…d/or named color styles for arguments and accepts multiple color arguments. Displays the RGB string above markers and labels the vision type on the Y axis. X axis shows either the named color style or the RGB string. Returns the individual RGB color strings in local macros original (the value specified by the user), achromatopsic, protanopic, deuteranopic, and tritanopic with a number appended that indicates the index value of the argument.
This pull request closes issue #26 (allow brewcbsim to accept multiple color arguments).
…d/or named color styles for arguments and accepts multiple color arguments. Displays the RGB string above markers and labels the vision type on the Y axis. X axis shows either the named color style or the RGB string. Returns the individual RGB color strings in local macros original (the value specified by the user), achromatopsic, protanopic, deuteranopic, and tritanopic with a number appended that indicates the index value of the argument.
This pull request closes issue #26 (allow brewcbsim to accept multiple color arguments).