wazum / sluggi

The TYPO3 CMS slug helper
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Redirect has wrong domain when changing translated page title #70

Closed FamousWolf closed 2 years ago

FamousWolf commented 2 years ago

TYPO3 version: 10.4.26 sluggi version: 2.2

If you have a multi language site where each language has a different domain, the redirects that are created when changing a translated page always has the domain for the main language.

For example:

The main language is English and has the domain example.com. The site also has the language Dutch, with the domain example.nl. If I change the title for a Dutch page translation, the redirect that is created is for the domain example.com.

FamousWolf commented 2 years ago

I see this isn't a problem anymore in the current master, as the bug is in Classes/Backend/Service/SlugService.php and this has been cleaned up in master. However, this is a bug in the version for TYPO3 10.

wazum commented 2 years ago

Merged, thanks