wazuh / wazuh-qa

Wazuh - Quality Assurance
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Internal feature request: improve the release testing plots #5846

Open pereyra-m opened 1 day ago

pereyra-m commented 1 day ago


Every release involves the analysis of plots generated automatically to discover potential issues in the product. This isn't an easy task, but the lack of a proper tool to compare the graphs makes it harder. These are just some issues the development team finds during this process:

We understand that v5.0 will bring many changes, but currently we lose too much time fighting with the plots instead of looking for issues. We need a small improvement until the major release is ready.

Proposal / PoC

I propose a small script for the cluster benchmark metrics. I developed it to analyze this issue https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh/issues/27104#issuecomment-2511862102. Using the plotly package, we can easily compare different traces, releases, daemons, etc.



``` numpy==2.1.3 packaging==24.2 pandas==2.2.3 patsy==1.0.1 plotly==5.24.1 python-dateutil==2.9.0.post0 pytz==2024.2 scipy==1.14.1 six==1.16.0 statsmodels==0.14.4 tenacity==9.0.0 tzdata==2024.2 ```


```python # data_compare.py import pandas as pd import plotly.express as px import tkinter as tk from tkinter import filedialog import sys from datetime import datetime, timedelta import plotly.graph_objects as go from plotly.subplots import make_subplots import argparse # Read command line, and get the data files if not supplied parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-i', '--inputs', type=int, help='Amount of files to read', default=-1, required=False) parser.add_argument('-f', '--files', type=str, help='Files to read, split by space', default=[],nargs="*", required=False) parser.add_argument('-r', '--revisions', type=str, help='Revisions tag to add to the name of the traces', default=[],nargs="*", required=False) args = parser.parse_args() DATA_FILES_AMOUNT = args.inputs DATA_FILES_ARRAY = args.files if DATA_FILES_AMOUNT > 0 and len(DATA_FILES_ARRAY) == 0: DATA_FILES_ARRAY.clear() for i in range(DATA_FILES_AMOUNT): root = tk.Tk() root.withdraw() DATA_FILES_ARRAY.append(filedialog.askopenfilename(title="Select a file", filetypes=[("CSV files", "*.csv")])) elif DATA_FILES_AMOUNT <= 0 and len(DATA_FILES_ARRAY) != 0: DATA_FILES_AMOUNT = len(DATA_FILES_ARRAY) else: print('Please provide the amount of files to read or the files to read') sys.exit(1) # Read the data from the files df_array = [] for file in DATA_FILES_ARRAY: df_array.append(pd.read_csv(file)) # Get the version and daemon name from the data df_name_array = [] if len(args.revisions) == 0: args.revisions = [''] * DATA_FILES_AMOUNT for i in range(DATA_FILES_AMOUNT): df_name_array.append('_' + df_array[i]['Version'][0] + args.revisions[i] + '_' + df_array[i]['Daemon'][0]) # Construct the time x_axis relative to the test duration DATA_POINTS = len(df_array[0]['Timestamp']) fmt = '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S' tstamp1 = datetime.strptime(df_array[0]['Timestamp'][0], fmt) tstamp2 = datetime.strptime(df_array[0]['Timestamp'][df_array[0]['Timestamp'].last_valid_index()], fmt) td = tstamp2 - tstamp1 step = int(td.total_seconds() / DATA_POINTS) tstamp_initial = datetime.strptime('00:00:00', '%H:%M:%S') time_col = [] for i in range(DATA_POINTS + 1): tmp_time = tstamp_initial + timedelta(seconds=i*step) time_col.append(tmp_time.time()) # Group the columns by type y_cols_CPU = ['CPU(%)'] y_cols_memory = ['VMS(KB)', 'RSS(KB)', 'USS(KB)', 'PSS(KB)', 'SWAP(KB)'] y_cols_FD = ['FD'] y_cols_IO = ['Disk_Read(KB)', 'Disk_Written(KB)'] y_cols_IO_ops = ['Read_Ops', 'Write_Ops'] y_cols_IO_speed = ['Disk_Read_Speed(KB/s)', 'Disk_Write_Speed(KB/s)'] def plotter_multiple_y_axis(y_cols, name): fig = make_subplots(specs=[[{"secondary_y": True}]]) for i in range(DATA_FILES_AMOUNT): fig.add_trace(go.Scatter( x=time_col, y=df_array[i][y_cols[0]], mode="lines", name=y_cols[0] + df_name_array[i], text=df_array[i]['Timestamp']), secondary_y=False) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter( x=time_col, y=df_array[i][y_cols[1]], mode="lines", name=y_cols[1] + df_name_array[i], text=df_array[i]['Timestamp']), secondary_y=True) fig.update_layout(title=name) fig.update_traces(hovertemplate= 'Time: %{text}
Test time: %{x}
Value: %{y}') fig.update_xaxes(title_text="Test time (s)") fig.update_yaxes(title_text=y_cols[0], secondary_y=False) fig.update_yaxes(title_text=y_cols[1], secondary_y=True) fig.show() def plotter(y_cols, name): fig = go.Figure() for y_col in y_cols: for i in range(DATA_FILES_AMOUNT): fig.add_trace(go.Scatter( x=time_col, y=df_array[i][y_col], mode="lines", name=y_col + df_name_array[i], text=df_array[i]['Timestamp'])) fig.update_traces(hovertemplate= 'Time: %{text}
Test time: %{x}
Value: %{y}') fig.update_layout( title=name, xaxis_title="Test time (s)", yaxis_title="Value") fig.show() # Analize data and print the results print('Data compare results:') for y_col in y_cols: print("-" * 50) print(f"Values for {y_col}") df_mean_array = [] df_max_array = [] df_min_array = [] df_std_array = [] for i in range(DATA_FILES_AMOUNT): df_mean_array.append(int(df_array[i][y_col].mean())) df_max_array.append(int(df_array[i][y_col].max())) df_min_array.append(int(df_array[i][y_col].min())) df_std_array.append(int(df_array[i][y_col].std())) print('Mean:') for i in range(DATA_FILES_AMOUNT): df_highlight = '(*)' + df_name_array[i] if max(df_mean_array) == df_mean_array[i] else df_name_array[i] print(f"{df_highlight:>35}{df_mean_array[i]:>35}") print('Max:') for i in range(DATA_FILES_AMOUNT): df_highlight = '(*)' + df_name_array[i] if max(df_max_array) == df_max_array[i] else df_name_array[i] print(f"{df_highlight:>35}{df_max_array[i]:>35}") print('Min:') for i in range(DATA_FILES_AMOUNT): df_highlight = '(*)' + df_name_array[i] if min(df_min_array) == df_min_array[i] else df_name_array[i] print(f"{df_highlight:>35}{df_min_array[i]:>35}") print('Std:') for i in range(DATA_FILES_AMOUNT): df_highlight = '(*)' + df_name_array[i] if max(df_std_array) == df_std_array[i] else df_name_array[i] print(f"{df_highlight:>35}{df_std_array[i]:>35}") print("-" * 50) plotter(y_cols_CPU, 'Cluster workload benchmarks metrics compare: CPU(%)') plotter(y_cols_memory, 'Cluster workload benchmarks metrics compare: Memory(KB)') plotter(y_cols_FD, 'Cluster workload benchmarks metrics compare: FD') plotter(y_cols_IO, 'Cluster workload benchmarks metrics compare: Disk IO(KB)') plotter(y_cols_IO_ops, 'Cluster workload benchmarks metrics compare: Disk IO Ops') plotter(y_cols_IO_speed, 'Cluster workload benchmarks metrics compare: Disk IO Speed(KB/s)') plotter_multiple_y_axis(['CPU(%)', 'RSS(KB)'], 'Cluster workload benchmarks metrics compare: CPU(%) and RSS(KB)') ```


sebasfalcone commented 1 day ago

Amazing proposal @pereyra-m!