wbish / jsondiffpatch.net

JSON object diffs and reversible patching (jsondiffpatch compatible)
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Patching string value does not work #7

Closed kfrajtak closed 7 years ago

kfrajtak commented 7 years ago


I have run into an issue when a string value is not correctly patched.

The minimal code to reproduce it is here

var diffPatch = new JsonDiffPatchDotNet.JsonDiffPatch();
var left = JToken.Parse(@"{ ""value"": ""username=administrator&key=333&project_id=1""}");
var rigth = JToken.Parse(@"{ ""value"": ""username=administrator&key=582eb3a9b422d1925c96daa2d4f86f6c&project_id=1"" }");
var patch = diffPatch.Diff(left, right); // get the patch
var output = diffPatch.Patch(left, patch); // apply the patch

and the output (left + patch, where patch is the difference between left and right) is { "value": "key=582eb3a9b422d1925c96daa2d4f86f6c&pro" } which is not the value of right.

the patch

  "value": [
     "@@ -24,11 +24,40 @@\n key=\n-333\n+582eb3a9b422d1925c96daa2d4f86f6c\n &pro\n",

Am I missing something? Is there a way how to turn off this patch mode for long(ish) strings?

PS: It works in the master branch, I am experiencing issues with package and .NET 4.6.1.

<package id="JsonDiffPatch.Net" version="" targetFramework="net461" />

Thanks, Karel

wbish commented 7 years ago

Hi Karel,

Thank you for reporting this and apologies for the delayed response.

I tried running your test and it passed for me. Are you sure you are using the latest code? This is a bug that was fixed a couple of months ago. A quick workaround without syncing to the latest would be:

new JsonDiffPatch(new Options { TextDiff = TextDiffMode.Simple });
