wbreeze / ShipsClock

An iOS, SwiftUI clock for tracking watches on board a ship. Marks the day in periods of four hours.
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Show "location" of Sun and Moon, Phase of Moon #3

Closed wbreeze closed 3 years ago

wbreeze commented 4 years ago

By location, I mean, have a sun position indicator cross noon when the sun is crossing the meridian for current longitude, midnight when it is crossing the opposite meridian. The location on the dial shows what meridian it's over, relative to the current longitude. Is that clear? Make it clear.

Do the same for the moon, with a moon position indicator that changes phase - eight phases is good enough - full, new, waxing and waning quarter, gibeous, crescent.

This is in order to provide a rough indication of the phase of the tide. One starting resource is this one from John Walker who had fun in the eighties on a Sun workstation.

wbreeze commented 4 years ago

I think the correct term is “local hour angle” where zero is shown at the noon position on the dial and 180 at the midnight position.

wbreeze commented 4 years ago

For the sun, there is:

[1] Grena, Roberto. (2008). An algorithm for the computation of the solar position. Solar Energy. 82. 462-470. 10.1016/j.solener.2007.10.001. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0038092X07002162 [2] NREL/TP-560-34302 retrieved as https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy08osti/34302.pdf [3] Blanc, Philippe and Lucien Wald. “The SG2 algorithm for a fast and accurate computation of the position of the Sun for multi-decadal time period.” Solar Energy 86 (2012): 3072-3083. Retrieved from https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/The-SG2-algorithm-for-a-fast-and-accurate-of-the-of-Blanc-Wald/6a9e1b97697e5b42fa3b13e6faba77ddb53c4cea [4] Michalsky, Joseph. (1988). The Astronomical Almanac's algorithm for approximate solar position (1950–2050). Solar Energy. 40. 227-235. 10.1016/0038-092X(88)90045-X retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/222131147_The_Astronomical_Almanac%27s_algorithm_for_approximate_solar_position_1950-2050

wbreeze commented 4 years ago

For the moon

wbreeze commented 3 years ago

Version tagged v1.1.0 displays both sun and moon hour angle. Merged without a PR (my bad). That wraps up this enhancement.