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17351 - Build a LEMP stack (Linux, NGINX, MySQL, PHP) - Debian #73

Open wcdean opened 9 years ago

wcdean commented 9 years ago

Testing and editing for 17351 - Build a LEMP stack (Linux, NGINX, MySQL, PHP) - Debian

wcdean commented 9 years ago

https://docs.google.com/document/d/12erb8gYAqYa9nPxJsb1iFmmCe48pdkEfc8hR3WoETOE/edit# many edits that are needed before this can go to production

wcdean commented 9 years ago

--No reason to run 'sudo apt-get update' twice in the same guide. literally does nothing the 2nd time you do it unless you're adding a custom repo, which this guide is not. -- This document is straight up broken. Fail Turk Testing.

wcdean commented 8 years ago

I've fixed the majority of the formatting issues that led to turk fail. I need to do another front-to-back on this before i can pass it. might be a config file issue. consult source docs. holding till tomorrow.

wcdean commented 8 years ago

Still failing turk, no idea why. Revisiting tomorrow.

wcdean commented 8 years ago

Problem was related to the editing of the www.conf. After several tests, confirmed that no changes are actually needed to the www.conf is this is installed as the guide lays out. Corrected, this is now passing turk.