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Engine - Spike: Migrate Legacy Wazuh-Engine APIs to cpp-httplib with HTTP and Protobuf Support #26142

Open JcabreraC opened 2 weeks ago

JcabreraC commented 2 weeks ago


With the recent integration of cpp-httplib into Wazuh-Engine, there is a need to explore the migration of existing legacy APIs, which currently utilize a proprietary protocol, to the more standard HTTP protocol provided by cpp-httplib. This spike will investigate how to integrate existing Google Protobuf message definitions with cpp-httplib to streamline API communication within Wazuh-Engine.



  1. Assessment of Existing APIs: Review the current legacy APIs to understand their operations, data flows, and integration points with the Wazuh-Engine.
  2. Technical Exploration: Dive deep into cpp-httplib's documentation and examples to understand how it can be used with Protobuf.
  3. Integration Strategy Development: Develop a detailed plan for transitioning the identified APIs to cpp-httplib, including adjustments needed to support HTTP and Protobuf.
  4. Prototype Implementation: If feasible, create a small prototype to demonstrate the integration of cpp-httplib with Protobuf in handling a simple API request and response.

Expected Outcome:

Definition of Done:

JcabreraC commented 1 week ago

ETA extended by not starting it by working on other urgent issues.

JavierBejMen commented 1 week ago


cpp-httplib is an HTTP/HTTPS server and client library. It operates using blocking I/O at the transport layer, handling requests and responses synchronously. The library uses a thread pool to manage multiple connections, processing each one in a dedicated thread to handle requests concurrently.

Regarding the usage of Protocol Buffers (protobuf), cpp-httplib does not have native support for protobuf. However, it can be easily integrated with protobuf by manually deserializing the received message.

With this in mind, cpp-httplib is suitable to replace our current server and API. It provides the necessary functionality to handle HTTP requests efficiently and can be integrated with protobuf for structured data communication. We will continue with our strategy to enqueue events and petitions, leveraging the library's thread pool for concurrent request handling while our multithreading paradigm remains unchanged.

Decreased Scalability could be a concern due to the blocking nature of the library. However, as our server mainly pushes events to a queue for processing, this realistically would only affect the API, not the internal event-handling mechanism.

JavierBejMen commented 1 week ago

Protobuf usage

Testing code:

#include <gtest/gtest.h>

#include <eMessages/catalog.pb.h>
#include <eMessages/eMessage.h>
#include <httplib.h>
#include <google/protobuf/util/json_util.h>

TEST(PocTest, Test1)
    httplib::Server svr;

            [](const httplib::Request& req, httplib::Response& res)
                res.set_content("Hello World!", "text/plain");
                com::wazuh::api::engine::catalog::ResourceGet_Request body;
                if (!body.ParseFromString(req.body))
                    res.status = 400;
                    res.set_content("Failed to parse protobuf message", "text/plain");
                std::string jsonRequest;
                google::protobuf::util::MessageToJsonString(body, &jsonRequest);
                std::cout << "Server received request: " << jsonRequest << std::endl;

                com::wazuh::api::engine::catalog::ResourceGet_Response response;
                response.set_content("Hello World!");

                std::string serializedResponse;
                if (!response.SerializeToString(&serializedResponse))
                    res.status = 500;
                    res.set_content("Failed to serialize protobuf message", "text/plain");

                res.set_content(serializedResponse, "application/octet-stream");

    std::thread t([&svr]() { svr.listen("", 8080); });

    httplib::Client cli("localhost", 8080);
    com::wazuh::api::engine::catalog::ResourceGet_Request request;

    std::string serializedRequest;
    if (!request.SerializeToString(&serializedRequest))
        FAIL() << "Failed to serialize protobuf message";

    httplib::Headers headers = {{"Content-Type", "application/octet-stream"}};
    auto response = cli.Post("/hi", headers, serializedRequest, "application/octet-stream");

    if (response && response->status == 200)
        com::wazuh::api::engine::catalog::ResourceGet_Response body;
        if (!body.ParseFromString(response->body))
            FAIL() << "Failed to parse protobuf message";

        std::string jsonResponse;
        google::protobuf::util::MessageToJsonString(body, &jsonResponse);
        std::cout << "Client received response: " << jsonResponse << std::endl;
        FAIL() << "Failed to send request";




