wbuchwalter / tslint-loader

tslint loader for webpack
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Using old TSLint version #103

Open sethen opened 6 years ago

sethen commented 6 years ago

This is throwing errors for me like:

Warning: The 'await-promise' rule requires type checking
Warning: The 'no-floating-promises' rule requires type checking
Warning: The 'no-for-in-array' rule requires type checking
Warning: The 'no-unbound-method' rule requires type checking
Warning: The 'restrict-plus-operands' rule requires type checking
Warning: The 'strict-boolean-expressions' rule requires type checking
Warning: The 'no-boolean-literal-compare' rule requires type checking

When using this in conjunction with webpack. Upon looking at the dependency, it looks like that it's tslint 4.4.2 which is behind the current implementation. Using the same config file for my project tslint 5.10.0 does works fine.

Probably should upgrade the version on tslint to be in line with the latest.