wbolster / plyvel

Plyvel, a fast and feature-rich Python interface to LevelDB
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plyvel and conda and bundle-leveldb branch #71

Closed robdmc closed 6 years ago

robdmc commented 6 years ago


I've been able to get a build script going that I'm pretty sure I can work into a conda-installable package for plyvel. I noticed, however, that you have a bundle-leveldb branch. I was wondering what the status of that was. If level-db were bundled, then a conda package becomes kind of irrelevant.

If you'd like a PR for some conda-friendly changes, let me know. I think I can help with that.

wbolster commented 6 years ago

ah, that branch is really old and i lost interest, and i don't want to maintain leveldb snapshots.

with the recent plyvel 1.x series, binary wheel packages for linux are available from pypi, which solves the same ‘problem’ (no local leveldb library and development headers) in a clean and standard way.

robdmc commented 6 years ago

That sounds reasonable. I asked because I imagine many of your users will be like me. Trying to pip install plyvel into a python3.6 conda environment, which for some reason seems not to work.

I don't really know what I'm doing here, but the build script in this PR successfully installs plyvel into conda python3.6 on a mac. Just thought I'd give you an fyi in case that's something you're interested in. https://github.com/robdmc/plyvel/pull/1/files

Feel free to close this issue at will.

wbolster commented 6 years ago

others have reported build problems on osx before (search the closed issues) but i think these eventually all boiled down to some environment issues.

i do not use osx myself so i can't help but point you to the other issues ;)

robdmc commented 6 years ago

Sounds good. Thanks for the info I'll play around with it when I have more time.

Thank you for maintaining this package.

wbolster commented 6 years ago

thanks for telling me that; i appreciate it!