Closed fedoranvar closed 3 years ago
Hi! This is due to how native packages work in Neovim - start
packages are sourced by default, and unfortunately cannot (easily) be skipped. However, packer
already has a feature that sounds perfect for your use case - use the cond
keyword to specify that each of your extra plugins should only load if vim.g.is_extra
is true. That would look something like:
use {
cond = 'vim.g.is_extra'
Yes, that did what i need, but i've encountered another thing:
i've templated each module like:
/module_name/[init.lua, config.lua, keymaps.lua]
and in init.lua i require config.lua and keymaps.lua and in requiring i'm using ...
config = function()
require(... .. ".config")
require(... .. ".keymaps")
cond = "vim.g.is_extra",
How i can pass variable from outer scope to config function?
Thank you!
Sorry, but I'm not sure I understand what you're after here - you want to replace the ...
with some module name, but automatically?
in short, yes
using ...
allows me to template plugins configuration.
So if i'm adding new plugin to my neovim config i've to cp -r
template folder and edit init.lua
for example, we have structure:
if i'll require('vim-dadbod')
then print(...)
in init.lua
will print 'vim-dadbod'
so ...
returns path by which file was required.
returning to previous post,
require(... .. ".config")
require(... .. ".keymaps")
works great by itself, so at the end its
, but when i put it into config
function of use
, it returns:
is it possible to get that functionality in config
function of use
Thank you!
I've come up with solution:
config = ""
.. "require(\"" .. ... .. ".config\")"
.. "require(\"" .. ... .. ".keymaps\")"
but i have question:
by reading docs i assumed that cond
and config
are dedicated to one plugin, so i can't relate one config
and cond
to multiple plugins at once? e.g.
run = "make",
requires = {
config = ""
.. "require(" .. ... .. "\".config\")"
.. "require(" .. ... .. "\".keymaps\")"
So my only option is to apply config
and cond
to each plugin-entry?
Sorry, I'm still quite confused about how this works in terms of basic Lua. You're saying that evaluating ...
(which I only know as the vararg expression) in a non-function context gets you the directory path name, somehow? Would you mind linking me to docs for this?
As for reusing cond
and config
values, I should be merging #647 soon which will allow this.
not docs, but i used this link:
Good day to you!
I have constraint in neovim config,that gives me abillity to choose between minimal and full configs.
I have all plugins installed (cloned) in packer directory.
When i try to load minimal config, even if i do not
some plugins - they still autoloaded (VimL).Question: is it possible to not autoload not
'd plugins? (Maybe some argument inuse {}
?Thank you!