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Add Bl.ocks.org Profiles section #43

Closed curran closed 6 years ago

curran commented 6 years ago

Closes #42

This is a first pass at what this section could look like. Any feedback? Formatting OK? Idea is good? Thanks!

g-div commented 6 years ago

Definitively a good idea to have such a list. But I'm not sure if it fits well here. Are there some community feedback ? Up-vote (+1) or down-vote (-1) this PR.

I also have the following concerns about formatting: 1) please use an <h2> title (using two hashes: ## Bl.ocks.org Profiles) as for others sections 2) what do you think about [Adam Pearce - wheel](https://bl.ocks.org/1wheel) ? I think this will be more informative than a mere list of links

curran commented 6 years ago

@g-div Great ideas! I agree, this needs community interest, and I'm not sure if it's there.

I also agree regarding formatting. Makes perfect sense. Thank you for reviewing.

g-div commented 6 years ago

Ok, It starts looking very interesting to me. I've merged this.

A further improvement would be to add a short description as we did for the other entries. This could be useful to let people think a little bit longer before including certain profiles in the list, providing a kind of natural selection (see "How to prevent people spamming with their own boring profiles?"). It would maybe be too much for now, you've already done a great job here, but let's think/discuss about this option.


curran commented 6 years ago

Great! Thank you for merging.

Perhaps some criteria like "must have over 50 bl.ocks" and "over 90% of bl.ocks must have thumbnails".