[==========] Running 1 test from 1 test suite.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 1 test from PocTest
[ RUN      ] PocTest.Test1
Server received request: {"name":"test","format":"yaml","namespaceid":"default"}
Client received response: {"status":"OK","content":"Hello World!"}
[       OK ] PocTest.Test1 (3 ms)
[----------] 1 test from PocTest (3 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 1 test from 1 test suite ran. (3 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 1 test.
JavierBejMen commented 1 week ago

Migration Plan

Event testing API requires communication between the API request handler and the thread processing the event, this needs further research on the exact implementation.

JavierBejMen commented 1 week ago

Event test API PoC

The server serving the client needs to wait/synchronize until the event is processed, as we cannot respond to the client outside of the server handler life scope:

TEST(PocTest, Test2)
    httplib::Server svr;
    struct Callback
        std::function<void(const std::string&)> callback;
    std::shared_ptr<Callback> delegatedResponseHandler = std::make_shared<Callback>();

    std::condition_variable cv;

             [&, delegatedResponseHandler](const httplib::Request& req, httplib::Response& res)
                 res.set_content("Hello World!", "text/plain");
                 com::wazuh::api::engine::catalog::ResourceGet_Request body;
                 if (!body.ParseFromString(req.body))
                     res.status = 400;
                     res.set_content("Failed to parse protobuf message", "text/plain");
                 std::string jsonRequest;
                 google::protobuf::util::MessageToJsonString(body, &jsonRequest);
                 std::cout << "Server received request: " << jsonRequest << std::endl;

                 delegatedResponseHandler->callback = std::function<void(const std::string&)>([&](const std::string& message)
                     com::wazuh::api::engine::catalog::ResourceGet_Response response;

                     std::string serializedResponse;
                     if (!response.SerializeToString(&serializedResponse))
                         res.status = 500;
                         res.set_content("Failed to serialize protobuf message", "text/plain");

                     res.set_content(serializedResponse, "application/octet-stream");

                 std::cout << "Server sent callback" << std::endl;

                     std::mutex m;
                     std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(m);
                     // Wait for signal
                     std::cout << "Server received signal" << std::endl;

    std::thread tDelegatedResponse(
        [&, delegatedResponseHandler]()
            std::mutex m;
            std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(m);
            // Wait for signal
            if (!delegatedResponseHandler->callback)
                FAIL() << "Delegated response handler not set";
            delegatedResponseHandler->callback(std::string("Hello World!"));
    std::thread t([&svr]() { svr.listen("", 8080); });

    httplib::Client cli("localhost", 8080);
    com::wazuh::api::engine::catalog::ResourceGet_Request request;

    std::string serializedRequest;
    if (!request.SerializeToString(&serializedRequest))
        FAIL() << "Failed to serialize protobuf message";

    httplib::Headers headers = {{"Content-Type", "application/octet-stream"}};
    auto response = cli.Post("/hi", headers, serializedRequest, "application/octet-stream");

    if (response && response->status == 200)
        com::wazuh::api::engine::catalog::ResourceGet_Response body;
        if (!body.ParseFromString(response->body))
            FAIL() << "Failed to parse protobuf message";

        std::string jsonResponse;
        google::protobuf::util::MessageToJsonString(body, &jsonResponse);
        std::cout << "Client received response: " << jsonResponse << std::endl;
        FAIL() << "Failed to send request";


juliancnn commented 5 days ago

LGTM!, Although I think we should add some more tasks to the epic:

JavierBejMen commented 5 days ago


JcabreraC commented 2 days ago


The following issues are the result of this research and the next steps to address them: