wcandillon / react-native-webgpu

React Native implementation of WebGPU using Dawn
MIT License
353 stars 14 forks source link

No suitable URL request handler found for image file error when trying to run example #82

Open wonkyDD opened 3 weeks ago

wonkyDD commented 3 weeks ago



git clone
git submodule update --init
cd package && yarn
yarn build-dawn
cd example
cd ios && pod install
cd ..
yarn ios

Error logs

No suitable URL request handler found for file:///private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/1058420F-D467-4C7C-B9CC-6F9F079C43F8/WgpuExample.app/assets/src/assets/Di-3d.png

-[RCTNetworking networkTaskWithRequest:completionBlock:]
-[RCTNetworking sendRequest:responseType:incrementalUpdates:responseSender:]
__38-[RCTNetworking sendRequest:callback:]_block_invoke_2
__46-[RCTNetworking buildRequest:completionBlock:]_block_invoke_2



wcandillon commented 3 weeks ago

@wonkyDD thank you for this report. I also get an an error following this steps (a different one however). But building the app seems to work via the WgpuExample.xcworkspace I always open the WgpuExample.xcworkspace file and build it from there.

We are looking to switch to expo dev clients for the example(s) app and I think that will solve this issue.

Thank you for taking an early look at React Native WebGPU :)

wonkyDD commented 3 weeks ago

@wcandillon Thanks for response!

After struggling, i have found it works well with iOS simulator instead of the actual device usb connected, including the method you mentioned building from xcworkspace.

However, on the actual device, it doesn't work the same way as it does on the simulator, even when following the method you mentioned 🤔

wcandillon commented 3 weeks ago

Which issue are you experiencing on an actual device?

wonkyDD commented 3 weeks ago

here it is!