcelo/.pyenv/versions/dtt-test/lib/python3.10/site-packages Requires: decorator Required-by: (dtt-test) marcelo@marcelo-B460-AORUS-PRO-AC:~/wazuh/wazuh-qa/deployability$ pip show paramiko gssapi krb5 Name: paramiko Version: 3.4.0 Summary: SSH2 protocol library Home-page: https://paramiko.org Author: Jeff Forcier Author-email: jeff@bitprophet.org License: LGPL Location: /home/marcelo/.pyenv/versions/dtt-test/lib/python3.10/site-packages Requires: bcrypt, cryptography, pynacl Required-by:

Name: gssapi Version: 1.8.3 Summary: Python GSSAPI Wrapper Home-page: https://github.com/pythongssapi/python-gssapi Author: The Python GSSAPI Team Author-email: jborean93@gmail.com License: LICENSE.txt Location: /home/marcelo/.pyenv/versions/dtt-test/lib/python3.10/site-packages Requires: decorator Required-by:

Name: krb5 Version: 0.5.1 Summary: Kerberos API bindings for Python Home-page: https://github.com/jborean93/pykrb5 Author: Jordan Borean Author-email: jborean93@gmail.com License: MIT Location: /home/marcelo/.pyenv/versions/dtt-test/lib/python3.10/site-packages Requires: I obtained the following workflow.log file workflow-pthreads-12-with-gssapi-error.log Required-by:

- I've rerun the same workflow file after installing the `gssapi` package, and the messages disappeared from the log: [workflow.log](https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-qa/files/15044492/workflow.log)
rauldpm commented 1 week ago

As it is an optional dependency and does not affect the DTT1 directly, we will address this issue in DTT2