wazuh / wazuh-qa

Wazuh - Quality Assurance
GNU General Public License v2.0
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DTT1 - System command requirements #5323

Closed pro-akim closed 2 weeks ago

pro-akim commented 2 weeks ago


The modules developed use some system command in the host to execute some actions, for example, to deploy a macOS VM, it is needed to run the ssh-keygen command to generate a key pair

In the future, all of those commands will be improved with a check control to ensure that the command exists in the host where it is going to be executed, but we need to add them as dependencies in the documentation so we can have a clear insight of some requirements

This documentation is not intended to document remote commands executed in the testing instances, but on all of those hosts, like macStadium or the self-host where the module is being executed (i.e. my computer)

Note that the commands that run on the test instances are expected to be installed; If the test fails due to a missing command, then an issue should be opened, but we want to prevent the execution of the module itself from failing. Even if we don't have a control structure yet, we should document them.

We also need to specify in the modules documentation that it works and has been tested in an Ubuntu 22 system, the Python3 version used in 3.10.12 and the Python3 pip3 version is 22.0.2


mhamra commented 2 weeks ago

List of commands

General commands





Opensus / Suse



mhamra commented 2 weeks ago

List of required host commands

This is the list of commands that each module may execute on the host.

Allocator Module

Testing Module

rauldpm commented 2 weeks ago