wbond / package_control

The Sublime Text package manager
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Package Control no longer showing up in Sublime Text 3 #874

Closed CLaBruno closed 9 years ago

CLaBruno commented 9 years ago

Not sure what is going on but when I go to install a package, package control is not showing up anymore. I checked my installed packages folder and Package control is in there and I even tried deleting it and then re-installing but it's still not showing up. I am running ST3 on Linux Mint 17. Any idea what may be going on?

Qbuer commented 8 years ago

i get same problem. thx!

rana07i commented 8 years ago

installing manual package controller works for me in Sublime Text 3 version Build 3083

arnabmunshi commented 8 years ago


ghost commented 8 years ago

this works for me thanks!

boutrosabichedid commented 8 years ago

Just in case anyone having the same issue: I am using SublimeText3 on Windows8 OS. After the latest build update (build 3103) I had 2 issues:

  1. package control is not showing up anymore AND
  2. plugin_host is crashing.

The solution that works for me was to reinstall "Package Control.sublime-package" (delete the old file and replace it with the new file in the '...AppData/Roaming/.../Installed Packages' folder) as described in this link: https://packagecontrol.io/installation

pedramsaleh commented 8 years ago

Ran into this with build 3103 for OSX too, and installed it using the manual command (starting with "import urllib.request...") described in the link in the post right above mine. After that it worked fine.

lastboy commented 8 years ago

10x @boutrosabichedid - works great

flisboac commented 8 years ago

I use Arch Linux and Sublime Text 2 version 2.0.2 build 2221 (from AUR), and I'm experiencing the same problem. None of the solutions discussed so far have worked for me: Follows what I have tried until now:

  1. Package Control wasn't in the ignored list.
  2. Reinstalling through the Console didn't work because "TypeError: 'frozenset' object is not callable" (seems to be something wrong with import urllib2 and its dependencies, sys.version yields me '2.6.6 (r266:84292, Jun 16 2011, 22:27:44) \n[GCC 4.4.5]').
  3. Reinstalling Package Control manually didn't work.
  4. Extracting the sublime-package into the Packages folder didn't work.
  5. Uninstalling Package Control and then manually installing it as per the official instructions didn't work.
  6. Uninstalling Sublime Text and then installing it again didn't work.
  7. Deleting ~/.config/sublime_text_2 and then installing Package Control via console resulted in what is described in (2)
  8. Deleting ~/.config/sublime_text_2 and then installing Package Control manually also didn't work

Not having Package Control to help me discover plugins is very annoying... :(

flisboac commented 8 years ago

I just fixed it for me. Follows my solution for those using Sublime Text 2 on Arch Linux or its derivatives.

The AUR package currently makes a symlink to /usr/lib/python2.7, and that may cause some incompatibilities because Sublime Text expects the Python 2.6 library instead. My solution was to install python26 from AUR and re-symlink /opt/sublime-text/lib/python2.6 to /usr/lib/python2.6. An example:

$ yaourt -Sy python26
$ sudo rm /opt/sublime-text/lib/python2.6
$ sudo ln -s /usr/lib/python2.7 /opt/sublime-text/lib/python2.6

When you start Sublime Text again and try to access the overlay menu (Ctrl + Shift + P), a popup may appear complaining about something related to Package Control and SSL, and I solved that by reinstalling Package Control -- although it did not happen when I restored my ~/.config/sublime-text-2 backup, so your mileage may vary.

This should also work, if adding yet another package to your system is not an option (also, python26's testing stage takes ages:

$ cd /opt/sublime-text/lib
$ sudo rm -f python2.6
$ sudo mkdir python2.6
$ cd python2.6
$ sudo unzip ../python26.zip
boutrosabichedid commented 8 years ago

The main cause for this Problem for my case is the "CSS Extended" Plugin. After I disabled it I had no issue. See the 2 links for more info. --SUBLIME TEXT3 ERROR: "plugin_host has exited unexpectedly - Build 3103" -- https://forum.sublimetext.com/t/plugin-host-has-exited-unexpectedly-build-3103-osx-10-11-3/17286/2

-- https://github.com/subhaze/CSS-Extended/issues/47

arnabmunshi commented 8 years ago


anandkumaran commented 8 years ago

It works by installing package control - https://packagecontrol.io/installation

stonemirror commented 7 years ago

This started happening again with the latest beta build: I just found "Package Control" in the "ignored packages" in my user settings after upgrading two days ago.

andrietri commented 7 years ago

its works for me, great!

arpit1997 commented 7 years ago

It worke for me :+1:

balboah commented 7 years ago

Too many strange things started happening for me with Package control hiding itself etc, great opportunity to try out Atom

wbond commented 7 years ago

@balboah You could try to help debug the issue and provide some debug logs, or reproduction steps, but why bother when you can be passive aggressive against an individual open-source developer who simplifies your life?

balboah commented 7 years ago

@wbond sorry my bad, I was fed up with Sublime itself after the latest beta update. I do appreciate your hard work!

wbond commented 7 years ago

@balboah But seriously, if you could try to create a debug log of this happening and create a new issue with it, it could be helpful in reproducing it. I don't know if it is only happening on a certain platform (Windows comes to mind since the filesystem locks .sublime-package files), or only with upgrades from Package Control 3.1.2 to 3.2.x. Any help or info you can provide can help me try to fix it.

rolandhamberger commented 7 years ago

After update i had the same issue. (ignored_packages) Thanks for help.

