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Investigate fail test in `/overview/agents/` endpoint #23319

Closed nico-stefani closed 1 week ago

nico-stefani commented 1 week ago


During the RC1 stage of 4.8.0, we detect a failure in the API performance tests in the /overview/agents/ endpoint:

test_case = {'body': {}, 'endpoint': '/overview/agents', 'method': 'get', 'parameters': {}}
set_api_test_environment = None, api_healthcheck = None

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('test_case', test_data['test_cases'], ids=case_ids)
    def test_api_endpoints(test_case, set_api_test_environment, api_healthcheck):
        """Make an API request for each `test_case`.

            test_case (dict): Dictionary with the endpoint to be tested and the necessary parameters for the test.
            set_api_test_environment (fixture): Fixture that modifies the API security options.
            api_healthcheck (fixture): Fixture used to check that the API is ready to respond requests.
        # Apply xfails
        if test_case['endpoint'] in xfailed_items.keys() and \
                test_case['method'] == xfailed_items[test_case['endpoint']]['method']:

        base_url = api_details['base_url']
        headers = api_details['auth_headers']
        response = None
            response = getattr(requests, test_case['method'])(f"{base_url}{test_case['endpoint']}", headers=headers,
                                                              params=test_case['parameters'], json=test_case['body'],
>           assert response.status_code == 200
E           assert 500 == 200
E            +  where 500 = <Response [500]>.status_code

tests/performance/test_api/test_api_endpoints_performance.py:47: AssertionError
 ------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------ 
Request elapsed time: 10.120s

Status code: 500

Full response: 
  "title": "Wazuh Internal Error",
  "detail": "Timeout executing API request",
  "dapi_errors": {
    "master": {
      "error": "Timeout executing API request",
      "logfile": "WAZUH_HOME/logs/api.log"
  "error": 3021

Is needed to investigate the root reason of this problem and solve it.


The following elements have been updated or reviewed (should also be checked if no modification is required):

javiersanchz commented 1 week ago


GGP1 commented 1 week ago


The issue was already present in previous versions and the solution made the endpoint faster but did not resolve it. From the Pyserver team standpoint there's no optimizations to be done and we rely on the rapidness of wazuh-db to answer our queries.

The investigation from the issue mentioned will give us more context about the overall performance of the manager, possibly resulting in changes that resolve this as well. I agree with the conclusion, LGTM

Selutario commented 1 week ago

GJ, I agree with both of you. It could also be related to: