wcandillon / react-native-redash

The React Native Reanimated and Gesture Handler Toolbelt
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handle different length on mixpath #482

Open tony-schumacher opened 2 years ago

tony-schumacher commented 2 years ago

Mixpath was crashing when the length of the curve arrays were different. This PR fixes it by using mixing the previous Path with the new one.

wcandillon commented 2 years ago

Should we return an error in such a scenario? And maybe recommend a library such as https://github.com/notoriousb1t/polymorph to prepare the paths? Let me know your thoughts on this.

tony-schumacher commented 2 years ago

Hey @wcandillon,

I will check this out. An error makes sense if having the same data length is a requirement. If not a I would expect the method to handle it.

Another solution would be something likes this which results in a better animation:

    const p1a = {
      curves: p2.curves.map((_curve) => {
        const c = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(_curve));

        c.c1.x = 0;
        c.c2.x = 0;
        c.to.x = 0;

        c.c1.y = maxY;
        c.c2.y = maxY;
        c.to.y = maxY;

        return c;

    return interpolatePath(value, [0, 1], [p1a, p2]);
ksinghj commented 2 years ago

If having the same path length is a requirement we could at least note this in the documentation? Failing that, I would +1 this change!

tony-schumacher commented 2 years ago

I forked the library and used the change already. Works for me, even though the animation looks better if the length is the same. Might handle this with a functions which reduces all arrays to the same length.

BernardoQuina commented 2 years ago

I forked the library and used the change already. Works for me, even though the animation looks better if the length is the same. Might handle this with a functions which reduces all arrays to the same length.

I tried to install your fork but yarn/npm are not actually building the lib/modules, only installing the typescript src. Is there a way I could use your fork? I can't figure it out. Thanks!

wcandillon commented 2 years ago

@TonySchu I'm confused on what this change does exactly, can you walk me through me? Maybe provide me with two paths to interpolate as a test? you can add interpolate path test cases too.