amitavroy commented 7 years ago

ignored_packages +1 Even in the recent update the bug was not fixed i think. Thanks for the help

Walther commented 7 years ago

Here's some debug log from Sublime Text 3's console, could be related. This was on OS X 10.11.6, Sublime Text Stable channel, Build 3126

reloading settings Packages/User/Preferences.sublime-settings
ignored packages updated to: ["Vintage"]
reloading plugin Package Control.1_reloader
reloading plugin Package Control.2_bootstrap
reloading plugin Package Control.Package Control
reloading settings Packages/Package Control/Package Control.sublime-settings
reloading settings Packages/User/Package Control.sublime-settings
Package Control: Installing 1 upgrades
ignored packages updated to: ["Package Control", "Vintage"]
unloading plugin Package Control.1_reloader
unloading plugin Package Control.2_bootstrap
unloading plugin Package Control.Package Control
reloading settings Packages/Package Control/Package Control.sublime-settings
reloading settings Packages/User/Package Control.sublime-settings
reloading settings Packages/User/Preferences.sublime-settings
Package Control: Upgraded Package Control to 3.2.1
ignored packages updated to: ["Vintage"]
reloading plugin Package Control.1_reloader
reloading plugin Package Control.2_bootstrap
reloading plugin Package Control.Package Control
reloading settings Packages/Package Control/Package Control.sublime-settings
reloading settings Packages/User/Package Control.sublime-settings
reloading settings Packages/User/Preferences.sublime-settings
Package Control: Settings change detected, clearing cache
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "package_control.package_disabler in /Users/walther/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Installed Packages/Package Control.sublime-package", line 207, in delayed_settings_restore
TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable

And like the others commented, easy workaround is editing User settings and removing Package control from ignored packages.

CocaCola183 commented 7 years ago

@CLaBruno works for me

yisha0307 commented 7 years ago

ignored_packages +1~ Thanks a lot !!

brezanac commented 7 years ago

ignored_packages issue. Still present in 3126 (Windows 8.1 x64)

stajahlee commented 7 years ago

Thank you for the help!!!!!

mclxly commented 7 years ago

@holodoc Manually reinstall Package Controller fix my problem. https://packagecontrol.io/installation

Sublime Text 3(Build 3126) + Windows 8.1 x64

DavidDonoghue commented 7 years ago

Package Control wasn't showing up on CTRL+SHIFT+P like it used to and it wasn't shown in ignored_packages

I solved it by going to Preferences > Package Control.

This brought up the expected menu and now it's working again.

wpexplorer commented 7 years ago

@CLaBruno Thanks!!

doomsbuster commented 7 years ago

@CLaBruno your fix worked. You were right about the ignored_packages having package control. Everything is cool now. By the way I am on Mac OS Sierra.

BaoXiaolu commented 7 years ago

@CLaBruno work for me, thank u. i am on win 7.

FichteFoll commented 7 years ago

Please use Github's reaction feature for thanking someone instead of uselessly bumping this issue continuously.

ghost commented 7 years ago

Thank you @CLaBruno. I was able to install Package control again.

Klemart3D commented 7 years ago

"Check your ignored_packages setting in the user settings file."

@FichteFoll Thanks, but can you add your comment to the official installation page ? https://packagecontrol.io/installation#ST3

impanda-cookie commented 7 years ago

it work for me! thanks!

sineld commented 7 years ago

For me; SublimeCodeIntel was crashing Package Control, so I ignored and then removed.


Everything has gone OK.

sandeshkg commented 7 years ago

Package control was showing up in ignored_packages. Works fine once removed from the ignored_packages

jmanzo commented 7 years ago

Yes, a bug in ignore packages in settings..definately. Thank you for all!

ArthurZ commented 7 years ago

The very same bug exists in the just released Sublime Text 3.0 Going to Preferences -> Settings and removing the line containing [Package Control] in the "ignored_packages" section then restarting Sublime remedies it.

FradSer commented 7 years ago


The very same bug exists in the just released Sublime Text 3.0 Going to Preferences -> Settings and removing the line containing [Package Control] in the "ignored_packages" section then restarting Sublime remedies it.

Then reinstall Package Control from https://packagecontrol.io/installation

It works to me.

hamedqaderi commented 6 years ago

Just comment out package control in Settings User > ignored packages

mckennammj commented 6 years ago

Just comment out package control in Settings User > ignored packages

thinkrapido commented 6 years ago

package control is installed, not in ignored_packages array in settings but it's still not available

Natetronn commented 6 years ago

Ran into the today as well. Removed package control from ignored_packages and we're back in business.

yokosogithub commented 6 years ago

package control is installed, not in ignored_packages array in settings but it's still not available

jflowers45 commented 6 years ago

Win 10 - Just had to remove it from ignored_packages myself

Igcorreia commented 6 years ago

Win 10 - Removed in the ingored packages

viraj89 commented 6 years ago

It had worked straight in the past while installing on Windows, but recently tried on MacOS had this issue. Thanks to @CLaBruno. Followed it under the default user settings, and removed package control from the list and it worked.

KjellMorgenstern commented 6 years ago

I recently updated to ST 3147 on OS X, and now discovered this issue. In settings - user I removed the package manager from the ignored packages, and there it is again. I swear I did not add it to the ignore list by myself.

stephanflemming commented 6 years ago

Thanks! Same issue here (Build 3143).