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Vulnerability Detection: Error executing rescan for multiple agents #23512

Closed Rebits closed 2 weeks ago

Rebits commented 2 weeks ago
Wazuh version Component Install type Install method Platform
qa/tmp-4.8.0-22847-fix Vulnerability Detector Manager Packages Ubuntu 22


It has been detected an error executing rescan in the Vulnerability Detection E2E tests in both managers:

2024/05/17 12:11:14 wazuh-modulesd:vulnerability-scanner[72528] scanOrchestrator.hpp:143 at operator()(): ERROR: Error processing delayed event: Error executing rescan for multiple agents."

Vulnerabilities finally appear in the index. However, it is necessary to research the impact of these errors on the environment.


Unexpected errors were detected in the E2E Vulnerability tests, as reported in Failures in Vulnerability Detection E2E Tests RC 2. These issues were initially thought to be related to this bug. However, further investigation is needed to confirm the current state of the tests independent of that bug.

To address this, we have created a custom branch from version 4.8.0, which includes database fixes. This will help us accurately determine the current status of the vulnerability detection module.

Further details regarding the custom branch creation can be found in https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh-qa/issues/5397#issuecomment-2117749127
