Closed juliamagan closed 6 months ago
Given a configured master
And two workers configured
And an agent connects to the worker1 node
And the agent with state Active
When the agent is restarted and changes worker
Then No doubling of the vulnerability index
Given a configured master
And two workers configured
And an agent connects to the worker1 node with the two workers in his configuration
And the agent with state Active
When connection lost and worker changed to worker2
Then No doubling of the vulnerability index
Given a configured master
And two workers configured
And an agent connects to the worker2 node
And the agent with state Active
When Restart and change of worker
Then No doubling of the vulnerability index
Given a configured master
And two workers configured
And an agent connects to the worker1 node
And the agent with state Active
When Worker loss and recovery connection without changing of worker
Then No doubling of the vulnerability index
Given a configured master
And two workers configured
And an agent connects to the worker1 node
And the agent with state Active
When kill worker1 and change to worker2
Then No doubling of the vulnerability index
Given a configured master
And two workers configured
And an agent connects to the worker1 node
And the agent with state Active
When restart a worker while vulnerability scanning is in progress
Then No doubling of the vulnerability index
Note: First we install vulnerable packages on Ubuntu and Windows agents
Given a configured master
And two workers configured
And an agent connects to the worker2 and other agent to the worker1
And the agents with state Active
When restart of indexer while states are being indexed
Then no doubling of the vulnerability index
Given a configured master
And two workers configured
And two indexers configured
And both agents connects to the worker1 node
And both agents with state Active
When loss of connection of indexer while states are being indexed
Then No doubling of the vulnerability index
Note: First we install vulnerable packages on Ubuntu and Windows agents
Given a configured master
And two workers configured
And two indexers configured
And both agents connects to the worker1 node
And both agents with state Active
When restart of indexer while states are being indexed and agent changes worker
Then No doubling of the vulnerability index
Note: First we uninstall vulnerable packages on Ubuntu and Windows agents to update database
Given a configured master
And two workers configured
And two indexers configured
And one agent connects to the worker1 node and the other agent to worker2 node.
And both agents with state Active
When loss of connection of indexer while states are being indexed and agent changes worker
Then No doubling of the vulnerability index
Note: First we install vulnerable packages on Ubuntu and Windows agents to update database
Given a configured master
And two workers configured
And an agent connects to the worker2 and other agent to the worker1
And the agents with state Active
When restart of both indexer while states are being indexed
Then no doubling of the vulnerability index
Given a configured master And two workers configured And an agent connects to the worker2 and other agent to the worker1 And the agents with state Active When loss of connection of both indexer while states are being indexed Then no doubling of the vulnerability index
Given a configured master
And two workers configured
And two indexers configured
And both agents connected to the same worker
And both agents with state Active
When removal of a vulnerable package and change worker with long syscollector interval
Then No doubling of the vulnerability index
Given a configured master
And two workers configured
And two indexers configured
And both agents connected to the same worker
And both agents with state Active
When agent re-registered with same name but different ID
Then No doubling of the vulnerability index
Note: First we install vulnerable packages on Ubuntu and Windows agents to update database
Given a configured master
And two workers configured
And an agent connects to the worker2 and other agent to the worker1
And the agents with state Active
When re-register ubuntu agent with the same ID but different name
Then no doubling of the vulnerability index
The vulnerabilities in the tested cases (Case 1-13) are all unique; none are duplicated. This has been confirmed through testing utilizing the QA framework tools integrated into the following script.
Given a configured master
And two workers configured
And two indexers configured
And both agents connected to the same worker
And both agents with state Active
When restart of the master node
Then No doubling of the vulnerability index
Given a configured master And two workers configured And both agents connected to the same worker And both agents with state Active When the connection with the master node is lost Then vulnerabilities are not duplicated
Given a configured master
And two workers configured
And an each agent connects to one worker
And the agents with state Active
When the agent changes worker
And the target worker is unavailable
Then the agent connects to the worker when its available
And vulnerabilities are updated and not duplicated
Given a configured master And two workers configured And both agents connected to the same worker And both agents with state Active When the agent changes worker And the target worker is unavailable Then the agent connects to the worker when its available And vulnerabilities are updated and not duplicated
Between case1 and case 5, there are different vulnerabilities:
Case 1
Case 5
It seems that snapd was upgraded during the testing.
The vulnerability occurrence in the remaining cases aligns with expectations. There are differences between test cases due to variations in the installed vulnerable packages.
Moved ETA to allow final review
This issue is intended to cover the testing process followed and obtained for development.
Test environment
Test cases
Status legend:
🟢 - Approved 🟡 - Approved with warnings or expected errors 🔴 - Rejected