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Release 4.8.0 - RC 1 - Vulnerability Detection E2E tests #23299

Closed juliamagan closed 1 week ago

juliamagan commented 1 week ago

Tests information

Main release stage issue https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh/issues/23246
Main Vulnerability Detection tests issue https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh/issues/23298
Version 4.8.0
Release stage RC 1
Tag https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-qa/tree/v4.8.0-rc1
Previous E2E Vulnerability tests issue https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh/issues/23060


The following issue aims to run all Vulnerability Detector E2E tests for the current release candidate, report the results, and open new issues for any encountered errors.


Run the vulnerability detector tests using the Test_e2e_system pipeline:

Conclusion :red_circle:

Report: https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh/files/15234960/Test_e2e_system_284_test_vulnerability_detector.zip

Rebits commented 1 week ago

After talking with @juliamagan we have decided to launch these tests twice, with the v4.8.0-rc1 tag branch and with recent fixes reported in https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-qa/issues/5319

E2E tests fail for v4.8.0-rc1 due to https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-jenkins/issues/6445. This was fixed in vd-global-fixes branch

Rebits commented 1 week ago

Vulnerability Detection E2E Tests :red_circle:

Report: Test_e2e_system_284_test_vulnerability_detector.zip

Failed cases

All test cases fail:

General Failures :red_circle:

