wbthomason / packer.nvim

A use-package inspired plugin manager for Neovim. Uses native packages, supports Luarocks dependencies, written in Lua, allows for expressive config
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Lazy load on something like `exclude_ft` #1131

Closed cuducos closed 1 year ago

cuducos commented 1 year ago

Describe the feature

I love the ft config, as in use {'FooBar/Baz', ft = 'bax'} but sometimes I want a certain plugin to be available in every ft but one or two.

Use case

My use case is that a lot of treesitter + virualtext plugins do not make sense in languages that differ considerably in syntax from others, for example:

Plugins that makes sense here Might not make sense here
C-style like Rust or Go ML-style like Haskell or Elm
Blocks defined w/ open & close char/keywords, like JS or Ruby Indented-based blocks like Python

I would like to do, for example use {'FooBar/Baz', exclude_ft = 'bax'} and have this plugin working in every ft but bax.

Concrete example

haringsrob/nvim_context_vt makes a lot of sense for almost all languages I use in my routine, but Python. In Python, it just pollutes the buffer. This plugin in particular has an exclusion list by ft and my idea came from there: why not bring this option to all Packer-managed plugins?

Possible implementation

I see that ft becomes fts and then we create auto commands from them:


We could do an extra check on that for loop to skip ft in exlude_fts, e.g.:

local function skip(ft)
    for _, val in ipairs(fts) do
        if val == ft then
            return true
    return false

for ft, names in pairs(fts) do
    if not skip(ft) then
            -- etc ...

If that makes sense I am happy to open a PR, but as I have little experience with Lua I might need an bit of support and a few rounds of code reviews to make the PR production ready : )

lewis6991 commented 1 year ago

In v2 this should be achievable via custom loaders (see #1162).

max397574 commented 1 year ago

I think this would already possible with autocmd on BufEnter inside setup and if not vim.tbl_contains({"filetype2","filetype1"},vim.bo[args.buf]) load....

cuducos commented 1 year ago

100% agree, @lewis6991! Once #1162 is merged, I think we can close this issue. Thank you so much.

cuducos commented 1 year ago

Closed by #1162