wbuchanan / brewscheme

Stata package for creating user-defined scheme files using research-based color palettes
27 stars 9 forks source link

Subdirectories not found/created #36

Closed wbuchanan closed 8 years ago

wbuchanan commented 8 years ago

@tiemann confirmed fix for filesys but still had issues with other packages executing correctly. See comment here: https://github.com/wbuchanan/brewscheme/issues/21#issuecomment-173272921.

wbuchanan commented 8 years ago

The source on the distribution page was outdated and not being merged with the changes that were being pushed into dev. There are possibly a few unresolved merge conflicts related to the Java binaries, but all merge conflicts in the Stata code have been resolved:

. net inst brewscheme, from("http://wbuchanan.github.io/brewscheme/")
checking brewscheme consistency and verifying not already installed...
installing into c:\ado\plus\...
installation complete.

. brewcolordb, ref
This program needs to clear all data currently in memory. If this is ok hit enter, otherwise enter the letter 'n' and hit enter to exit the program 
> without clearing data from memory.. 
(142 real changes made)

. brewscheme, scheme(punk1) allst(purples)
The directory c:\ado\personal/b was successfully created.

For bugs/issues, please submit issues to: 
For additional information about the program visit: 
wbuchanan commented 8 years ago

And in case you were wondering what the graphs with this scheme look like:

sysuse auto.dta, clear
tw scatter price weight if foreign == 0 || scatter price weight if foreign == 1, scheme(punk1)


tiemann commented 8 years ago

Confirming your fix. Terrific support - everything works well now (on Win10).

wbuchanan commented 8 years ago

@tiemann glad to hear that. Debugging for Windoze tends to be the thing I forget about the most. Thankfully I get reminders when users discover those issues and then I remember to check things a bit more thoroughly.