2024/05/07 09:11:30 wazuh-db: ERROR: DB(002) sqlite3_prepare_v2() stmt(87): no such table: sync_info
2024/05/07 09:11:30 wazuh-db: ERROR: DB(002) sqlite3_prepare_v2() stmt(211): no such table: sys_hwinfo
2024/05/07 09:11:30 wazuh-analysisd: ERROR: dbsync: Bad response from database: Cannot perform range checksum
2024/05/07 09:11:30 wazuh-db: ERROR: DB(002) sqlite3_prepare_v2() stmt(87): no such table: sync_info
2024/05/07 09:11:30 wazuh-db: ERROR: DB(002) sqlite3_prepare_v2() stmt(217): no such table: sys_osinfo
2024/05/07 09:11:30 wazuh-analysisd: ERROR: dbsync: Bad response from database: Cannot perform range checksum
2024/05/07 09:11:30 wazuh-db: ERROR: DB(002) sqlite3_prepare_v2() stmt(87): no such table: sync_info
2024/05/07 09:11:30 wazuh-db: ERROR: DB(002) sqlite3_prepare_v2() stmt(205): no such table: sys_netiface
2024/05/07 09:11:30 wazuh-analysisd: ERROR: dbsync: Bad response from database: Cannot perform range checksum
2024/05/07 09:11:30 wazuh-db: ERROR: DB(002) sqlite3_prepare_v2() stmt(87): no such table: sync_info
2024/05/07 09:11:30 wazuh-db: ERROR: DB(002) sqlite3_prepare_v2() stmt(193): no such table: sys_netproto
2024/05/07 09:11:30 wazuh-analysisd: ERROR: dbsync: Bad response from database: Cannot perform range checksum
2024/05/07 09:11:30 wazuh-db: ERROR: DB(002) sqlite3_prepare_v2() stmt(87): no such table: sync_info
2024/05/07 09:11:30 wazuh-db: ERROR: DB(002) sqlite3_prepare_v2() stmt(199): no such table: sys_netaddr
2024/05/07 09:11:30 wazuh-analysisd: ERROR: dbsync: Bad response from database: Cannot perform range checksum
2024/05/07 09:11:30 wazuh-db: ERROR: DB(002) sqlite3_prepare_v2() stmt(87): no such table: sync_info
2024/05/07 09:11:30 wazuh-db: ERROR: DB(002) sqlite3_prepare_v2() stmt(175): no such table: sys_programs
2024/05/07 09:11:30 wazuh-analysisd: ERROR: dbsync: Bad response from database: Cannot perform range checksum
2024/05/07 09:11:30 wazuh-db: ERROR: DB(002) sqlite3_prepare_v2() stmt(184): no such table: sys_hotfixes
2024/05/07 09:11:30 wazuh-analysisd: ERROR: dbsync: Bad response from database: Cannot perform range checksum
2024/05/07 09:11:30 wazuh-db: ERROR: DB(002) sqlite3_prepare_v2() stmt(87): no such table: sync_info
2024/05/07 09:11:30 wazuh-db: ERROR: DB(002) sqlite3_prepare_v2() stmt(187): no such table: sys_ports
2024/05/07 09:11:30 wazuh-analysisd: ERROR: dbsync: Bad response from database: Cannot perform range checksum
2024/05/07 09:11:30 wazuh-db: ERROR: DB(002) sqlite3_prepare_v2() stmt(87): no such table: sync_info
2024/05/07 09:11:30 wazuh-db: ERROR: DB(002) sqlite3_prepare_v2() stmt(169): no such table: sys_processes
2024/05/07 09:11:30 wazuh-analysisd: ERROR: dbsync: Bad response from database: Cannot perform range checksum
2024/05/07 09:12:31 wazuh-db: ERROR: DB(002) sqlite3_prepare_v2() : no such table: sys_hwinfo
2024/05/07 09:12:31 wazuh-db: ERROR: (5214): Null statement on internal cache.
2024/05/07 09:12:31 wazuh-db: ERROR: DB(002) sqlite3_prepare_v2() : no such table: sys_osinfo
2024/05/07 09:12:31 wazuh-db: ERROR: (5214): Null statement on internal cache.
2024/05/07 09:12:31 wazuh-db: ERROR: DB(002) sqlite3_prepare_v2() : no such table: sys_netiface
2024/05/07 09:12:31 wazuh-db: ERROR: (5214): Null statement on internal cache.
2024/05/07 09:12:31 wazuh-db: ERROR: DB(002) sqlite3_prepare_v2() : no such table: sys_processes
2024/05/07 09:12:31 wazuh-db: ERROR: (5214): Null statement on internal cache.
2024/05/07 09:12:31 wazuh-db: ERROR: DB(002) sqlite3_prepare_v2() : no such table: sys_processes
2024/05/07 09:12:31 wazuh-db: ERROR: (5214): Null statement on internal cache.
2024/05/07 09:12:31 wazuh-db: ERROR: DB(002) sqlite3_prepare_v2() : no such table: sys_processes
2024/05/07 09:12:31 wazuh-db: ERROR: (5214): Null statement on internal cache.
2024/05/07 09:12:31 wazuh-db: ERROR: DB(002) sqlite3_prepare_v2() : no such table: sys_processes
2024/05/07 09:12:31 wazuh-db: ERROR: (5214): Null statement on internal cache.
2024/05/07 09:12:31 wazuh-db: ERROR: DB(002) sqlite3_prepare_v2() : no such table: sys_processes
2024/05/07 09:12:31 wazuh-db: ERROR: (5214): Null statement on internal cache.
2024/05/07 09:12:31 wazuh-db: ERROR: DB(002) sqlite3_prepare_v2() : no such table: sys_processes
2024/05/07 09:12:31 wazuh-db: ERROR: (5214): Null statement on internal cache.
2024/05/07 09:12:32 wazuh-db: ERROR: DB(002) sqlite3_prepare_v2() : no such table: sys_processes
2024/05/07 09:12:32 wazuh-db: ERROR: (5214): Null statement on internal cache.
2024/05/07 09:12:32 wazuh-db: ERROR: DB(002) sqlite3_prepare_v2() : no such table: sys_processes
2024/05/07 09:12:32 wazuh-db: ERROR: (5214): Null statement on internal cache.
2024/05/07 09:12:32 wazuh-db: ERROR: DB(002) sqlite3_prepare_v2() : no such table: sys_processes

Initial Scan Tests :red_circle:

Install/Upgrade/Removal cases :red_circle:

Evidence collection :red_circle:

The test case test_change_agent_manager[install_package] truncates logs after the agent's manager change, providing very little evidence to troubleshoot failures in this test. Reported in https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-qa/issues/5345

Environment unstable :red_circle:

In the upgrade_package_nonvulnerable_to_vulnerable test case, it has failed the upgrade of the vulnerable package for Windows agent:

2024-05-07 11:11:32 Error installing the package on agent2: Failed to install the package in agent2: {'changed': False, 'msg': 'Unhandled exception while executing module: Exception calling "OpenPackage" with "2" argument(s): "This installation package could not be opened. Verify that the package exists and that you can access it, or contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package"'} (remote_operations_handler.py:401)

Reported in https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-qa/issues/5344

MARCOSD4 commented 1 week ago


juliamagan commented 1 week ago