wbolster / plyvel

Plyvel, a fast and feature-rich Python interface to LevelDB
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Plyvel cannot open leveldb folder #123

Closed sursu closed 3 years ago

sursu commented 3 years ago

I am trying to recover some data from erased google-chrome files on Ubuntu.

I have copied the recovered files (using TestDisk) to an external drive and tried to access the leveldb folder, but that results in an Invalid argument: /path/leveldb: does not exist error, as shown below:


I first list the contents of the folder using the %ls /path/ command. This shows that the folder can be read. But, somehow plyvel does not identify it.

I have copied the existing leveldb folder (newly created after reinstalling Chrome) to another drive and managed to access this folder. So the command I'm using appears to be correct.

What could be the issue?

wbolster commented 3 years ago

🤔 try a linux filesystem eg ext4 or ramdisk. practically, just copy into /tmp and try again.

(this is not plyvel specific, the error comes from leveldb itself)