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The Package Control website
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Use README from current tag #95

Open idleberg opened 7 years ago

idleberg commented 7 years ago

As mentioned in #88, the website lists the README from the current master, not the latest tag. A user of one my packages just posted an issue, in which he wondered why the keymap of my package isn't working. I have changed the keymap, but haven't yet released a new version of the package (and I'm not sure I ever will). This is a problem!

FichteFoll commented 7 years ago

There is only one README for a package that can be rendered on the packagecontrol.io site, but a package may have several releases (based on platform and sublime_text version selectors). Pre-releases not considered. This would require a much more fine-grained control of available release channels and pre-releases, which is just not feasible at this moment.

For the foreseeable future, you'll need to consider that the website always shows the content of your master branch's README (unless you explicitly point it elsewhere).