wbraswell / cloudforfree.org

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Latency data for TCP/IP [Not a bug] #4

Closed kentfredric closed 7 years ago

kentfredric commented 7 years ago
sudo mtr --report-wide -4 cloudforfree.org
Start: Wed Dec 28 06:40:02 2016
HOST: katipo2                                           Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
  1.|-- fritz.box                                          0.0%    10    0.5   0.5   0.4   0.5   0.0
  2.|-- 111-69-1-254.core.snap.net.nz                      0.0%    10    2.1   2.0   1.8   2.2   0.0
  3.|-- ???                                               100.0    10    0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0
  4.|-- TWO-DEGREES.bar1.SanFrancisco1.Level3.net          0.0%    10  137.9 138.0 137.7 138.2   0.0
  5.|-- xe-4-2-0.bar1.SanFrancisco1.Level3.net             0.0%    10  139.6 139.6 139.5 140.1   0.0
  6.|-- ae-1-8.edge1.SanJose3.Level3.net                   0.0%    10  143.5 143.4 143.3 143.9   0.0
  7.|-- Cogent-level3-4x10G.SanJose.Level3.net             0.0%    10  143.9 144.0 143.6 145.4   0.5
  8.|-- be3144.ccr22.sjc01.atlas.cogentco.com              0.0%    10  144.0 144.0 143.8 144.3   0.0
  9.|-- be2165.ccr22.sfo01.atlas.cogentco.com              0.0%    10  145.7 145.7 145.4 146.8   0.3
 10.|-- be3110.ccr21.slc01.atlas.cogentco.com              0.0%    10  160.8 161.1 160.8 161.4   0.0
 11.|-- be3038.ccr22.den01.atlas.cogentco.com              0.0%    10  191.0 190.7 190.4 191.1   0.0
 12.|-- be3036.ccr22.mci01.atlas.cogentco.com              0.0%    10  190.4 190.6 190.2 191.0   0.0
 13.|-- be2433.ccr22.dfw01.atlas.cogentco.com              0.0%    10  190.5 190.7 190.5 191.0   0.0
 14.|-- be2693.ccr22.dfw03.atlas.cogentco.com              0.0%    10  191.7 191.3 190.8 192.7   0.5
 15.|-- te0-0-1-0.rcr11.dfw05.atlas.cogentco.com           0.0%    10  190.8 190.9 190.6 191.1   0.0
 16.|-- te0-0-2-0.nr11.b000326-4.dfw05.atlas.cogentco.com  0.0%    10  188.8 189.0 188.8 189.2   0.0
 17.|-- e-10-1.edge1.dal.corespace.com                     0.0%    10  191.5 191.5 191.2 192.1   0.0
 18.|-- e-10-6.core2.dal.corespace.com                     0.0%    10  191.3 192.2 191.0 197.3   1.8
 19.|-- 64-182-214-68.static.dal01.corespace.com           0.0%    10  190.6 191.5 189.8 193.4   0.9
 20.|-- 64-182-235-189.static.dal01.corespace.com          0.0%    10  192.6 193.4 192.3 194.6   0.5
sudo mtr --report-wide -6 cloudforfree.org
Failed to resolve host: Name or service not known
wbraswell commented 7 years ago

@kentfredric What is the "action item" for this issue report?

kentfredric commented 7 years ago

If your providers are looking for routing data to help shorten their route to end users, this dump is imagined to be potentially of use for them. (ie: if they have a way to peer directly with level3 instead of cogentco, they can eliminate a dozen or so hops)

wbraswell commented 7 years ago

So I should send a copy of this to my hosting company?

kentfredric commented 7 years ago

Well, it depends if they're asking for this. Its not always useful on its own, but it can be helpful in diagnosing slow points. Hence, this ticket is more a "dumping ground" in case anyone else has tcp induced latency.

Because just one person out here on the edge in an internet backwaters is seldom cause to invest in country-specific acceleration. But if you have multiple people who have long routes, having data to find common problems amongst can be helpful in solving problems.

But there's no "yes/no" here, only "it depends".

wbraswell commented 7 years ago

I will mark this issue as closed, we can reopen it or create a new issue if anyone else has any connectivity problems.