wbstack / deploy

Cloud and Kubernetes configuration for deployment for wbstack.com. You'll want to look at the wikibase.cloud deploy repository soon!
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Update redis chart to 14.x.x #16

Open addshore opened 3 years ago

addshore commented 3 years ago


To 14.0.0
Several parameters were renamed or disappeared in favor of new ones on this major version:
The term slave has been replaced by the term replica. Therefore, parameters prefixed with slave are now prefixed with replicas.
Credentials parameter are reorganized under the auth parameter.
cluster.enabled parameter is deprecated in favor of architecture parameter that accepts two values: standalone and replication.
securityContext.* is deprecated in favor of XXX.podSecurityContext and XXX.containerSecurityContext.
sentinel.metrics.* parameters are deprecated in favor of metrics.sentinel.* ones.
New parameters to add custom command, environment variables, sidecars, init containers, etc. were added.
Chart labels were adapted to follow the .
values.yaml metadata was adapted to follow the format supported by .

Backwards compatibility is not guaranteed. To upgrade to 14.0.0, install a new release of the RedisTM chart, and migrate the data from your previous release. You have 2 alternatives to do so:

Create a backup of the database, and restore it on the new release as explained in the  section.
Reuse the PVC used to hold the master data on your previous release. To do so, use the master.persistence.existingClaim parameter. The following example assumes that the release name is redis:
$ helm install redis bitnami/redis --set auth.password=[PASSWORD] --set master.persistence.existingClaim=[EXISTING_PVC]
| Note: you need to substitute the placeholder [EXISTING_PVC] with the name of the PVC used on your previous release, and [PASSWORD] with the password used in your previous release.
