wazuh / wazuh-splunk

Wazuh - Splunk App
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Support Wazuh plugin for Python3 #947

Closed MiguelCasaresRobles closed 3 years ago

MiguelCasaresRobles commented 3 years ago

Hello team,

Python 3 is the default for all python calls; including CLI commands, custom search commands, and scripts in Splunk Enterprise and its apps in the 8.1 version.

A customer upgrading from 8.0.x that manually configured an app to use Python2 should not see an immediate break-in functionality for that app, as Python 2 has not been removed from Splunk Enterprise 8.1. However, we should consider starting to work on this migration before the deprecation.

Reference: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/8.1.1/ReleaseNotes/MeetSplunk


Miguel Casares

asteriscos commented 3 years ago

Hi team,

I'm currently removing python 2 backwards compatibility and verifying the rest of the code according to this article: https://python-future.org/compatible_idioms.html

So far I have modified these files and I'm adding this comment # REMOVE PYTHON2 COMPAT while I'm testing it, so I can easily find the changes and reverse them.

SplunkAppForWazuh/bin/PIL/EpsImagePlugin.py SplunkAppForWazuh/bin/PIL/Image.py SplunkAppForWazuh/bin/PIL/ImageFont.py SplunkAppForWazuh/bin/PIL/ImageMath.py SplunkAppForWazuh/bin/PIL/ImageQt.py SplunkAppForWazuh/bin/PIL/ImageShow.py SplunkAppForWazuh/bin/PIL/ImageTk.py SplunkAppForWazuh/bin/PIL/PdfParser.py SplunkAppForWazuh/bin/PIL/PngImagePlugin.py SplunkAppForWazuh/bin/PIL/TarIO.py SplunkAppForWazuh/bin/PIL/TiffImagePlugin.py SplunkAppForWazuh/bin/PIL/WmfImagePlugin.py SplunkAppForWazuh/bin/PIL/_binary.py SplunkAppForWazuh/bin/PIL/_tkinter_finder.py SplunkAppForWazuh/bin/PIL/_util.py SplunkAppForWazuh/bin/fpdf/fpdf.py SplunkAppForWazuh/bin/fpdf/php.py SplunkAppForWazuh/bin/fpdf/py3k.py SplunkAppForWazuh/bin/fpdf/template.py SplunkAppForWazuh/bin/requestsbak/compat.py SplunkAppForWazuh/bin/requestsbak/utils.py SplunkAppForWazuh/bin/tailer/init.py

The branch I'm currently working on is: https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-splunk/tree/enhance/delete-deprecated-python2-code-947