wazum / sluggi

The TYPO3 CMS slug helper
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[BUG] slug always rewritten on any change of page if it contains the path segments #98

Open dkd-kaehm opened 8 months ago

dkd-kaehm commented 8 months ago

Each editors change on page record leads to slug update, if it contains some path segments from admin.

How to reproduce:

  1. Apply provided EXT:sluggi settings
  2. As admin: prepend slug with some path like /virtual-parent-slug/... so the slug is /virtual-parent-slug/my-test-page
  3. As editor: Do any change on that page

Current behavior:

Expected behavior:

Additional infos:

EXT:sluggi version: 11.1.2 @ TYPO3 11.5.32

It does not matter if the slug is locked or not, but it is really critical on locked slugs, because it breaks in our case the SEO score and back links and so on.

The source of trouble:

The value is only last path segment of real slug:

<div class="input-group">
  <span class="input-group-addon">https://example.com/virtual-parent-slug</span>
  <input class="form-control t3js-form-field-slug-readonly" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" value="/my-test-page" readonly="" aria-label="/wir-ueber-uns">
  <input type="text" ... data-tx-sluggi-sync="0" data-tx-sluggi-lock="1" placeholder="/my-test-page" ... ...>
  <input type="hidden" class="t3js-form-field-slug-hidden" name="data[pages][100][slug]" value="/my-test-page">

EXT:sluggi settings:

'sluggi' => [
    'disable_slug_update_information' => '0',
    'exclude_page_types' => '199,255,254',
    'last_segment_only' => '1',
    'pages_fields' => '[["title"]]',
    'slash_replacement' => '1',
    'synchronize' => '0',
    'whitelist' => '',


It is really difficult for a set of possibilities, but something like this:

Current solution in our project:

Following patch at least helps against losing the locked slug:

Subject: [PATCH] [BUGFIX] Avoid unacceptable slug changes on locked slugs

EXT:sluggi always(on each pages change) rewrites the slug with path segments to the last path segment, 
even the slug is locked and not changed by editor.
Also from `/virtual-parent-slug/my-test-page` to `/my-test-page`.
This change prevents overrides on slugs at least on "locked" slugs.

**Note: This is a partial fix only and not locked slugs will be still overridden.**

Relates: #98
Index: Classes/DataHandler/HandlePageUpdate.php
IDEA additional info:
Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP
diff --git a/Classes/DataHandler/HandlePageUpdate.php b/Classes/DataHandler/HandlePageUpdate.php
--- a/Classes/DataHandler/HandlePageUpdate.php  (revision b2c353eefafd944be268bef3420cc594872d9004)
+++ b/Classes/DataHandler/HandlePageUpdate.php  (date 1698709057070)
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@

         if ($this->shouldSynchronize($pageRecord, $fields)) {
             $fields = $this->synchronize($pageRecord, $fields);
-        } elseif ($this->isManualUpdateWithOnlyLastSegmentAllowed($fields)) {
+        } elseif ($this->isManualUpdateWithOnlyLastSegmentAllowed($fields) && !($pageRecord['slug_locked'])) {
             $fields = $this->updateLastSegment($pageRecord, $fields);
Index: Classes/Backend/Form/InputSlugElement.php
IDEA additional info:
Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP
diff --git a/Classes/Backend/Form/InputSlugElement.php b/Classes/Backend/Form/InputSlugElement.php
--- a/Classes/Backend/Form/InputSlugElement.php (revision b2c353eefafd944be268bef3420cc594872d9004)
+++ b/Classes/Backend/Form/InputSlugElement.php (date 1698708196083)
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
         if (!empty($inaccessibleSlugSegments) && 0 === strncmp($editableSlugSegments, $inaccessibleSlugSegments, strlen($inaccessibleSlugSegments))) {
             $editableSlugSegments = substr($editableSlugSegments, strlen($inaccessibleSlugSegments));
-        if ($allowOnlyLastSegment && !empty($editableSlugSegments)) {
+        if ($allowOnlyLastSegment && !($this->data['databaseRow']['slug_locked']) && !empty($editableSlugSegments)) {
             $segments = explode('/', $editableSlugSegments);
             $editableSlugSegments = '/' . array_pop($segments);
             $prefix .= implode('/', $segments);
ahlswedem commented 8 months ago

We can confirm this problem for EXT:sluggi version: 10.1.0 @ TYPO3 10.4.40.

wazum commented 6 months ago

Thanks for the explanation, I'll work on this in the coming days.

wazum commented 6 months ago

@dkd-kaehm @ahlswedem can you please test with the latest versions of the matching branch (no tags yet)? I hope I fixed all problems with this. "wazum/sluggi": "dev-main" "wazum/sluggi": "v11.x-dev" "wazum/sluggi": "v10.x-dev"