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Check Wazuh compatibility with new version macOS Ventura 13.5 (AMD64) #19804

Closed jotacarma90 closed 10 months ago

jotacarma90 commented 11 months ago


Hello team, this issue is to check the full compatibility of Wazuh on the new found version of macOS Ventura 13.5 amd64 operating system.

OSs checks issue: https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh/issues/17387 Instance request issue: https://github.com/wazuh/internal-devel-requests/issues/49

For this, it is necessary to perform the following tests to check that everything works as expected:

jotacarma90 commented 11 months ago


:green_circle: Agent and server, (enrollment and connectivity with the manager)

###  :green_circle: FIM: Schedule

<details><summary>Scheduled alerts</summary>



### :green_circle: Syscollector
Configuration by default:

- Agent:

2023/10/24 10:03:16 wazuh-modulesd:syscollector: INFO: Starting evaluation. 2023/10/24 10:03:22 wazuh-modulesd:syscollector: INFO: Evaluation finished.

- Manager

2023/10/24 10:09:57 wazuh-modulesd:syscollector: INFO: Module started. 2023/10/24 10:09:57 wazuh-modulesd:syscollector: INFO: Starting evaluation. 2023/10/24 10:09:58 wazuh-modulesd:syscollector: INFO: Evaluation finished.


###  :green_circle: Active response
Manager configuration:
no restart-wazuh defined-agent 002 7

Afterwards, any level 10 or higher alert generated will restart the indicated agent.

2023/10/24 10:23:10 active-response/bin/restart-wazuh: Starting 2023/10/24 10:23:10 active-response/bin/restart-wazuh: {"version":1,"origin":{"name":"node01","module":"wazuh-execd"},"command":"add","parameters":{"extra_args":[],"alert":{"timestamp":"2023-10-24T10:23:10.634+0000","rule":{"level":7,"description":"Host-based anomaly detection event (rootcheck).","id":"510","firedtimes":2,"mail":false,"groups":["ossec","rootcheck"],"pci_dss":["10.6.1"],"gdpr":["IV_35.7.d"]},"agent":{"id":"002","name":"ip-172-31-47-123.ec2.internal","ip":""},"manager":{"name":"wazuh-server"},"id":"1698142990.31720","full_log":"Trojaned version of file '/usr/sbin/apachectl' detected. Signature used: 'bash|^/bin/sh|file\.h|proc\.h|/dev/[^n]|^/bin/.*sh' (Generic).","decoder":{"name":"rootcheck"},"data":{"title":"Trojaned version of file detected.","file":"/usr/sbin/apachectl"},"location":"rootcheck"},"program":"active-response/bin/restart-wazuh"}} 2023/10/24 10:23:13 active-response/bin/restart-wazuh: Ended

### :green_circle: Log capture (Eventchannel for Windows and ULS for macOS)
full_command netstat -an | awk '{if ((/^(tcp|udp)/) && ($4 != "*.*") && ($5 == "*.*")) {print $1" "$$ netstat listening ports 360

### :green_circle: Upgrade using WPK

[root@wazuh-server wazuh-user]# /var/ossec/bin/agent_upgrade -a 002 -f /home/wazuh-user/wazuh_agent_v4.5.3_macos_x86_64.wpk -d


Upgraded agents: Agent 002 upgraded: Wazuh v4.5.3 -> Wazuh v4.5.3

### :green_circle: Vulnerabilities detector

### :yellow_circle: ~SCA~: Does not apply
Issue related to rework SCA policies in macOS Ventura:
mjcr99 commented 11 months ago


ncvicchi commented 10 months ago