wbond / package_control

The Sublime Text package manager
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Loading Repositories hanging #159

Closed Mathieson closed 11 years ago

Mathieson commented 12 years ago

I've seen this issue in a few other tickets, but none of them were active. Package Control was working fine for me a few days ago, but now it is having issues. It hangs on "Loading Repositories" when I ask it to install a new package. After a bit of trying it returns a message window saying there are no packages to install.

I saw a post made 2 days ago about a new version of package control being released and having something to do with fixing proxy server issues. Seems like it is approximate timing to when it may have stopped working for me. I tried installing the updated package control file, but it has not made any difference for me. Also uninstalled completely (still brand new to ST2, so not losing much at this point) and re-installed to see if it would fix, but had no better luck.

Mathieson commented 12 years ago

It just started working again a few hours later 0.o Strange that it was having problems. I will update if it starts acting up again.

barrykeenan commented 12 years ago

Same issue for me. I'm getting very slow download times for http://sublime.wbond.net/Package%20Control.sublime-package Perhaps loading repositories is timing out?

Mathieson commented 12 years ago

aaaand its back for me lol. Not sure if it is something I did, but it was working fine and so I went and starting installing a number of packages at once. It started flashing between "Installing code intel" and what I can only assume was the "Loading repositories" message in the bottom left. I could not actually see the loading repositories as it was basically just causing the other message to flicker. After a bit I got an error message saying there was some problem parsing some json repositories file and then the same behaviour as I described earlier returned. I remember getting this same json error message earlier today as well.

Mathieson commented 12 years ago

Here is the exact error message.

Package Control: Error parsing JSON from channel https://sublime.wbond.net/repositories.json

schlamar commented 12 years ago

@Mathieson @craftstudios Please check if there is a detailed error message in the console (View -> Show Console).

Mathieson commented 12 years ago

I just went and tested again to see if I could get an error message from the console, but it is working once again. If it comes back I will report what I see in the console.

barrykeenan commented 12 years ago

Working for me today as well. There was no error message in the console that I could see. It just hung. Trying to re-install package control also hung. Suspect blockage in the intertubes yesterday.

rpardee commented 12 years ago

I'm having the issue now as well. Dialog is:

Sublime Text 2

Package Control: There are no packages available for installation.


And console error is:

Package Control: Error downloading channel. URL error [Errno 10060] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond downloading https://sublime.wbond.net/repositories.json. error: Package Control: There are no packages available for installation.

That .json file loads up in my browser lickety-fast.

I'm behind a proxy that requires NTLM authentication, but have an http_proxy environment value set w/my the proper proxy/port (as well as my windows username & pwd) so I believe it should work.

Is there a workaround maybe?


fx86 commented 12 years ago

Perhaps you could add the url to the "No proxy" list under Lan Settings on Windows..

rpardee commented 12 years ago

Thanks, but unfortunately, that won't work--firewall blocks http(s) that doesn't go through firewall.

There's more info on this in this sublime forum post:


schlamar commented 12 years ago

You can make every software without NTLM support working by a Proxy-Proxy connection with a local proxy supporting NTLM.

rpardee commented 12 years ago

Aye, that should work--I'll do that if I get desperate enough. Thanks!

wbond commented 11 years ago

If anyone here is still having trouble, please try the latest testing version (http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control/installation#Testing_Version) which includes NTLM proxy support. There are two new settings proxy_username and proxy_password that may be useful.

rpardee commented 11 years ago

Thanks so much for working on this! But no joy for me, alas. I assume the settings to tweak still live in:

$packages/Package Control/Package Control.sublime-settings

Is that right?

The settings I tried were:

"http_proxy": "http://mycompany.org:8080",

and same w/out the preceding "http://". I left these guys empty:

// An HTTPS proxy server to use for requests
"https_proxy": "",
// Username and password for proxy
"proxy_username": "",
"proxy_password": "",

Since ntlm shouldn't need those (and I'm not comfortable storing my pwd in plaintext anyway).

In every case the console output was: Package Control: Downloading https://sublime.wbond.net/repositories.json timed out, trying again Package Control: Downloading https://sublime.wbond.net/repositories.json timed out, trying again Package Control: Downloading https://sublime.wbond.net/repositories.json timed out, trying again error: Package Control: There are no packages available for installation.

Oddly, I also could not get my locally-installed cntlm proxy to work w/this. I installed that 5 weeks or so ago in order to get PC to work & as I recall, was successful. Today that doesn't work for some reason. (I'm pretty sure cntlm is working b/c I can set it as my proxy in firefox & surf the outside world.

I'll re-install the non-test version of PC & see if I can get that back to a functioning state.

wbond commented 11 years ago

The testing version (http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control/installation#Testing_Version) should have NTLM auth for proxies fixed now. Please re-open if it does not work for you.

Be sure to set the http_proxy and https_proxy settings like ip_or_host:port and do not include http://. Authentication information should be set in proxy_username and proxy_password settings. If you are still having trouble, please set the debug setting to true and look at your Sublime Text console to see the messages being sent back and forth between your machine and the proxy.