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Engine - Update Documentation and guides #23968

Open JcabreraC opened 2 weeks ago

JcabreraC commented 2 weeks ago
Wazuh version Component Install type Install method Platform
5.0.0 Engine Manager Packages OS version

Update Documentation for Engine: Design Document, User Manual, Environment Setup


We need to update the documentation related to the Engine in the following documents:

Additionally, we will create a template for creating decoder issues in our repository. This template will include a checklist of tasks that need to be followed to consider a decoder integration as valid.


    • [ ] Design Document:
    • Review the current design document.
    • Update sections that describe the architecture, components, and workflows of the Engine.
    • Ensure that any recent changes or improvements to the Engine are documented.
    • [ ] User Manual:
    • Revise the user manual to reflect the latest features and functionalities of the Engine.
    • Include new usage examples, configuration options, and troubleshooting tips.
    • [ ] Environment Setup:
    • Check and update the environment setup instructions to ensure they are accurate and complete.
    • Add any new prerequisites or dependencies required for setting up the Engine.
    • Ensure the setup process is clear and easy to follow.
    • [x] Quick Start Guide
    • Create a quick start guide to the engine to help you get started without having to read the entire user manual to start making a decoder. This manual should explain the basic operation of the engine without going into details on how to create an asset as that is the guide to integrations.
    • [x] Integration tutorial
    • Update the integrations guide to the new engine features and functionality, from new tools like engine-test to the use of namespace, testing and the process of developing an integration.
    • [ ] Decoder Issue Template:
    • Create a template for creating decoder issues in our repository.
    • Include a checklist of tasks that need to be followed for a decoder integration to be considered valid.
JcabreraC commented 2 weeks ago


juliancnn commented 2 weeks ago

Daily update

JavierBejMen commented 2 weeks ago


Updated Scafolding, Documentation and Security Policies section

juliancnn commented 2 weeks ago

Daily update

JavierBejMen commented 2 weeks ago


Finished the Integration tutorial Reviewed Quick Guide Analyzing DD and User manual

JcabreraC commented 2 weeks ago


juliancnn commented 2 weeks ago

Daily update