wcandillon / react-native-expo-image-cache

React Native Image Cache and Progressive Loading based on Expo
MIT License
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Should we recommend people to use react-native-fast-image instead? #167

Open wcandillon opened 3 years ago

wcandillon commented 3 years ago

I hear good things about react-native-fast-image should people use this package instead of this one?

PedroAugustoRamalhoDuarte commented 3 years ago

react native fast image is great but does not work right away with expo managed workflow. More information: https://expo.canny.io/feature-requests/p/react-native-fast-image

balkan commented 2 years ago

I find this lib useful, and this lib has an advantage over that i.e out of the box thumbnail support Sure you can implement the same thing with react-native-fast-image via showing 2 different components one on top of each other and listen the events from the main one but nevertheless it is so easy doing it with this lib.

mdivani commented 2 years ago

react native fast image is great but does not work right away with expo managed workflow. More information: https://expo.canny.io/feature-requests/p/react-native-fast-image

with latest expo sdk version (42) they have added fast-image support.

RainBoltz commented 2 years ago

react native fast image is great but does not work right away with expo managed workflow. More information: https://expo.canny.io/feature-requests/p/react-native-fast-image

with latest expo sdk version (42) they have added fast-image support.

that's the usage with custom development clients so you are not able to use it on Expo Go

Aryk commented 2 years ago

Also...they will not maintain expo-branch with EAS build and no one has made a config plugin for it yet (it's outside of my abilities currently and don't have anyone to lean on for help)....so switching to EAS is a non-starter until my project progresses and I get more DEV resource. However, I really need image caching 😄

It's great to have this library to help us have a suitable replacement for fast-image. Personally...I'd love to either:

a) See fast-image in expo since it's so popular OR b) Make EAS builds easier to get on. The documentation is not entirely clear, and my understanding is that you can't use the Expo Go app anymore. It almost feels like ejecting...