wazum / sluggi

The TYPO3 CMS slug helper
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Loops are created #81

Closed MediKathi closed 1 year ago

MediKathi commented 1 year ago


it is Possible to create a redicet loop

Steps to reproduce:

This creates 2 redirects this causes the system to Crash At least in our case with Flux.

After The loop is manually fixed, everthing works fine again.

wazum commented 1 year ago

@MediKathi which TYPO3 and which sluggi version are you using? The redirects are created by the core (except in the old version for CMS 9, but I won't touch that anymore), please test without sluggi and report if it (surprisingly) works without my extension.

MediKathi commented 1 year ago

@wazum I using Typo3 11.5.17 and Sluggi 3.0.2

As you mentioned, I tested the situation without sluggi, but the problem still occurs.

Loops are still genereated if I update the slug from A to B and backagain.

But this is not an issue of slugg :)

wazum commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your feedback