wbthomason / packer.nvim

A use-package inspired plugin manager for Neovim. Uses native packages, supports Luarocks dependencies, written in Lua, allows for expressive config
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Can't work with nvim tree with latest version #285

Open glepnir opened 3 years ago

glepnir commented 3 years ago

@akinsho Hey there. update the all things just now. nvim tree can't work when first open. the buffer is empty of nvimtree. seems like the plugin/tree.vim not load ?

ui['kyazdani42/nvim-tree.lua'] = {
  cmd = {'NvimTreeToggle','NvimTreeOpen'},
  config = conf.nvim_tree,
  requires = 'kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons'

nvim tree need this augroup. when lazyload the nvim-tree. it not load when press command before

augroup NvimTree
  if get(g:, 'nvim_tree_hijack_netrw', 1) == 1 && get(g:, 'nvim_tree_disable_netrw', 1) == 0
    silent! autocmd! FileExplorer *
  au BufWritePost * lua require'nvim-tree'.refresh()
  if get(g:, 'nvim_tree_lsp_diagnostics', 0) == 1
    au BufWritePost * lua require'nvim-tree.diagnostics'.update()
  au BufEnter * lua require'nvim-tree'.buf_enter()
  if get(g:, 'nvim_tree_auto_close') == 1
    au WinClosed * lua require'nvim-tree'.on_leave()
  au ColorScheme * lua require'nvim-tree'.reset_highlight()
  au User FugitiveChanged lua require'nvim-tree'.refresh()
  if get(g:, 'nvim_tree_tab_open') == 1
    au TabEnter * lua require'nvim-tree'.tab_change()
augroup end
akinsho commented 3 years ago

Hmm 🤔 @glepnir I have a very similar config i.e

    use "kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons"

    use {
      cmd = "NvimTreeOpen",
      keys = "<c-n>",
      config = conf("nvim-tree"),
      requires = "nvim-web-devicons"

And that loads on demand. Regarding the plugin file, in this case packer I think doesn't have to do any special loading of the plugin file vim handles this automatically when packadd-ing the file. Have you tried it with a minimal init.lua to see if there's anything else getting in the way?

glepnir commented 3 years ago

It works before. yup if we add the plugin to data path or rtp .vim will load plugin/*.vim. but infact when i first press command I got empty buffer..

wbthomason commented 3 years ago

@glepnir Any chance you know what commit of nvim-tree was last working for you? @akinsho is correct; packadd should source everything in a plugin's plugin/ directory.

If you run :verbose autocmd NvimTree after trying to load the plugin, what output do you get?

glepnir commented 3 years ago

it will show like this. because the nvim-tree need a bufenter event in it's autogroup. so when i first to load nvim tree this group not load.

::verbose autocmd NvimTree
--- Autocommands ---
NvimTree  BufEnter
    *         lua require'nvim-tree'.buf_enter()
        Last set from ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/opt/nvim-tree.lua/plugin/tree.vim
line 19
NvimTree  BufWritePost
    *         lua require'nvim-tree'.refresh()
        Last set from ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/opt/nvim-tree.lua/plugin/tree.vim
line 15
NvimTree  ColorScheme
    *         lua require'nvim-tree'.reset_highlight()
        Last set from ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/opt/nvim-tree.lua/plugin/tree.vim
line 23
NvimTree  User
              lua require'nvim-tree'.refresh()
        Last set from ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/opt/nvim-tree.lua/plugin/tree.vim
line 24
glepnir commented 3 years ago


wbthomason commented 3 years ago

Right - the confusing fact here is that the BufEnter autocommand should be in place before the buffer gets opened. We load the plugin by, in order:

  1. Deleting any lazy-loaders (fake commands, etc.)
  2. Running packadd the-plugin
  3. Running the plugin's config, if any
  4. Handling sequence loading, if any
  5. If the plugin was loaded via a fake command, calling the real thing to make the desired behavior happen

So creating the autocommand should happen in step (2) before being required in step (5). @glepnir, do you know what was the last working commit for you?

akinsho commented 3 years ago

As an FYI I believe this is an issue that should be discussed at nvim-tree rather than here as there has been a refactor to how it works that means the plugin behaves differently than you'd expect. It is discussed over in the issue below. The TLDR is that a user now has to add an extra call for it to work via lazy loading. I don't think this is due to some bug in packer rather a design decision in nvim-tree
