wbuchanan / kentuckyStateReportCards

Stata project to clean, organize, and optimize the storage of KDE released data sets from the Kentucky School Report Cards website
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Defining value labels #8

Closed wbuchanan closed 7 years ago

wbuchanan commented 7 years ago

@rowen0718 :

Also some issues with the way you were trying to define some of the newer value labels:

       // Define EQ_LABEL
       la def eqlabel 1`"Exemplary/Accomplished"'                            ///
                      2`"High/Expected"'                                     ///
                      3`"School-Level"'                                      ///
                      4`"Strongly Agree/Agree"', modify

       // Define PROGRAM_TYPE
       la def progtype 1`"English Language Learners (ELL)"'                  ///
                     2`"Migrant"'                                            ///
                     3`"Special Education"'                                  ///
                     4`"Gifted and Talented"', modify

       // Define RPT_HEADER
       la def rpthdr 1`"Behavior Events"'                                    ///
                     2`"Behavior Events by Context"'                         ///
                     3`"Behavior Events by Grade Level"'                     ///
                     4`"Behavior Events by Location"'                        ///
                     5`"Behavior Events by Socio-Economic Status"'           ///
                     6`"Discipline Resolutions"'                             ///
                     7`"Discipline-Resolutions"'                             ///
                     8`"Legal Sanctions"', modify

       // Define TEACHING_METHOD
       la def method 1`"Credit Recovery - Digital Learning Povider"'         ///
                     2`"Credit Recovery - Direct Instruction"'               ///
                     3`"Digital Learning Provider"'                          ///
                     4`"Direct Instruction"'                                 ///
                     5`"District Provided Self Study"'                       ///
                     6`"Dual Credit - College Offered"'                      ///
                     7`"Dual Credit - District Offered"'                     ///
                     8`"NAF Academy Course"'                                 ///
                     9`"NAF Academy Dual Credit - District Offered"'         ///
                     10`"Third Pary Contract"'                               ///
                     11`"Transitional Course - KDE Curriculum"', modify

       // Define FINANCE_TYPE
       la def fintype 1`"FINANCIAL SUMMARY"'                                 ///
                      2`"SALARIES"'                                          ///
                      3`"SEEK"'                                              ///
                      4`"TAX"', modify

       // Define CAREER_PATHWAY_DESC
       la def path 1`"ADMINISTRATION SUPPORT"'                               ///
                   2`"AGRIBIOTECHNOLOGY"'                                    ///
                   3`"ANIMAL SYSTEMS"'                                       ///
                   4`"BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY"'                                  ///
                   5`"COMPUTER PROGRAMMING"'                                 ///
                   6`"CONSUMER AND FAMILY MANAGEMENT"'                       ///
                   7`"FINANCE"'                                              ///
                   8`"HORTICULTURE AND PLANT SERVICES"'                      ///
                   9`"INFORMATION SUPPORT AND SERVICES"'                     ///
                   10`"TECHNOLOGY"', modify
wbuchanan commented 7 years ago

@rowen0718 :

There needs to be white space between the numeric value and the string delimiter to be processed correctly:

       // Define EQ_LABEL
       la def eqlabel 1 `"Exemplary/Accomplished"'                           ///
                      2 `"High/Expected"'                                    ///
                      3 `"School-Level"'                                     ///
                      4 `"Strongly Agree/Agree"', modify

       // Define PROGRAM_TYPE
       la def progtype 1 `"English Language Learners (ELL)"'                 ///
                     2 `"Migrant"'                                           ///
                     3 `"Special Education"'                                 ///
                     4 `"Gifted and Talented"', modify

       // Define RPT_HEADER
       la def rpthdr 1 `"Behavior Events"'                                   ///
                     2 `"Behavior Events by Context"'                        ///
                     3 `"Behavior Events by Grade Level"'                    ///
                     4 `"Behavior Events by Location"'                       ///
                     5 `"Behavior Events by Socio-Economic Status"'          ///
                     6 `"Discipline Resolutions"'                            ///
                     7 `"Discipline-Resolutions"'                            ///
                     8 `"Legal Sanctions"', modify

       // Define TEACHING_METHOD
       la def pedagogy 1 `"Credit Recovery - Digital Learning Povider"'      ///
                     2 `"Credit Recovery - Direct Instruction"'              ///
                     3 `"Digital Learning Provider"'                         ///
                     4 `"Direct Instruction"'                                ///
                     5 `"District Provided Self Study"'                      ///
                     6 `"Dual Credit - College Offered"'                     ///
                     7 `"Dual Credit - District Offered"'                    ///
                     8 `"NAF Academy Course"'                                ///
                     9 `"NAF Academy Dual Credit - District Offered"'        ///
                     10 `"Third Pary Contract"'                              ///
                     11 `"Transitional Course - KDE Curriculum"', modify

       // Define FINANCE_TYPE
       la def fintype 1 `"FINANCIAL SUMMARY"'                                ///
                      2 `"SALARIES"'                                         ///
                      3 `"SEEK"'                                             ///
                      4 `"TAX"', modify

       // Define CAREER_PATHWAY_DESC
       la def path 1 `"ADMINISTRATION SUPPORT"'                              ///
                   2 `"AGRIBIOTECHNOLOGY"'                                   ///
                   3 `"ANIMAL SYSTEMS"'                                      ///
                   4 `"BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY"'                                 ///
                   5 `"COMPUTER PROGRAMMING"'                                ///
                   6 `"CONSUMER AND FAMILY MANAGEMENT"'                      ///
                   7 `"FINANCE"'                                             ///
                   8 `"HORTICULTURE AND PLANT SERVICES"'                     ///
                   9 `"INFORMATION SUPPORT AND SERVICES"'                    ///
                   10 `"TECHNOLOGY"', modify