Closed SwithFr closed 9 years ago
I got the same issue. Please help to resolve it Thank a lot.
"No lint errors." is an error thrown by a different package called Sublime Linter.
{ "keys": ["ctrl+super+a"], "command": "sublimelinter_show_all_errors" } ... { "keys": ["super+ctrl+a"], "command": "alignment" }
The default key that is set for OSX is the same as the one set for Alignment.
The workaround is to edit the keybindings under Preferences -> Package settings -> Alignment -> Key bindings (User)
By copying the keybind from the nearby (Default) keybindings file and saving that.
This is probably a "won't fix" issue.
Thanks Pendrokar !
When I want to align some lines I've that error : " No lint errors."